Which browser support javascript

Which browsers support which versions of Javascript

As well as putting “javascript” as the language or type element of the tag you can specify a version, for example javascript1.5. What this means is that browsers that do not support that version of Javascript will not run the code in that block. I was interested to find out if this meant a simple way of determine which browser was being run with Javascript but as my findings in this post show it’s not…

Testing Script

The script I used for testing is as follows. It’s pretty simple: for each of the possible Javascript versions it writes out the version tag. It’s then just a matter of opening the script in each browser version and seeing what it reports. I don’t use MultipleIEs for this sort of testing but instead run a proper install of each version of Internet Explorer in its own VMWare Virtual Machine.



Internet Explorer 8beta1, 7, 6, 5.5, 5 on Windows all reported that they support the following version tags. I don’t have access to a Mac to be able to test the older versions of IE on a Mac, nor a Virtual Machine with an install for IE4 so have not been able to include them in my tests.

  • javascript
  • javascript1.1
  • javascript1.2
  • javascript1.3
  • jscript
  • ecmascript
  • javascript
  • javascript1.0
  • javascript1.1
  • javascript1.2
  • javascript1.3
  • javascript1.4
  • javascript1.5

Konqueror 3.5 reported the following version tags:

  • javascript
  • javascript1.0
  • javascript1.1
  • javascript1.2
  • javascript1.3
  • javascript1.4
  • javascript1.5
  • jscript
  • ecmascript

Safari: I don’t have a Mac so cannot test this script on any versions of Safari. (Well that’s not quite true – I have an old Mac iBook but the hard drive seems to be broken so I can’t use it for testing any more). However, Safari 3.1 on Windows reports the following version tags (all of them, the same as for Konqueror):

  • javascript
  • javascript1.0
  • javascript1.1
  • javascript1.2
  • javascript1.3
  • javascript1.4
  • javascript1.5
  • jscript
  • ecmascript

Opera versions 7.54 through 9.0 on Windows reported all of them, and Opera 7.0 on Windows all of them except for 1.5

  • javascript
  • javascript1.0
  • javascript1.1
  • javascript1.2
  • javascript1.3
  • javascript1.4
  • javascript1.5
  • jscript
  • ecmascript
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Internet Explorer will execute code between Javascript tags up to javascript1.3 (but not for javascript1.0) whereas all the other major modern browsers will also excute code flagged as version 1.4 or 1.5. If you wanted to run some code in those other browsers but not in Internet Explorer you could use the 1.4 or 1.5 tags for this purpose but it’s not guaranteed to work in the future. And you’re more than likely to want to still run that code in IE6+ anyway. While an interesting test to find out what versions the browsers say they support it’s not been necessarily all that useful. It would probably be better to use Internet Explorer’s conditional tags instead.


What Version Of ECMAScript Do Browsers Support?

featured image (5)

ECMAScript 1 – 6 is fully supported in all modern browsers.

How do I use ECMAScript 6 in browser?

You can enable experimental ECMAScript features in your browser by going to chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony and enabling the JavaScript Harmony flag. For some features, you may have to use Chrome Canary with the JavaScript Harmony flag enabled.

Do any browsers not support ES6?

Using ES6 is not possible unless we limit ourselves to the few browsers that already support it. Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome and iOS Safari all have a good sub-set of ES6 implemented. However, not all these browsers are what our users have, and we can not assume people upgrade all the time.

Is ES6 supported in all browsers?

All the current browsers have full support to ES6. … Even if you are targeting legacy browsers such as IE11, you can still use ES6 with the amazing babel compiler. It is called a “compiler” because it converts ES6 code to ES5 code so that as long as your browser can support ES5, you can use ES6 code safely.

What was the first browser to support JavaScript?

Netscape is the first browser to support JavaScript among all the other web browsers.

How do I fix cross browser compatibility issues?

9 Tips To Avoid Cross-Browser Compatibility Issues from the start

  1. Validate HTML and CSS. …
  2. Maintain layout compatibility. …
  3. Use CSS resets. …
  4. Provide support for basic features of the application. …
  5. Check JavaScript issues. …
  6. Check DOCTYPE tag. …
  7. Test on real devices. …
  8. Use frameworks and libraries that support Cross-Browser compatibility.

Is ES6 compatible with Chrome?

In Chrome, most of the ES6 features are hidden behind a flag called “Experimental JavaScript features”. … It is called a “compiler” because it converts ES6 code to ES5 code so that as long as your browser can support ES5, you can use ES6 code safely. JAVASCRIPT ES6 classes. Google Chrome.

Which browsers do not support JavaScript?

IE 3.0, Mosaic 3.0, NS 2.0, Opera 2.1. Other browsers that do not support JavaScript are Lynx, a multi-platform text browser and Amaya, an editor with browsing capabilities. And anyone who explicitly disables JavaScript.

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Do browsers support JavaScript?

All the modern browsers come with built-in support for JavaScript. Frequently, you may need to enable or disable this support manually. This chapter explains the procedure of enabling and disabling JavaScript support in your browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, chrome, and Opera.

How do I install ECMAScript 6?

  1. Step one: Install Rollup. In order to use Rollup we must install it globally. …
  2. Step two: File structure. …
  3. Step three: Create a configuration file. …
  4. Step four: Load the script file in HTML. …
  5. Step five: Setup JS files. …
  6. Step six: Compile ES6 to ES5.

What is Esmodule?

ES Modules is the ECMAScript standard for working with modules. While Node. js has been using the CommonJS standard since years, the browser never had a module system, as every major decision such as a module system must be first standardized by ECMAScript and then implemented.

Can I use modules in browser?

Using Modules in the Browser

Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Edge all support using ES6 modules in the browser. It works by the browser downloading the module by making a GET request to do it. It’s done asynchronously so that it’s not blocking other things from loading.

How do I make JavaScript compatible with all browsers?

Use online tools like caniuse to identify which feature is supported on which browser/version and code accordingly. Use JavaScript Transpiling: Transpiling converts JS code using the latest features (ES6, for example) to code suitable for older browsers.

What ECMAScript 2020?

The latest standard for JavaScript, ECMAScript 2020 introduces new features for module loading, precision integers, and strings. … ECMAScript 2020 introduces multiple features ranging from a new import() facility for loading modules to a new BigInt type for working with arbitrary precision integers.

What ECMAScript 6?

ECMAScript 6, also known as ECMAScript 2015, is the latest version of the ECMAScript standard. ES6 is a significant update to the language, and the first update to the language since ES5 was standardized in 2009. Implementation of these features in major JavaScript engines is underway now.

Is JavaScript enabled in Chrome?

On Google Chrome, JavaScript is enabled by default, but you can verify if it works through the Settings menu. To reveal the Settings menu, simply click on three tiny black dots at the top-right corner of your Chrome window. … Once you’re in this section, scroll down to find the JavaScript option and then click it.

Is there a for loop in HTML?

HTML isn’t a programming language and doesn’t have the ability to write loops. To do that you will need some other language to generate HTML, e.g. JavaScript.

How can I see Dom in browser?

To do so, open the web page elk. html, turn on the browser developer tools and switch to the Elements tab. It should look like this: You can see the DOM, click on elements, see their details and so on.

Is ES7 supported?

Mozilla has some info on their website, it is possible to see that ES7 and ES8 are fully supported, ES9 still has some problems and ES10 is supported on the latest versions.

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Is Babel still needed?

You don’t need to understand or learn Babel. You only need to run your code through it. haha, that situation when The Alpha comments on Alpha_Bords. But actually you don’t need Babel until you notice that something is not working in some browsers.

What is ES7 JavaScript?

ES7 added an exponentiation operator (**) to already JavaScript supported arithmetic operations like +,-,*. This operator raises the first operand to the power second operand.

What are the common cross browser issues?

Validating CSS and HTML codes can be a major cross browser issue for developers. That’s because code is read and handled in a different way depending on the browser you’re using. Even small errors, like forgetting to close a tag, could result in an error.

How do I manually test browser compatibility?

How is Cross Browser Testing Done?

  1. Establish a baseline: Before you begin cross browser testing, run all the design and functionality tests on your primary browser-usually Chrome. …
  2. Create a testing plan and pick the browsers to test on: Use the test specification document to outline exactly what you’ll test.

How do I fix browser specific issues?

10 ways to avoid cross-browser compatibility issues

  1. Validate your code. …
  2. Fail gracefully. …
  3. Know your audience. …
  4. Consider using a framework. …
  5. Keep your design simple. …
  6. Reuse and reduce components. …
  7. Test with the difficult browsers first. …
  8. Create test scripts.


JavaScript Versions

JavaScript was invented by Brendan Eich in 1995, and became an ECMA standard in 1997.

ECMAScript is the official name of the language.

ECMAScript versions have been abbreviated to ES1, ES2, ES3, ES5, and ES6.

Since 2016, versions are named by year (ECMAScript 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020).

ECMAScript Editions

Ver Official Name Description
ES1 ECMAScript 1 (1997) First edition
ES2 ECMAScript 2 (1998) Editorial changes
ES3 ECMAScript 3 (1999) Added regular expressions
Added try/catch
Added switch
Added do-while
ES4 ECMAScript 4 Never released
ES5 ECMAScript 5 (2009)

This tutorial covers every version of JavaScript:

  • The Original JavaScript ES1 ES2 ES3 (1997-1999)
  • The First Main Revision ES5 (2009)
  • The Second Revision ES6 (2015)
  • Yearly Additions (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)

Browser Support

ECMAScript 1 — 6 is fully supported in all modern browsers.

Browser Support for ES5 (2009)

Browser Version From Date
Chrome 23 Nov 2012
Firefox 21 May 2013
IE 9* Mar 2011
IE / Edge 10 Sep 2012
Safari 6 Jul 2012
Opera 15 Jul 2013

* Internet Explorer 9 does not support ECMAScript 5 «use strict».

Browser Support for ES6 (2015)

Browser Version Date
Chrome 51 May 2016
Firefox 52 Mar 2017
Edge 14 Aug 2016
Safari 10 Sep 2016
Opera 38 Jun 2016

Internet Explorer does not support ECMAScript 2015.

Browser Support for ECMAScript 2016

Browser Version Date
Chrome 52 Jul 2016
Firefox 54 Jun 2017
Edge 14 Aug 2016
Safari 10.1 Mar 2017
Opera 39 Aug 2016


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