What is nulled php script

How to Nulled PHP Script: A Comprehensive Guide

PHP scripts are widely used in web development to create dynamic and interactive websites. However, not all PHP scripts are free, and some developers may not have the budget to purchase them. This is where nulled PHP scripts come in. Nulled PHP scripts are pirated versions of paid scripts that have been modified to remove the licensing restrictions. In this article, we will discuss how to nulled PHP script and the potential risks involved.

What is a Nulled PHP Script?

A nulled PHP script is a pirated version of a paid script that has been modified to remove the licensing restrictions. This means that the script can be used without paying for it. Nulled scripts are usually distributed through illegal channels, such as torrent sites or file-sharing platforms. They are often accompanied by a crack or keygen that allows the user to bypass the licensing checks.

Why Do People Use Nulled PHP Scripts?

The main reason people use nulled PHP scripts is to save money. Paid scripts can be expensive, especially for small businesses or individual developers. Nulled scripts offer a way to access the same functionality without paying for it. However, there are several risks associated with using nulled scripts, which we will discuss later in this article.

How to Nulled PHP Script?

Nulling a PHP script involves removing the licensing checks that prevent the script from being used without paying for it. This can be done in several ways, depending on the script’s complexity and the skills of the person doing the nulling. Here are some common methods:

  • Editing the source code: This involves modifying the script’s source code to remove the licensing checks. This method requires a good understanding of PHP and the script’s architecture.
  • Using a crack or keygen: This involves using a third-party tool to bypass the licensing checks. Cracks and keygens are often included with nulled scripts.
  • Using a pre-nulled version: Some nulled scripts are already pre-nulled, meaning the licensing checks have already been removed. These versions are often distributed through illegal channels.

The Risks of Using Nulled PHP Scripts

While nulled PHP scripts may seem like a good way to save money, they come with several risks. Here are some of the potential risks:

  • Security vulnerabilities: Nulled scripts may contain security vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers. This is because the licensing checks often include security measures that prevent unauthorized access.
  • Malware: Nulled scripts may contain malware that can infect your website or computer. This is because the people who distribute nulled scripts often include malware to make money from unsuspecting users.
  • No support: Nulled scripts do not come with support from the original developer. This means that if you encounter any issues, you will have to rely on community forums or other sources for help.
  • Legal issues: Using nulled scripts is illegal and can result in legal action against you. This is because nulled scripts violate the original developer’s copyright and licensing agreements.
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Alternatives to Nulled PHP Scripts

If you cannot afford to purchase a paid PHP script, there are several alternatives to nulled scripts:

  • Open-source scripts: There are many open-source PHP scripts available that are free to use and modify. These scripts are often developed by a community of volunteers and come with support from the community.
  • Free trials: Many paid PHP scripts offer free trials that allow you to test the script before purchasing it. This is a good way to ensure that the script meets your needs before investing in it.
  • Cheap alternatives: There are many paid PHP scripts available that are affordable for small businesses or individual developers. These scripts may not have all the features of the more expensive scripts, but they can still provide the functionality you need.


Nulled PHP scripts may seem like a good way to save money, but they come with several risks. Using nulled scripts can lead to security vulnerabilities, malware infections, and legal issues. Instead of using nulled scripts, consider using open-source scripts, free trials, or affordable alternatives. By doing so, you can ensure that your website is secure and legal.


No, using nulled PHP scripts is illegal and can result in legal action against you. Nulled scripts violate the original developer’s copyright and licensing agreements.

2. Can nulled PHP scripts be trusted?

No, nulled PHP scripts cannot be trusted. They may contain security vulnerabilities or malware that can infect your website or computer.

3. What are the risks of using nulled PHP scripts?

The risks of using nulled PHP scripts include security vulnerabilities, malware infections, no support, and legal issues.

4. What are the alternatives to nulled PHP scripts?

The alternatives to nulled PHP scripts include open-source scripts, free trials, and affordable alternatives.

5. Can I get support for nulled PHP scripts?

No, nulled PHP scripts do not come with support from the original developer. You will have to rely on community forums or other sources for help.


What does nulled PHP script mean?

A nulled script is when somebody changes a script to remove the protection implemented by the author. For example, when they remove call homes or registration checks or etc.

What is a nulled application?

Now, nulled plugins or themes are a type of paid or premium version which have been modified or hacked to cause harm to the users or to collect some private information. These plugins or themes are generally from a third-party website and not from the original author or creator.

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What is a nulled product?

Nulled WordPress themes and plugins are pirated copies of paid WordPress themes and plugins distributed unethically on the internet. The folks redistributing nulled items argue that because WordPress and any derivative works (like plugins and themes) are licensed under GPL, it’s completely ok to copy and distribute it.

They Are Illegal Nulled themes are illegal, simply because they are a good that has been stolen by removing the license key and other copyrighted materials. A simple googling of the “nulled themes” keyword will reveal them in a matter of a second.

What does nulled theme mean?

As we define nulled it refers to premium WordPress plugins or themes that have been hacked or contain modified code designed to cause harm or collect information. These are obtained from a third-party website (not the original author or creator) and sometimes are made to work without a license key.

Is it illegal to use nulled?

Nulled themes are illegal, simply because they are a good that has been stolen by removing the license key and other copyrighted materials. There are a lot of websites where you can download nulled themes, apparently for free. A simple googling of the “nulled themes” keyword will reveal them in a matter of a second.

Is using nulled theme illegal?

What is nulled WP?


What is nulled php script

Что обозначает дописка «nulled» к скриптам или что такое «нулёный» скрипт?

Скорее всего, когда Вы выбирали себе скрипт для будущего сайта, Вам встречались довольно известные скрипты, такие как DLE, vBulletin и многие другие с приставкой nulled в конце (или иногда пишут null). Что же обозначает приставка nulled?

А эта приставка обозначает, что скрипт был взломан и теперь его может использовать любой человек, даже не покупая лицензии. Сейчас я расскажу примерный путь скрипта до и после взлома.
Сначала скрипт пишут разработчики, естественно если это серьезный скрипт состоящий из не одной сотни файлов, то создавать бесплатно такую мощную вещь вряд ли будут бесплатно. Т.е. любая работа, выполненная качественно, стоит тех или иных денег, так и получается что качественные скрипты с высоким уровнем защиты стоят хороших денег. К примеру скрипт vBulletin стоит 180 «американских рублей», мне же лицензия на vBulletin досталась за 205 долларов, о чем я и не жалею. Так вот, обычно суть защиты скриптов от нелицензионного использования заключается в том, что в скрипт встраивается модуль, который поле установки скрипта на сервер начинает писать письма на официальный сайт о том, что на таком то домене стоит Ваш скрипт и на него не куплена лицензия. Соответственно правообладатель сообщает хостеру и обычно Ваш сайта после этого прикрывают (но иногда правообладатель может быть послан на три буквы, об этом я напишу в конце статьи). + Бывают разные скрипты у которых искусственно ограничена функциональность. Суть взлома, а точнее «нуления» скрипта заключается в том, что из него вытаскивается этот модуль «стукач» + другие ограничения и скрипт перестает писать письма, соответственно и правообладатель не будет знать, что у Вас нет лицензии (если ему об этом конечно не подскажут).
От себя могу добавить что в Интернете встречается масса нуленых скриптов. Обычно эти нуледы подписываются, вот к примеру: vBulletin 3.8.4 Final Nulled by FintMax. Т.е. получается что этот скрипт нулил FintMax. Я могу сказать что в Интернете не так много людей которым можно доверять. Т.е. скачав нуль от неизвестного человека можно стать «жертвой» того, что в скрипт может быть положено несколько файлов, которые помогут взломщикам. Т.е. скачав и установив нуленный скрипт можно стать жертвой, а если Вы качаете нуль от известных людей, да еще и на хорошем ресурсе – то нет никаких сомнений что нуль «чистый» (т.е. не содержит уязвимостей добавленных взломщиком). Для перестраховки можно почитать что о нем пишут в комментариях к скрипту, если в скрипте есть «дыра», то это обязательно там отразится.
Я Вам говорил чуть выше о том, что при проверке лицензии к скрипту правообладатель может быть послан на три буквы, а Вам лишь придет письмо, что о Вас узнал правообладатель и все, сайт дальше будет нормально функционировать и без лицензии. Данный случай возможен в том случае если выбранный Вами хостер относится к абузоустойчивым хостерам.

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What are NULLED & GPL? Fully Explained?

Welcome to my blog, today I’m going to tell you all about NULLED & GPL in a very simple and short way.

What is NULLED?

NULLED does not forever mean virus, nulled primarily means the licensing has been far from the script which it’ll work while not having to verify the license.

Unnecessary to mention it’s a pirated version and you’ll not get support and updates but free of cost.

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What will GPL stand for?

GPL or GNU” stands for “General Public License”.

The foremost widespread such license is that the wildebeest General Public License, or wildebeest GPL for brief.

This could be additionally shortened to “GPL” or sometimes “GNU” also, once it’s understood that the wildebeest #GPL is that the one meant.

The GNU (General Public License) is a series of widely used free software licenses that guarantee end-users the freedom to run, study, share, and modify the software. Wikipedia

What are nulled themes, scripts or plugins?

Nulled themes, scripts, and plugins being a developer or a user, you, sure enough, discovered nulled WordPress themes or plugins.

There are a lot of websites and open platforms that provide free scripts, apps, WP-themes and plugins.

Well, this is obvious! every developer once used these types of codes to get the feeling of a hacker 😀

It mean that they’re out there for downloading at no cost however not wrongfully – you cannot notice them on official market places like Envato Market.

You’ll transfer these theme for instructional or testing functions solely.

If you utilize null theme then company does not give any support you.

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Negative impacts of Nulled scripts

  1. You can’t demand support from the original developer.
  2. Scripts updates are not available
  3. The scripts may have any backdoor, that may enough to steal your database.
  4. It may contain malware code and then they start pop-ups on your site.
  5. It may kill your website speed.
  6. By using these types of themes and scripts could lead to blacklist your website by the search engines.
  7. You may lose full control of your website.

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