Youtube disable html player

кто знает.. Как выключить HTML5 на YouTube, и поставить Flash Player

кто это уже сам делал убрать этот плеер и включить старый ..Адобе Флеш.. он есть у меня в программах .На Ютубе всё пересмотрел там только для мазилы.. хрома а для этого браузера OPERA не нашел. а то всё что по подписке приходит невозможно просмотреть пишет так. В настоящее время ваш браузер не распознает ни один из доступных видеоформатов.
Нажмите здесь, чтобы посмотреть ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы о видео HTML5.

кстати посылают на страницу там где этот плеер но там нет кнопки отмены его. Что делать и как если можно подробно? спасибо!

если по подписке видео приходит невозможно смотреть видео на ютубе черный экран -а если что и смотришь из старого то тормозит и звук рывками идёт

Для Оперы есть расширение отключающее HTML5 — Disable Youtube™ HTML5 Player
гугл перевод — Описание
Отключить YouTube HTML5 плеер
Force Вспышка на YouTube (не html5)
расширение YouTube™ use Flash Player
гугл перевод
YouTube использовать Flash Player расширения силы YouTube предпочитают Flash-проигрыватель на HTML5 плеера по умолчанию. Flash Player, как правило, работает лучше на низких конечных устройств.
Не то, чтобы это расширение только запрашивает Flash-плеер на веб-сайте YouTube, чтобы быть как можно более. Это означает, что встроенные игроки на другие веб-сайты по-прежнему могут использовать HTML5 плеера по умолчанию. Для того, чтобы смотреть их в Flash, просто нажмите на видео, чтобы позволить ей открыть в новой вкладке.
Для расширения функционировать, необходимо обновить вкладки YouTube

Flash Player for YouTube™ —
гугл перевод — Flash Player для YouTube ™ изменяет по умолчанию плеер на YouTube на Flash.
Ключевая особенность:
1. Чрезвычайно легкий без существенной памяти и процессора.
2. Позволяет сделать Flash Player по умолчанию плеер для YouTube.
3. Flash Player потребляет меньше ресурсов (CPU и RAM), поэтому он очень подходит, если у вас есть медленная машина.
4. Flash Player предлагает более широкий выбор разрешения по сравнению с HTML5 Player.
Примечание: для того, чтобы сообщить об ошибке, пожалуйста, посетите Аддон Домашняя страница ( и заполнить форму отчета об ошибке.
К сожалению в Опере нет расширения —
Youtube™ Flash-HTML5 Play YouTube Videos in Flash or HTML5 Player

YouTube Flash Video Player называется. Вот его страница . Там можно нажатием одной кнопки менять флэш и хтмл5, если надо.

спасибо за ответ! только там всё по англицки ничего не понятно—а можно разьяснить последовательность и куда конкретно жать? поэтапно.

Алексей Полубоярцев Искусственный Интеллект (173330) там же есть кнопка Install. Жми на неё для начала


Disable YouTube HTML5 player in Chrome

Question: A few weeks ago, YouTube started showing half of their videos in HTML5 player for me. I’m running Chrome on my Mac and all of a sudden videos started playing in the HTML5 player instead of the Flash player.

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Disable YouTube HTML5 player in Chrome

I’m running Chrome on my Mac and all of a sudden videos started playing in the HTML5 player instead of the Flash player.

I am not in the HTML5 trial, the button says Join instead of Leave and I have tried joining and leaving to try and toggle something but that hasn’t worked. I have even tried adding &html5=false to the end of the URL and not even that has seemed to work.

Has anyone any idea how to switch it back to Flash Player?

You can use the YouTube Options extension for Chrome:

Update (2014-04-12): the YouTube Options extension for Chrome now costs $2 :

«YouTube Options» cost $2.00 per month, below is a copy of the user agreement one has to confirm prior to using it.

This extension is based on a paid subscription model. It costs a flat fee of $1.99 per month, with half of all proceeds going to non-profit organizations. Why the monthly fee? YTO is a fully supported, ever-evolving product and half of the subscription fee goes toward sustaining the level of effort needed to develop quality software. But we’re not just trying to make our product better — we’re trying to make the world better, too. The other half of the subscription fee is donated to causes we believe in. Visit the SPOI site to learn about the charities we are supporting this year. For more information on the ways you can customize your YouTube experience, explore the options here, or get the full list of more than 120 configuration options on the YouTube Options site. Until you purchase a subscription license using PayPal, YouTube Option’s functionality will be disabled.

Which means I won’t use it anymore.

I found a solution here:!topic/

Here’s how I disabled HTML5 video in Chrome on Windows: Find the file called ffmpegsumo.dll where Chrome is installed (C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\30.xxxxx\ for me)

Worked for me as well, but after a while the html5 player returned. Maybe we will have to remove this file each time Chrome is updated.

I had this problem but like you lot all the fixes on the web either are payed for or ffmpegsumo.dll always comes back after a period. I have now fixed mine permanently and here is how I did it.

This is for a Windows based Computer

  1. Find the ffmepegsumo.dll you should all know where it is located.
  2. Right click on it and Choose properties then Choose the Security tab
  3. Click the first user account usually SYSTEM then Click on the edit button. In new window put a tick in all boxes under the heading DENY Click apply Click OK
  4. Do the same thing for all the other users of the computer
  5. Delete the ffmpegsumo.dll

Reboot the computer and thats it ffmpegsumo.dll will never come back because the computer will now not allow it

Here is an extension that forces Flash on YouTube (tested on 02/05/2015).

Also, to remove the annoying fullscreen message type in the address bar: chrome://plugins/ , find: «Adobe Flash Player» and check the box next to Always allowed .

HTML : How to disable seeking with HTML5 video tag, HTML : How to disable seeking with HTML5 video tag ? [ Gift : Animated Search Engine : ] HTML : How to disable seeking with HTML5

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Disable HTML5 on YouTube (Chrome)

14.02.2015· How to disable HTML5 player on YouTube (Chrome) videos 100% workingAfter instruction restart your browser to changes take effect.Link: …


HOW TO DISABLE YOUTUBE HTML5 VIDEO PLAYER ON FIREFOXThe first time you open the Firefox browser and access the youtube site turned out to see …

How To Disable The HTML5 Video Player In Your Web

Update note: Delete the file as I say, or rename it to disable it.Update note 2: Some videos will complain that there is no video to see. in HTML5 format.

Is there a way to disable YouTube HTML5 video player in Chrome?

A few weeks ago, YouTube started showing half of their videos in HTML5 player for me. Is there a way to force it back to using Flash player only (in Chrome)?

(I’m opted out of HTML5 trial at

First join the trial, and then leave it. Leaving the trial is the only way to force YouTube to remember you want the videos played in Flash, but of course to do that you have to join the trial first. It fixed the issue for me.

As described here if you use the Chrome browser, install YouTube Options and specify the codec as Flash.

By default YouTube options will also change a bunch other aspects of the YouTube interface (e.g., hiding comments, video descriptions, ads, etc.). You may like this, but you may also want to modify some of this plugin behaviour if for example, you like video descriptions.

Try deleting your Flash cookies.

I had the same issue, in fact I just came here because I was googling for a solution. I noticed that videos that would play in HTML5 on Chrome would play in Flash in Firefox even if I was signed in to Youtube on both browsers so I figured that it was a cookie thing. Deleting my regular Youtube cookies didn’t do anything but I just cleared my Flash cookies and videos that were HTML5 are now Flash again.

After leaving the trial and clearing the cache and cookies, you must also go to Chrome’s Extensions page (chrome://extensions) and disable the extension «HTML5 Video for YouTube» (and possibly «YouTube Options» for good measure)

How to disable seeking with HTML5 video tag, How to disable seeking with HTML5 video tag — HTML [ Glasses to protect eyes while coding : ] How to disable seeking with HTML5 vid

Disable play/pause/full screen for HTML5 on click for YouTube

Is there a way for us to disable the «play/pause/full screen on click» functionality for a HTML5 video through javascript and later put it back when we need it again?

I don’t know if you can disable them but you can remove them using css.

video::-webkit-media-controls-fullscreen-button, video::-webkit-media-controls-play-button, video::-webkit-media-controls-pausebutton

I’m not sure why doesn’t honor event.preventDefault();

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The way I go around this is pretty hacky. I just override the click and dblclick events of the parent div to solve my problem since I only want to prevent pause/play/full screen.

The below line can solve the purpose.


How to disable HTML5 in chrome (Outdated), Please support by watch my others videos and subscribe This is new video (How to disable HTML5 in chrome)LINK:

How does youtube prevent video from being downloaded from their HTML5 player?

I’m writing a video player in HTML5. I tried to see what Youtube was doing to prevent somebody from just grabbing the source ( ie: the .src URL) and then downloading the video file, but it does not seem to be visible.

  • So how do they do it?
  • Have people found a way around it?
  • Is it some complicated DRM implementation?

The videos posted on YouTube are first encrypted with 128- bit SSL encryption, which is very tough to crack. Also, for longer clips the software breaks up each file into many URLs with unique addresses, which makes it impossible to download the video in one go.This also helps the software to better detect when the video is being downloaded and the identity of the person downloading the video since each URL is uniquely generated.

Also to get to know more about how to break the video into parts check for adaptive streaming formats such as HLS and DASH . Also recommend you to check for HLS Streaming with the file extension of .m3u8 .

Also there are companies has services that known as Video on Demand(VoD) that would help you.

If you need a player for your videos I recommend VideoJs which is open source and in my opinion very powerful.

First and foremost Youtube videos are downloadable There are browser extensions, 3rd party websites and more for downloading from youtube. In fact, any video that can be played on a browser via Internet is downloadable.

However, embedding a video directly using a HTML5 video tag is super easy to download.

Take the e example code from w3schools


You can just Right click >Save as the video to download it.

There are other aspects too, which makes this approach of directly embedding video unusable in a service like Youtube . Features like video track selection , used for allowing multiple resolution, streaming the video rather than downloading the whole video before even playing, live streaming are just not possible with this direct approach.

Buffer approach Using this approach, the video element just points to a buffer , where data is pushed dynamically using Javascript . Using this approach allows the features mentioned above which are not possible with the direct approach.

Check out this article on medium to understand about building your own media streaming HTML5 player.

If you use this approach, then users of your website can not Right click> Save on your video to download it. They can, however use a browser plugin to do so.

HOW to GET RID OF HTML5 / how to disable html5 FOR, ffmpegsumo.dll this is the file FOR GOOGLE CHROME ONLY!


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