Yii php mysql docker

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Official Docker images suitable for Yii 2.0



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This is the repo of the official Yii 2.0 Framework image on DockerHub for PHP.

These Docker images are built on top of the official PHP Docker image, they contain additional PHP extensions required to run Yii 2.0 framework, but no code of the framework itself. The Dockerfile (s) of this repository are designed to build from different PHP-versions by using build arguments.

Available versions for yiisoftware/yii2-php

The following images are built on a weekly basis for arm64 and amd64. For regular commits on master we only build images for amd64 suffixed with -latest / -latest-min .

8.2-apache-min, 8.2-fpm-min, 8.2-fpm-nginx-min 8.1-apache-min, 8.1-fpm-min, 8.1-fpm-nginx-min 8.0-apache-min, 8.0-fpm-min, 8.0-fpm-nginx-min 
8.2-apache, 8.2-fpm, 8.2-fpm-nginx 8.1-apache, 8.1-fpm, 8.1-fpm-nginx 8.0-apache, 8.0-fpm, 8.0-fpm-nginx 

Deprecated or EOL versions

Adjust the versions in .env if you want to build a specific version.

Note: Please make sure to use a matching combination of DOCKERFILE_FLAVOUR and PHP_BASE_IMAGE_VERSION

  • PHP_ENABLE_XDEBUG whether to load an enable Xdebug, defaults to 0 (false) not available in -min images
  • PHP_USER_ID (Debian only) user ID, when running commands as webserver ( www-data ), see also #15
docker-compose run --rm php php /tests/requirements.php 

To enable Xdebug, set PHP_ENABLE_XDEBUG=1 in .env file

Читайте также:  Css checkbox border color

Xdebug is configured to call ip xdebug.remote_host on 9005 port (not use standard port to avoid conflicts), so you have to configure your IDE to receive connections from that ip.

More information can be found in the docs folder.

  • We do not officially support Alpine images, due to numerous issues with PHP requirements and because framework tests are not passing.
  • Depending on the (Debian) base-image (usually PHP <7.4) you might need to set X_LEGACY_GD_LIB=1
  • test


Official Docker images suitable for Yii 2.0


Installation ¶

The minimum requirement by this project template is that your Web server supports PHP 5.6.0.

Installing using Composer ¶

If you do not have Composer, follow the instructions in the Installing Yii section of the definitive guide to install it.

With Composer installed, you can then install the application using the following commands:

composer create-project --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-app-advanced yii-application 

The command installs the advanced application in a directory named yii-application . You can choose a different directory name if you want.

It uses asset-packagist for managing bower and npm package dependencies through Composer. Also you can use asset-plugin, as in earlier versions, but it works slowly.

Install from an Archive File ¶

Extract the archive file downloaded from yiiframework.com to a directory named advanced that is directly under the Web root.

Then follow the instructions given in the next subsection.

Preparing application ¶

After you install the application, you have to conduct the following steps to initialize the installed application. You only need to do these once for all.

    Open a console terminal, execute the init command and select dev as environment.

/path/to/php-bin/php /path/to/yii-application/init 
/path/to/php-bin/php /path/to/yii-application/init --env=Development --overwrite=All --delete=All 
  • for frontend /path/to/yii-application/frontend/web/ and using the URL http://frontend.test/
  • for backend /path/to/yii-application/backend/web/ and using the URL http://backend.test/

For Apache it could be the following:

  ServerName frontend.test DocumentRoot "/path/to/yii-application/frontend/web/"  # use mod_rewrite for pretty URL support RewriteEngine on # If a directory or a file exists, use the request directly RewriteCond % !-f RewriteCond % !-d # Otherwise forward the request to index.php RewriteRule . index.php # use index.php as index file DirectoryIndex index.php # . other settings. # Apache 2.4 Require all granted ## Apache 2.2 # Order allow,deny # Allow from all   ServerName backend.test DocumentRoot "/path/to/yii-application/backend/web/"  # use mod_rewrite for pretty URL support RewriteEngine on # If a directory or a file exists, use the request directly RewriteCond % !-f RewriteCond % !-d # Otherwise forward the request to index.php RewriteRule . index.php # use index.php as index file DirectoryIndex index.php # . other settings. # Apache 2.4 Require all granted ## Apache 2.2 # Order allow,deny # Allow from all   
 server < charset utf-8; client_max_body_size 128M; listen 80; ## listen for ipv4 #listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; ## listen for ipv6 server_name frontend.test; root /path/to/yii-application/frontend/web/; index index.php; access_log /path/to/yii-application/log/frontend-access.log; error_log /path/to/yii-application/log/frontend-error.log; location / < # Redirect everything that isn't a real file to index.php try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args; > # uncomment to avoid processing of calls to non-existing static files by Yii #location ~ \.(js|css|png|jpg|gif|swf|ico|pdf|mov|fla|zip|rar)$ # try_files $uri =404; #> #error_page 404 /404.html; # deny accessing php files for the /assets directory location ~ ^/assets/.*\.php$ < deny all; > location ~ \.php$ < include fastcgi_params; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; fastcgi_pass; #fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock; try_files $uri =404; > location ~* /\. < deny all; > > server < charset utf-8; client_max_body_size 128M; listen 80; ## listen for ipv4 #listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; ## listen for ipv6 server_name backend.test; root /path/to/yii-application/backend/web/; index index.php; access_log /path/to/yii-application/log/backend-access.log; error_log /path/to/yii-application/log/backend-error.log; location / < # Redirect everything that isn't a real file to index.php try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args; > # uncomment to avoid processing of calls to non-existing static files by Yii #location ~ \.(js|css|png|jpg|gif|swf|ico|pdf|mov|fla|zip|rar)$ # try_files $uri =404; #> #error_page 404 /404.html; # deny accessing php files for the /assets directory location ~ ^/assets/.*\.php$ < deny all; > location ~ \.php$ < include fastcgi_params; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; fastcgi_pass; #fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock; try_files $uri =404; > location ~* /\. < deny all; > > frontend.test backend.test 
Thank you for registration. Please check your inbox for verification email. 
  • delete soft line breaks ‘=’ and newlines to create a single line with the line below
  • change ‘=3D’ to ‘=’
  • On Mac / Linux, convert \r\n to \n — MIME CRLF line breaks are «real» and should be preserved.

Paste this URL into a browser tab to complete the User creation. You will be presented with the message: Your email has been confirmed!

Note: if you want to run advanced template on a single domain so / is frontend and /admin is backend, refer to Using advanced project template at shared hosting.

Installing using Vagrant ¶

This way is the easiest but long (~20 min).

This installation way doesn’t require pre-installed software (such as web-server, PHP, MySQL etc.) — just do next steps!

Manual for Linux/Unix users ¶

git clone https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-app-advanced.git cd yii2-app-advanced/vagrant/config cp vagrant-local.example.yml vagrant-local.yml 

That’s all. You just need to wait for completion! After that you can access project locally by URLs:

Manual for Windows users ¶

  1. Install VirtualBox
  2. Install Vagrant
  3. Reboot
  4. Create GitHub personal API token
  5. Prepare project:
    • download repo yii2-app-advanced
    • unzip it
    • go into directory yii2-app-advanced-master/vagrant/config
    • copy vagrant-local.example.yml to vagrant-local.yml
  6. Place your GitHub personal API token to vagrant-local.yml
  7. Open terminal ( cmd.exe ), change directory to project root and run command:

That’s all. You just need to wait for completion! After that you can access project locally by URLs:

Installing using Docker ¶

Install the application dependencies

docker-compose run --rm backend composer install 

Initialize the application by running the init command within a container

docker-compose run --rm backend php /app/init 

Adjust the components[‘db’] configuration in common/config/main-local.php accordingly.

 'dsn' => 'mysql:host=mysql;dbname=yii2advanced', 'username' => 'yii2advanced', 'password' => 'secret', 

Docker networking creates a DNS entry for the host mysql available from your backend and frontend containers.

If you want to use another database, such a Postgres, uncomment the corresponding section in docker-compose.yml and update your database connection.

 'dsn' => 'pgsql:host=pgsql;dbname=yii2advanced', 

For more information about Docker setup please visit the guide.

docker-compose run --rm backend yii migrate 

Access it in your browser by opening


Yii and Docker ¶

For development and deployments Yii applications can be run as Docker containers. A container is like a lightweight isolated virtual machine that maps its services to host’s ports, i.e. a webserver in a container on port 80 is available on port 8888 on your (local)host.

Containers can solve many issues such as having identical software versions at developer’s computer and the server, fast deployments or simulating multi-server architecture while developing.

You can read more about Docker containers on docker.com.

Requirements ¶

Visit the download page to get the Docker tooling.

Installation ¶

After installation, you should be able to run docker ps and see an output similar to


This means your Docker daemon is up and running.

Additionally, run docker-compose version , your output should look like this

docker-compose version 1.20.0, build unknown docker-py version: 3.1.3 CPython version: 3.6.4 OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.0g 2 Nov 2017 

With Compose you can configure manage all services required for your application, such as databases and caching.

Resources ¶

  • PHP-base images for Yii can be found at yii2-docker
  • Docker support for yii2-app-basic
  • Docker support for yii2-app-advanced is in development

Usage ¶

Basic commands for Docker are

to start all services in your stack, in the background

to view logs for all services, continuously

to stop all services in your stack, gracefully

to stop all services in your stack, immediately

to stop and remove all services, be aware of data loss when not using host-volumes

To run commands in a container

docker-compose run --rm php composer install 

runs composer installation in a new container

docker-compose exec php bash 

executes a bash in a running php service

Advanced topics ¶

Yii framework tests ¶

You can run the dockerized framework tests for Yii itself as described here.

Database administration tools ¶

When running MySQL as ( mysql ), you can add phpMyAdmin container to your stack like the following:

 phpmyadmin: image: phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin ports: - '8888:80' environment: - PMA_ARBITRARY=1 - PMA_HOST=mysql depends_on: - mysql 

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Edit it on github !


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