What is php coding standards

What are the coding standards in PHP?

Code MUST follow a “coding style guide” PSR [PSR-1]. Code MUST use 4 spaces for indenting, not tabs. There MUST NOT be a hard limit on line length; the soft limit MUST be 120 characters; lines SHOULD be 80 characters or less.

What are coding standards?

A coding standard gives a uniform appearance to the codes written by different engineers. It improves readability, and maintainability of the code and it reduces complexity also. It helps in code reuse and helps to detect error easily. It promotes sound programming practices and increases efficiency of the programmers.

What PSR 2?

PSR-2 is an extension of the PSR-1 coding standard. Some examples of its contents are: You must follow PSR-1 coding standards. 4 spaces must be used for indents. Using tabs is not allowed.

Which software is best for PHP programming?

Top 10 PHP Development Tools For Efficient PHP Developers in 2021

  • PHPStorm.
  • Zend Studio.
  • NuSphere PhpED.
  • Netbeans.
  • Cloud 9.
  • Aptana Studio.
  • CodeLobster.
  • Sublime Text.

What is Phpcbf?

PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer for Visual Studio Code. … phpcbf is the lesser known sibling of phpcs (PHP_CodeSniffer). phpcbf will try to fix and beautify your code according to a coding standard.

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What is difference code and standard?

Codes are generally accepted sets of rules that tell you what you need to do. Standards provide the “how to” of executing codes. Specifications, unlike codes or standards, outline the requirements of a specific company or product.

What are the good coding guidelines?

Here are fifteen of the best coding practices that you can start utilizing today for your team and yourself.

  • STAY DRY. …

What is difference between PSR 0 and PSR 4?

The summary is that PSR-0 had some backwards compatibility features for PEAR-style classnames that PSR-4 dropped, as such it only supports namespaced code. On top of that PSR-4 does not force you to have the whole namespace as a directory structure, but only the part following the anchor point.

What is PSR level in human body?

Percutaneous stereotactic rhizotomy (PSR) can relieve neuralgia (nerve pain) by destroying the part of the nerve that causes pain and by suppressing the pain signal to your brain. The surgeon passes an electrode introducer (hollow needle) through the skin of your cheek into the selected nerve at the base of the skull.

Is PHP a camelCase?

PHP owns the top-level namespace but tries to find decent descriptive names and avoid any obvious clashes. Function names use underscores between words, while class names use both the camelCase and PascalCase rules. PHP will prefix any global symbols of an extension with the name of the extension.

What is PSR medical?

A treatment for removing abnormal skin pigmentation, fine lines, acne scarring, and abnormal skin texture, in which ionized gas (the “plasma”) is used to remove superficial or deeper skin layers. PSR is an alternative to laser skin resurfacing. …

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What is PHP CS fixer?

PHP Coding Standards Fixer. The PHP Coding Standards Fixer (PHP CS Fixer) tool fixes your code to follow standards; whether you want to follow PHP coding standards as defined in the PSR-1, PSR-2, etc., or other community driven ones like the Symfony one. You can also define your (team’s) style through configuration.

Do you know what the PHP fig is?

The FIG stands for Framework Interoperability Group. The name until recently was “PHP Standards Group” but this was somewhat inaccurate of the intentions of the group.

From the author

Greetings! I present my blog about web programming languages. In this blog, I post my notes on the topic of web development languages. I am not a professional programmer, and therefore I do not always have the correct idea of what I am writing. But in most cases, I try to follow the principles of material selection that I have developed over many years of practice.

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Be a Better PHP Developer: Coding Standards

In the last article of this series we cover the basics of how to be a better PHP developer. Now I want to cover coding standards.

Coding standards vary greatly among developers. Even when writing the same code. And therein lies the problem. This becomes most evident when reviewing code that is not your own.

My own coding standards have changed over the years. As team lead, I drafted coding standards documents. This time, I wanted something active and easily adopted.

PHP coding standards

The PEAR coding standard is arguably the most prevalent among the PHP community. However, it is exhaustive and therefore not easily adopted. When reading about PHP namespacing last year, I came across the PHP Standard Requirements (PSR).

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The latest version of this standard is PSR-2, which expands PSR-1, is a straightforward document outlining basic coding standards. It leaves some flexibility for developer style. And while I may not agree with every standard – mainly the curly brace conventions – it passes the governance.

Stick to the coding standards

It is human nature to bend the rules. But there’s no point in adopting a standard only to break it. I wanted to follow PSR-2 strictly. Not just the parts I liked. So I needed something to keep me honest.

A while back I came across PHP CodeSniffer. I intended to use it for automated code validation with an svn post-hook. PHP CodeSniffer features pluggable coding standards you can validate against. In addition, one for PSR-2 exist.

You can download PHP CodeSniffer. If you have PEAR installed, it’s easier:

pear install PHP_CodeSniffer

Verify PHP CodeSniffer with:

Note: If you receive warnings, your PHP include_path likely does not include the PEAR directory. Check your PEAR installation to resolve this issue.

You can run PHP CodeSniffer against an entire directory.

Format legacy code

Since I just adopted the PSR-2 coding standard, I had several violations in my current projects. However, as traditional lazy developer, I didn’t want to edit hundreds of lines of code.

I found PHP CS Fixer. It auto-formats code to meet PSR-2 (among others). While it doesn’t correct everything, it fixes the tedious ones.

php-cs-fixer fix api/ --level=psr2 --dry-run

Note: I added —dry-run for demonstration purposes. Remove it to update your files.

Go forth and be a better PHP developer

A good developer should follow a coding standard. While I am advocating PSR-2 here, it is really up to you. What matters is that you follow it strictly. Hopefully the tools above can help you do so.

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