Write space in javascript

How can i create white space between 2 words in JavaScript?

@004123 nope nope. in that line only. (example: Hello There![add white space between these 2]I’m a Boy) 👈🏻like this.

5 Answers 5

You can use   to add white space.


You just need to add   where you want to add space.

document.write("Hello There!"); document.write("\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0I’m a Boy");

If you want to add a newline, use
(not \n because you’re writing HTML):

document.write("Hello There!"); document.write("
"); document.write("I'm a Boy!");

If you want a space, just write a space:

document.write("Hello There!"); document.write(" "); document.write("I'm a Boy!");

The most basic answer would be to just add a space at the end of your strings:

document.write("Hello There! "); document.write("Hello There!"); 

Hello There! Hello There! would be the result.

If you want more than 1 space, you’d have to use unbreakable spaces:

document.write("Hello There!    "); document.write("Hello There!"); 

If it’s just a fun exercice for you, it’s fine, but usually, you don’t want to style with spaces. You should wrap your text in p s or other html elements and use css.


How to Add a Space Between Characters in JavaScript

In this article, we’ll learn how to easily include spaces between the characters of a string in JavaScript.

1. The String split() and Split join() Methods

To add a space between characters of a string, call the split() method on the string to get a character array, then call the join() method on the array to join the characters with a space separator.

function addSpace(str) < return str.split('').join(' '); >const str1 = 'coffee'; const str2 = 'banana'; console.log(addSpace(str1)); // c o f f e e console.log(addSpace(str2)); // b a n a n a 

The String split() method splits a string in an array of substrings, using the specified separator.

const str1 = 'coffee,milk,tea'; const str2 = 'sun-moon-star'; console.log(str1.split(',')); // [ 'coffee', 'milk', 'tea' ] console.log(str2.split('-')); // [ 'sun', 'moon', 'star' ] 

By using an empty string ( » ) as the separator, we split up all the string characters into separate array elements.

const str1 = 'coffee'; const str2 = 'banana'; // Passing an empty string ('') to the split method // [ 'c', 'o', 'f', 'f', 'e', 'e' ] console.log(str1.split('')); // [ 'b', 'a', 'n', 'a', 'n', 'a' ] console.log(str2.split('')); 

The String join() method combines each string in an array with a separator. It returns a new string containing the concatenated array elements.

const arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']; console.log(arr.join(' ')); // a b c d console.log(arr.join('-')); // a-b-c-d console.log(arr.join('/')); // a/b/c/d 

So passing a space character to join() separates the characters by a space in the resulting concatenation.

There will be instances where the string already contains spaces between some characters. In such cases, our approach would add even more spaces between the characters.

function addSpace(str) < return str.split('').join(' '); >// These strings have spaces between some characters const str1 = 'co ffee'; const str2 = 'bana na'; console.log(addSpace(str1)); // c o f f e e console.log(addSpace(str2)); // b a n a n a 

This is because a space ( ‘ ‘ ) is a character too, like a letter, and calling split() would make it a separate element in the array that will be combined with additional spaces.

// These strings have spaces between some characters const str1 = 'co ffee'; const str2 = 'bana na'; // The space characters are separate elements of the // array from split() /** * [ 'c', 'o', ' ', ' ', 'f', 'f', 'e', 'e' ] */ console.log(str1.split('')); /** * [ 'b', 'a', 'n', 'a', ' ', ' ', 'n', 'a' ] */ console.log(str2.split('')); 

If we want to avoid the multiple spacing of the characters, we can insert a call to the filter() method between split() and join() .

function addSpace(str) < return str .split('') .filter((item) =>item.trim()) .join(' '); > // The strings have spaces between some characters const str1 = 'co ffee'; const str2 = 'bana na'; console.log(addSpace(str1)); // c o f f e e console.log(addSpace(str2)); // b a n a n a 

The Array filter() method returns a new array containing only the elements from the original array for which a truthy value is returned from the testing callback function passed to filter() . Calling trim() on a space ( ‘ ‘ ) results in an empty string ( » ), which is not a truthy value in JavaScript. So the spaces are excluded from the resulting array returned from filter() .

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In JavaScript, there are only six falsy values: false , null , undefined , 0 , ‘ ‘ (the empty string), and NaN . Every other value is truthy.

2. for…of Loop

For a more imperative approach, we can use the JavaScript for. of loop to add a space between the characters of a string.

function addSpace(str) < // Create a variable to store the eventual result let result = ''; for (const char of str) < // On each iteration, add the character and a space // to the variable result += char + ' '; >// Remove the space from the last character return result.trimEnd(); > const str1 = 'coffee'; const str2 = 'banana'; console.log(addSpace(str1)); // c o f f e e console.log(addSpace(str2)); // b a n a n a 

To handle the scenario discussed earlier, where the string has spaces between some characters, call trim() on the character of each iteration, and add an if check to ensure that it is truthy, before adding it and the space to the accumulating result:

function addSpace(str) < // Create a variable to store the eventual result let result = ''; for (const char of str) < // On each iteration, add the character and a space // to the variable // If the character is a space, trim it to an empty // string, then only add it if it is truthy if (char.trim()) < result += char + ' '; >> // Remove the space from the last character return result.trimEnd(); > const str1 = 'co ffee'; const str2 = 'bana na'; console.log(addSpace(str1)); // c o f f e e console.log(addSpace(str2)); // b a n a n a 

11 Amazing New JavaScript Features in ES13

This guide will bring you up to speed with all the latest features added in ECMAScript 13. These powerful new features will modernize your JavaScript with shorter and more expressive code.


How to give space or next line feature in javascript?

window.confirm does not take any HTML. Just use plain text or even better, don’t use window.confirm .

6 Answers 6

You can check this right here. Open console in your browser and write: alert(«bob\nbob»);



P.S.: Same for space. You don’t have to use escape-query   . Just use (simple space).

To jump to next line you need to use \n and for space no need to to write &nbsp, simply write whitespace character,

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You can use the JS Escape Characters in a string (ref: http://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp) :

\' single quote \" double quote \\ backslash \n new line \r carriage return \t tab \b backspace \f form feed 

If you wanted to make the sentence a little neater with regard to plurals, you could do this:

if (format_stock_id.length == 1) < var approve = confirm("1 Stock Record is selected for approval.\n Do You Want to send it for Approval"); >else

Little things like that make a good amount of difference in the final product.

you can use «br» ex: console.log(«hello world


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Write space in javascript

The first and second examples show how to append and prepend the spaces to the string.

const str = 'baz'; // ✅ add spaces to end const padEnd = str + ' '.repeat(3); console.log(padEnd); // 👉️ "baz " // ✅ add spaces to start const padStart = ' '.repeat(3) + str; console.log(padStart); // 👉️ " baz"

If you need to add spaces to the middle of the string, use the String.slice() method.

# Add a specific number of spaces to the middle of a string

This is a three-step process:

  1. Use the slice() method to get the parts before and after the index.
  2. Use the repeat() method to create a string containing N spaces.
  3. Use the addition (+) operator to concatenate the strings.
const str = 'baz'; const index = str.indexOf('a'); const padMiddle = str.slice(0, index) + ' '.repeat(3) + str.slice(index); console.dir(padMiddle); // 👉️ 'b az'

The String.slice method extracts a section of a string and returns it, without modifying the original string.

The String.slice() method takes the following arguments:

Name Description
start index The index of the first character to include in the returned substring
end index The index of the first character to exclude from the returned substring

In the first call to the slice method, we get the substring from index 0 , up to but not including the index of the first occurrence of the a character in the string.

const str = 'baz'; const index = str.indexOf('a'); console.log(str.slice(0, index)); // 👉️ 'b'

We added 3 spaces to the result and chained another call to the slice() method.

When only a single argument is passed to the String.slice() method, the slice goes to the end of the string.

const str = 'baz'; const index = str.indexOf('a'); console.log(str.slice(index)); // 👉️ 'az'

If you have to do this often, define a reusable function.

function addSpacesAtIndex(str, index, numSpaces) return str.slice(0, index) + ' '.repeat(numSpaces) + str.slice(index); > const str = 'baz'; console.dir(addSpacesAtIndex(str, 1, 2)); // 👉️ 'b az' console.dir(addSpacesAtIndex(str, 1, 3)); // 👉️ 'b az' console.dir(addSpacesAtIndex(str, 1, 4)); // 👉️ 'b az'

The function takes a string, an index and a number of spaces and adds the specified number of spaces to the string at the given index.

An alternative approach is to use the String.padEnd and String.padStart methods.

# Add a specific Number of Spaces to a String using padEnd and padStart

The padEnd and `padStart methods take the maximum length of the new string and the fill string and return the padded string.

const str = 'baz'; const padEnd = str.padEnd(6, ' '); console.log(padEnd); // 👉️ "baz " const padStart = str.padStart(6, ' '); console.log(padStart); // 👉️ " baz"

Using the padEnd and padStart methods is a little tricky because the first parameter is the maximum length the new string should have.

The String.padStart method pads the current string with the provided string until the resulting string reaches the given length.

The padStart method takes the following 2 arguments:

Name Description
targetLength The string gets padded with the pad string up to this length.
padStart The string to pad the current string with.

The padEnd method takes the same parameters but pads the string at the end.

Using the padEnd and padStart methods is a little tricky because the first parameter is the maximum length the new string should have.

If you have a string that contains 3 characters and specify a maximum length of 6 , it would only get padded with 3 extra characters.

You can use the string’s length to determine how many spaces should be added.

const str = 'baz'; const padEnd = str.padEnd(str.length + 3, ' '); console.dir(padEnd); // 👉️ 'baz ' const padStart = str.padStart(str.length + 3, ' '); console.dir(padStart); // 👉️ ' baz'

The code sample adds 3 spaces to the beginning and end of the string.

# Add a Space between the Characters of a String using for. of

This is a three-step process:

  1. Declare an empty string variable.
  2. Use a for. of loop to iterate over the string.
  3. On each iteration, add the character and a space to the string.
function addSpace(str) let spaced = ''; for (const char of str) if (char.trim()) spaced += char + ' '; > > return spaced.trimEnd(); > const str1 = 'app le'; const str2 = 'pe ar'; console.dir(addSpace(str1)); // 👉️ a p p l e console.dir(addSpace(str2)); // 👉️ p e a r

The for. of statement is used to loop over iterable objects like arrays, strings, Map , Set and NodeList objects and generators .

We need to handle the scenario where the string already contains spaces, so we used the trim() method.

We check if each character is not a space before adding the character and a space to the new string.

If you don’t need to handle a scenario where your string contains spaces, remove the if block.

function addSpace(str) let spaced = ''; for (const char of str) spaced += char + ' '; > return spaced.trimEnd(); > const str1 = 'apple'; const str2 = 'pear'; console.dir(addSpace(str1)); // 👉️ a p p l e console.dir(addSpace(str2)); // 👉️ p e a r

The last step is to call the String.trimEnd() method to remove the trailing space from the string.

console.dir('a p p l e '.trimEnd()); // 👉️ 'a p p l e'

There is a trailing space at the end of the string because we add a space after each character in our for. of loop.

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