Www public html directory

Difference between WWW and PUBLIC_HTML

When it comes to web hosting and website building, you may have heard the terms «WWW» and «PUBLIC_HTML» before. First, PUBLIC_HTML is the root directory for your website, while WWW is a subdirectory. This means that anything placed in the PUBLIC_HTML directory will be publicly accessible, while anything in the WWW directory will not be. Second, the WWW directory is usually used for storing website files that are not meant to be directly accessed by users, such as images or other media files.

The PUBLIC_HTML directory is typically used for storing the main pages of your website that users will access. Finally, the permissions for each directory are usually different. The WWW directory is typically set to allow read and write access by the web server user, while the PUBLIC_HTML directory is usually set to allow read and write access by the owner only. This difference in permissions ensures that only authorized users can modify files in the PUBLIC_HTML directory, preventing anyone from maliciously altering your website’s files.

Read this article to find out more about WWW and Public Html and how they are different from each other.

What is WWW?

WWW stands for «World Wide Web,» and it is a network of related publications and resources that are connected through hyperlinks and URLs. As we know, the web will be a subset of the internet, and the word is frequently used to mean the internet altogether. It includes just those resources that can be accessed via HTTP, the protocol of the world wide web.

WWW is one of the most popular web servers; it is easy to set up and use, and it has a number of functions. One of the drawbacks is that they are not able to manage the heavy traffic and are slow.

World Wide Web contains all the files for HTML, CSS, and the other elements of your site. It is a place where you can store all the files that make up your site, compared to the documents folder on your computer. One can request access to the files in your html folder and type your site URL in the browser.

What is Public_HTML?

The folder «Public HTML» is where you keep the files for your website. This is where you will store all of the files that you want website visitors to be able to see. Images and documents that are not intended for visitors to see are kept in the WWW folder.

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Public_HTML is typically readable by anyone around the world, whereas WWW is not. This means that while everyone can access the files or folders in the PUBLIC HTML directory, only the server itself can access the files in the WWW directory. This is pivotal because it enables you to manage who has access to the files on your website.

Everything that is saved in the Public HTML subdirectory will show up when people type a domain name into their web browser. You must first log in to cPanel in order to access the public HTML of your domain; then, under the file section, select the option for file management. The Public HTML folder may be found under the root directory of the main domain. Addon domains and addon subdomains you create will be kept in the Public HTML folder.

Last but not least, it’s important to note that certain hosting companies offer different hosting plans for WWW and PUBLIC HTML. This implies that you can have two distinct websites with two distinct sets of files on two distinct disciplines (or subdomains). Still, this can be helpful if you want to keep your development and product environments distinct.

Public HTML servers have several benefits over the latter. They are capable of handling more traffic and being speedier. They might be more challenging to set up and operate, though.

Differences between WWW and PUBLIC_HTML

The following table highlights the major differences between WWW and PUBLIC_HTML −

The WWW stands for World Wide Web and it is a network of related publications and resources which are connected through hyperlinks and URLs.

The folder Public HTML is where you keep the files for your website. This is where you will store all of the files that you want website visitors to be able to see.

It can be accessed through browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox etc.,

It can be accessed through cPanel of your account

It is a Symbolic link type

Not a physical existence but it is a virtual one

It is a physical existence


Although they serve different purposes, the «www» and «public_html» directories are both helpful for hosting files. When you want to make your website publicly accessible, use the www directory; otherwise use the public_html directory. To save your files in the correct location, it’s crucial to comprehend the distinctions between these two directories. With a little knowledge and a few straightforward steps, you can ensure that your site functions properly and smoothly by making good use of both of these files.


What is public_html?

Public_html or public html is the folder that contains all website files that will be shown to a viewer who visits your website. It is located inside your website directories. What makes this different from the rest of the files? All the files in that directory may be publicly accessible, and usually yoursite.com opens the index file in that directory. Other directories (not within the public html) are not accessible through the HTTP scheme. The directory of www. is the shortcut link to the overall public_html directory. So typing in www. is a way of accessing public_html.

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Public_html permissions

Directory permissions, such as Linux permissions , are important to ensure security of your website and all connected files. While permissions may changes based on the configuration of your server, in most circumstances default permissions should be used and are as follows:

  • The public_html folder should have permissions of 750. In this case the owner can read, write, and execute, whereas others cannot read, write or execute.
  • Folders within the public_html folder should have 755 permissions. Owners can read, write, and execute, and others can read and execute.
  • Files within the public_html folder should have 644 permissions. Owners can read and write, others can only read.

WordPress setup folder

All WordPress root directory files, such as core files and code functionalities of installed themes and plugins, should be installed/unpacked into the the public html folder.

What to keep in public_html folder?

As public_html is the folder in which all the files for your main domain are located, keep all of the website files that are part of your main domain here. Whenever a user visits a website, every page viewed loads from the public_html directory, so the folder is where you would keep all website files you want to appear when a user looks up your main domain.

What to keep out of public_html folder?

You should keep the following out of the public html folder: some PHP files, logs, emails (in the case of an email server hosted in the same place), and any other files and scripts that are for service purposes and should not be visible as a part of website content, or be executable by non-admins.

For the security purposes, it’s also always important to make sure that the files and folders outside of public html are not public and that users cannot access them from the web.

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What is www and public_html directory in my folder?

The public_html directory is the folder to place in web-readable files. This means that public_html is the folder where you put all website files which you want to appear when someone types your main domain. Files placed below the public_html folder will not be visible on the web. The www folder is what is called a symlink. This points to the public_html folder and generally is used as a shorthand is cgi scripts for the path. Instead of using the path /home/yourusername/public_html you can use /home/yourusername/www. The www directory is simply a symbolic link to the public_html directory. So anything you place in either directory will be identical when viewed from the other directory on the server. One is usually set up as an alias for the other meaning that it doesn’t matter which of the two you use because they both point to the same folder.

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public_html folder

The public_html folder is the web root for your primary domain name. when someone types your domain name into their browser, whatever is in your public_html directory is what will be shown to them. We can explain this using an example: If you have a default filename like index.html or default.html inside your public_html folder, then when someone call your domain name it will display that page. If you don’t have any default file in your public_html directory, then a list of files in the public_html folder will be shown. You can create addon domains and sub domains in your account and if you have added an addon domain called myaddon.com then it will use the subfolder similar to /public_html/myaddon.com/or if you are added a sub domain called mysubdomain.com then it will use the subfolder similar to /public_html/mysubdomain.com/

In Shared hosting accounts, you will get only one cPanel account, which is why all addon domains are subfolders of the public_html folder. If you do not want the additional domains to be subfolders of the public_html, then go with the reseller, VPS or dedicated hosting is a better solution since you can put each domain in its own cPanel to keep it separate from other domains.

How to access the public_html folder?

You can access your public_html folder from your cPanel interface. Please follow the below given steps to know about how to access your public_html folder from your cPanel account.

1) Login to your cPanel account.

2) Navigate to Files >> File Manager.

www and publichtml

3) You can see the public_html folder on your File Manager page.

www and publichtml

public_html directory

The public_html folder should always have 0750 permissions. All folders inside the public_html folder should have 0755 permissions. All files inside the public_html folder should have 0644 permissions.

If you need any further help, please do reach our support department.


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