Writing new lines in python

How to Print a Newline in Python

Do you know how to print a newline in Python? Do you struggle with multiple print() statements whenever you want to start a new line in your Python script? In this article, we’ll explore how to overcome this pitfall.

Newline is a feature related to the Python print() function. Maybe you already understand why you should learn Python but you’re unsure about Python printing techniques. That’s okay; this article will help you out.

To print multiple lines of text in Python, you can use either multiple print() statements or a single print() statement with newline characters ( \n ) inserted between the lines. We’ll give you some examples of these.

If you’re not familiar with the print() statement in Python, now might be a good time to take a look at our Python Basics track. It will give you the necessary foundations to start coding with confidence. Its 3 interactive courses will teach you Python data structures, control flow statements, and how to manipulate files. By the end of the course, you will know how to write and call your very own Python functions.

Ok, let’s suppose you know the basics of Python and you want to control how your results are displayed on the screen. For this, you’ll need the newline character.

The most basic way to print multiple lines of text in Python is to use multiple print() statements:

>>> print("Hello Pythonista!") >>> print("We love LearnPython.com") >>> print("Python is so fun!")
Hello Pythonista! We love LearnPython.com Python is so fun!

In this example, each line of text is printed using a separate print() statement, causing each line to be printed on a separate line.

Note that you can use the end parameter of the print() function to change the default line-ending character. By default, the end parameter is set to » \n «, but you can set it to an empty string «» to remove the newline character. Or you can use a different character or string for a different line ending.

Using an Escape Sequence to Print a Newline

In Python, escape sequences are special characters that begin with a backslash ( \ ) and are used to represent certain special characters or behaviors. These escape sequences allow you to include characters in your strings that might otherwise be difficult or impossible to type directly in your code.

One common use of escape sequences is to include newline characters ( \n ) in your strings.

A newline character is a special character that represents the end of a line of text. It causes the next characters to be printed on a new line.

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When a newline character is encountered in a string, it tells Python to start a new line in the output. This can be useful for formatting text in your Python programs or creating multi-line strings.

Here are some examples of how to use the escape sequence to print newlines in Python:

Example 1: Use the \n escape sequence to print a newline:

Example 2: Use multiple \n escape sequences to print multiple newlines:

>>> print("Hello Pythonista!\n\nWelcome to LearnPython.com!"")
Hello Pythonista! Welcome to LearnPython.com!

Example 3: Use an f-string and include a newline character in a formatted string:

>>> name = "Alice" >>> print(f"Hello, !\nHow are you today?")
Hello, Alice! How are you today?

In each of these examples, the \n escape sequence is used to insert a newline character into the output produced by the print() function. This causes the following characters to be printed on a new line. You can use as many \n escape sequences as you like to produce multiple lines.

But at the end of the day, the main advantage of the newline character is to print multiple lines with a single Python print() statement.

>>> print("Hello Pythonista!\nWe love LearnPython.com\nPython is so fun!")
Hello Pythonista! We love LearnPython.com Python is so fun!

In the example above, a single print() statement prints multiple lines of text by including newline characters ( \n ) between the lines. This causes the text to be printed with each line on a separate line.

Newlines can also be used to separate logical sections of code or data, such as in the case of a CSV or a text file where each row of data is separated by a newline character. You can verify this by opening a .txt file in Python, such as:

>>> file = open("example.txt", "rb") >>> print(file.readlines())
['Hello Pythonista! \n', 'Welcome to LearnPython.com!\n', 'Python is awesome! ']

And if we type the following …

Hello Pythonista! Welcome to LearnPython.com! Python is awesome!

Overall, the newline character is an important concept in Python. It’s used extensively in text formatting and manipulation.

Practice Printing a Newline in Python!

In this article, we explored how to print a newline in Python. It’s good practice to use newlines in your Python code. This can make it easier to read and understand, especially for code containing multiple lines or long strings. It also avoids the pitfall of writing multiple print() statements.

Once you’re confident using newlines in your code, I encourage you to read our tips for Python scripts. You may also want to practice your Python skills using our practice set, which is specifically designed to help you reach the next level of programming proficiency.

Last but not least, remember to regularly visit LearnPython.com and keep learning!


Python New Line and How to Python Print Without a Newline

Estefania Cassingena Navone

Estefania Cassingena Navone

Python New Line and How to Python Print Without a Newline

Welcome! The new line character in Python is used to mark the end of a line and the beginning of a new line. Knowing how to use it is essential if you want to print output to the console and work with files.

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In this article, you will learn:

  • How to identify the new line character in Python.
  • How the new line character can be used in strings and print statements.
  • How you can write print statements that don’t add a new line character to the end of the string.

Let’s begin! ✨

🔹 The New Line Character

The new line character in Python is:


It is made of two characters:

If you see this character in a string, that means that the current line ends at that point and a new line starts right after it:


You can also use this character in f-strings:

🔸 The New Line Character in Print Statements

By default, print statements add a new line character «behind the scenes» at the end of the string.


This occurs because, according to the Python Documentation:

The default value of the end parameter of the built-in print function is \n , so a new line character is appended to the string.

💡 Tip: Append means «add to the end».

This is the function definition:


Notice that the value of end is \n , so this will be added to the end of the string.

If you only use one print statement, you won’t notice this because only one line will be printed:


But if you use several print statements one after the other in a Python script:


The output will be printed in separate lines because \n has been added «behind the scenes» to the end of each line:


🔹 How to Print Without a New Line

We can change this default behavior by customizing the value of the end parameter of the print function.

If we use the default value in this example:


We see the output printed in two lines:


But if we customize the value of end and set it to » «


A space will be added to the end of the string instead of the new line character \n , so the output of the two print statements will be displayed in the same line:


You can use this to print a sequence of values in one line, like in this example:



💡 Tip: We add a conditional statement to make sure that the comma will not be added to the last number of the sequence.

Similarly, we can use this to print the values of an iterable in the same line:



🔸 The New Line Character in Files

The new line character \n is also found in files, but it is «hidden». When you see a new line in a text file, a new line character \n has been inserted.


You can check this by reading the file with .readlines() , like this:

with open("names.txt", "r") as f: print(f.readlines())


As you can see, the first three lines of the text file end with a new line \n character that works «behind the scenes.»

💡 Tip: Notice that only the last line of the file doesn’t end with a new line character.

🔹 In Summary

  • The new line character in Python is \n . It is used to indicate the end of a line of text.
  • You can print strings without adding a new line with end = , which is the character that will be used to separate the lines.
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I really hope that you liked my article and found it helpful. Now you can work with the new line character in Python.


Python New Line: How to add a new line

In this short tutorial, we look at how to add a Python new line. We look at the Python new line character and how the other methods can be used.

Table of Contents — Python new line:

Python new line:

In programming, it is a common practice to break lines and display content in a new line. This improves the readability of the output. Apart from that, you would frequently come across the new line character a lot while working with files.

Hence it is quite important that you understand how to add a new line and familiarise yourself with how the new line character works. This tutorial is aimed to do the same.

Newline character in Python:

In Python, the new line character “\n” is used to create a new line. When inserted in a string all the characters after the character are added to a new line. Essentially the occurrence of the “\n” indicates that the line ends here and the remaining characters would be displayed in a new line.

Code and Explanation:

str_1 = "Hire the top \n1% freelance developers" print(str_1) ‘’’Output - Hire the top 1% freelance developers’’’ 

As aforementioned, the character after the new line character is printed in a new line.
Different ways to implement this would include either adding it to string directly, or concatenating it before printing it. A common question that beginners have while learning how to apply a new line is — since we are adding it to a string — Why doesn’t Python print “\n” as it is? And how does it know that a new line must be added?

Well, the backslash (“\”) in the new line character is called an escape sequence. Escape sequences are used to add anything illegal to a string. This way Python understands that the following character is not a part of a string and executes it.

Multiline Strings:

Multiline strings are another easy way to print text in a new line. As the name suggests the string itself spans over multiple lines. These strings can be assigned by using either 3 double quotes or 3 single quotes. Python understands that the string is a multiline string and prints it as such.

Code and Explanation:

str_1 = """Hire the top 1% freelance developers""" print(str_1) '''Output - Hire the top 1% freelance developers''' 

In the above example, the string is printed in the same way as the information was passed.

Closing thoughts — Python new line:

Although both methods can be used in Python to add new lines I would recommend using the first method as it is the most commonly accepted method. Also, given Python has an in-built character that facilitates this it is best to utilize it.

However, please feel free to explore and understand how the multiline method works.


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