Width based on content css

How to make div’s width stretch with content

I’m trying to build a dynamic dialog control that can be used for any type of content required for that dialog. It contains a primary container, header (for dialog title), body content and footer (for buttons). I’ve managed to get it working so the height is dynamically adjusting based on the content and view height of the window, but I can’t get the width to do the same. Here’s what I’ve got so far. As you can see the width of the dialog is being forced to use the max-width that is defined as apposed to using that CSS definition only when the content requires it.

.dialog-box2 < position: relative; min-width: 400px; max-width: calc(90vw - 100px); margin: 20px auto; margin-bottom: 0; >.dialog-content < position: relative; background-color: #fff; background-clip: padding-box; border: 1px solid rgba (0,0,0,.2); outline: 0; box-shadow:0 3px 9px rgba(0,0,0,.2); margin-top: 100px; min-height: 185px; >.dialog-header < min-height: 6.43px padding: 15px; padding-bottom: 0; margin-bottom: -1px; >.dialog-title < padding-bottom: 5px; margin:0; line-height: 1.43; border-bottom: 1px solid #0290d7; >h3 < font-size: 16px; >.dialog-body < position: relative; padding: 15px; max-height: calc(85vh - 250px); overflow-y: scroll; margin-bottom: 30px; >.dialog-footer < padding: 15px; overflow: hidden; background-color: #eee; border-top: 1px solid #ccc; >/*---------- for testing only ---------------------*/ .profile-btn

Dialog Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsum nisi est sed incidunt magni maxime? Praesentium itaque sed nihil veritatis. Dolorem autem, alias reprehenderit facilis deserunt voluptatum dolore natus. Impedit.


enter image description here

Here is an example of what I’m getting with the above code and where the issue lies, in case my explanation of what I’m trying to accomplish isn’t clear. What am I doing wrong, I feel like I’ve tried everything I can think of. Thanks in advance for your help!


How to set div width to fit content using CSS?

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a powerful tool that is used to style web pages and create dynamic layouts, including the width property. Using CSS, the width property of a ‘div’ can be easily customized to create unique designs that enhance the user experience.

What is the div Element?

A is a block-level element in HTML that is used for defining a section of the document. Large sections of HTML elements can be grouped together using the div tag and formatted with CSS.

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By default, a div element expands to fill the width of its parent container. This means that if the parent container is wider than the content inside the div, the div will also be wider than its content.


Understanding the Basics of CSS box-sizing Property

The box-sizing property controls how the width and height of an element are calculated. To calculate the width and height of an element based on a combination of its content, padding, and border, we can set the box-sizing property to border-box.

Set the Width of a div Element Using CSS

The most common way to set the width of a div element is to use the width property in CSS. For example, we can use the following CSS code to set the width of a div element to 300 pixels −

Here, we have created a div element with the class name my-div and set the width to 300px.

Now, we will discuss the following approaches of how to set div width to fit content using CSS −

  • Using max-content value to set div width dynamically
  • Setting width using fit-content value for a flexible layout
  • Using auto value to automatically adjust div width based on content
  • Applying CSS overflow property to handle content overflow

Using max-content Value to set div Width Dynamically

Using the max-content value, the width of a div element can be set dynamically based on its content. The max-width CSS property sets the maximum width of an element while ignoring any specified width properties. To use the max-content value, we can use the following CSS rule −

This code will set the width of the div element to the maximum width of its content.

Example 1

Setting the width of a div to fit the content using the max-content value.

    h2 < text-align: center; >.max 

Max-Content Example

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vel velit euismod, vehicula felis et, faucibus enim. Sed sit amet arcu nunc.

Setting Width using fit-content Value for a Flexible Layout

Using the fit-content value, the width of a div element can be set to fit its content. The fit-content CSS property sets the width of an element to the minimum width of its content and allows the element to expand based on its parent container’s width. To use the fit-content value, we can use the following CSS rule.

This code will set the width of the div element to the minimum width of its content. Changing the content inside the div element will also adjust the width of the element accordingly.

Example 2

Setting the width of a div to fit the content using the fit-content value.

    h2 < text-align: center; >.fit 

Fit-Content Example

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vel velit euismod, vehicula felis et, faucibus enim. Sed sit amet arcu nunc.

Using Auto Value to Automatically Adjust div Width Based on Content

Using the auto value, the width of the div element can be set to fit its content. The auto value sets the width of an element to the width of its content, and allows the element to expand based on its parent container’s width. To use the auto value, we can use the following CSS rule.

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This code will set the width of the div element to the width of its content. Changing the content inside the div element will also adjust the width of the element accordingly.

Example 3

Setting the width of a div to fit the content using the ‘auto’ value.

    h2 < text-align: center; >.auto 

Using auto value to automatically adjust div width based on content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vel velit euismod, vehicula felis et, faucibus enim. Sed sit amet arcu nunc.

Applying CSS Overflow Property to Handle Content Overflow

The overflow property controls the content inside an element overflows its boundaries. There are several values that can be used with the overflow property, including visible, hidden, scroll, and auto. To prevent overflow of content in a div element, we can set the overflow property to scroll. This will scroll any content that overflows the boundaries of the div element. for doing this, we can use the following CSS rule −

Example 4

Setting the width of a div to fit the content and handle overflow using the overflow property.

    h2 < text-align: center; >.scroll 

Applying CSS overflow property to handle content overflow

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vel velit euismod, vehicula felis et, faucibus enim. Sed sit amet arcu nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vel velit euismod, vehicula felis et, faucibus enim. Sed sit amet arcu nunc.


In this article we have discussed the several approaches to set div width to fit content using CSS such as max-content value, fit-content value, and auto value. So setting the width of a div element to fit its content is a simple and effective way to ensure that the website looks great.


Width equal to content [duplicate]

I’m experiencing some trouble with the width property of CSS. I have some paragraphs inside a div. I’d like to make the width of the paragraphs equal to their content, so that their green background looks like a label for the text. What I get instead is that the paragraphs inherit the width of the div father node which is wider.


Sample Text 1

Sample Text 2

Sample Text 3

14 Answers 14

I set width as max-content and it worked for me.

Also, the component will have the width set, and if the browser window is less than that, it will not adjust.

@NachoColoma i now use max-width: max-content; and that brings back the responsive behavior of the container element.

By default p tags are block elements, which means they take 100% of the parent width .

You can change their display property with:

But it puts the elements side by side.

To keep each element on its own line you can use:

(If you use float and need to clear after floated elements, see this link for different techniques: http://css-tricks.com/all-about-floats/)

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If you go for the solution with display:inline-block but want to keep each item in one line, you can just add a
tag after each one:


Sample Text 1

Sample Text 2

Sample Text 3

@VisWebsoft I agree with you you always have the option to use ´float´ to keep each element in new lines. But give always all the possible solutions is nice, just choice the one of your preference.

The solution with inline-block forces you to insert
after each element.
The solution with float forces you to wrap all elements with «clearfix» div.

Another elegant solution is to use display: table for elements.

With this solution you don’t need to insert line breaks manually (like with inline-block ), you don’t need a wrapper around your elements (like with floats) and you can center your element if you need.

Adding display: inline-block; to the p styling should take of it:

It partially works now. The width of the paragraphs equal the content as I wanted. The problem is that now I get all the paragraphs in just a line instead of three.

Adding float: left to an element displayed as inline-block will set it to block according to CSS 2.1 REC (relationships between display, position, and float) so you can as well remove inline-block and it won’t change anything

set width attribute as: width: fit-content

Using display:inline-block; will not work for long sentences without spaces like HiHowAreYouHopeYouAreDoingGood. etc to fix this consider using word-wrap: break-word; instead

it’s made to allow long words to be able to break and wrap onto the next line., also Facebook using it

#container < width: 40%; background-color: grey; overflow:hidden; margin:10px; >#container p < display:inline-block; background-color: green; >.flex < display: flex; >#wrap < width: 30%; background-color: grey; overflow:hidden; margin:10px; >#wrap p


With spaces

Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1

No specaes (not working )


word-wrap: break-word;

With spaces

Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1

No specaes (working )



How can change the size of the block depending of its content in css?

I would like to create a box, that can change its width and height depending on the length of its content. So if it has just one line it it, it should have a smaller height. If it has 10 lines, it should have a bigger height. I would also like to have the box centered. Thank you in advance. I have this code already:

"This is the one-line content"

2 Answers 2

Here is how I would do this:

I stripped down all inline css:


"This is the one-line contentThis is the one-line contentThis is the one-line contentThis is the one-line contentThis is the one-line contentThis is the one-line contentThis is the one-line contentThis is the one-line contentThis is the one-line contentThis is the one-line contentThis is the one-line contentThis is the one-line contentThis is the one-line contentThis is the one-line contentThis is the one-line content"

div < border: 1px solid #000; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; position: relative; width: 50%; >p < padding: 40px; >div img:nth-of-type(1) < position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; >div img:nth-of-type(2)


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