What is lib folder in java

Understanding the Java Classpath: Building a Project Manually

This is the second post in a series looking to understand Java projects. Earlier, we looked at how Java actually gets installed onto a macOS system, and now we’re going to build a basic app. Then we’ll move on to incorporating the same app with help from Gradle, a popular build tool, and we’ll finish by incorporating our project into the IntelliJ IDE.

Our directory structure

We’re going to be compiling a totally jazzed up version of Hello World, and our overblown example will make use of packages, libraries and tests because it’s a more indicative of a project we’d spot in the wild. This project is intended for people who have worked a little with Java and isn’t going to dwell much on syntax outside of tooling. We’ll be loosely following the conventions of the Maven standard directory layout, which is admittedly a little overkill for our tiny app — but we’re also going to charge ahead with it because it’s indicative of the conventions we’ll commonly run into when working with Java. Here’s how that looks:

. ├── bin ├── lib │ ├── jfiglet-0.0.8.jar │ └── junit-platform-console-standalone-1.4.2.jar └── src ├── main │ └── java │ └── space │ └── gaston │ ├── greeter │ │ └── Greeter.java │ ├── helloWorld │ │ └── HelloWorld.java │ └── textEffects │ └── Bubble.java └── test └── java └── space └── gaston ├── greeter │ └── GreeterTest.java └── textEffects └── BubbleTest.java 
  • bin will contain our compiled .class files
  • lib will hold our third-party libraries. In this case we’re using JFiglet and the JUnit test runner, which we’ll get back to later.
  • src will house our .java source code. Within src you have subdirectories main and test , which both have a java subdirectory to denote the language, and then the standard Java package hierarchy. Eventually, after months of digging, you finally stumble upon our actual .java files.

Just a quick caveat: I haven’t checked the lib folder into Git so you’ll need to grab the JFiglet and JUnit .jar files from Maven if you’re looking to build this project yourself. This is, partially, to expose how fiddly it is to manage dependencies manually and help us understand how, later on, how awesome it is that other tools can come to our rescue.

.java, .class and .jar

Okay, so I threw around quite a few filetypes just then. I think it’s entirely common to be hidden from a lot of these specifics by our IDE, so here’s a quick summary of what each of those types does:

  • A .java file is a plain-text file of human-readable Java source code — though admittedly that ‘readable’ designation is, ahem, rather debatable when it comes to certain aspects of Java syntax. Basically, .java files are the files we squishy human flesh monsters sling our code in.
  • A .class file is compiled Java bytecode that can be executed by the Java Virtual Machine, an admittedly snazzy tool which runs our Java programs. These cold, mechanical files are the ones the computer likes read.
  • A .jar file is an archive of .class files (and other necessary resources) all neatly zipped up for convenience.
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javac and java

Two of our JDK binaries are responsible for compiling and running our code: javac and java . In short, javac is responsible for turning our .java files into .class files that java can run.

If we put together a totally barebones HelloWorld.java , we can then feed it as an argument to javac and run it with java :

public class HelloWorld  public static void main(String[] args)  System.out.println("Oh no, not another Hello World example. "); > > 

Without multiple .java files, external libraries or output directories to worry about, compiling and running this is as straightforward as sending the file path to javac and then running the output:

$ javac HelloWorld.java $ java HelloWorld Oh no, not another Hello World example. 

Notice how the .class file will be currently be compiled into the same directory as its companion source code, and that we call the HelloWorld class directly with java with no .class extension — the latter would trigger a dreaded java.lang.ClassNotFoundException error, but that’s a story for another day. It turns out we use java to run Java classes, not Java .class files.


Another potential error we might see right about now is a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError , which usually comes about because there’s a .class file that was created at compile time (with javac ) but has got lost somewhere when we’re trying to run it with java .

Be warned to those of a fragile constitution, the next word is enough to give you the vapours. This frightful concept has dashed the hopes and dreams of event the strongest minds, adventurer. Abandon all hope all ye who enter. the classpath.

Let’s zoom in our our main .java files:

. ├── greeter │ └── Greeter.java ├── helloWorld │ └── HelloWorld.java └── textEffects └── Bubble.java 

Our Greeter.java , HelloWorld.java and Bubble.java are all being stored in different packages (which, in Java, also means different directories) and have requirements of their own. HelloWorld includes both a Greeter and a Bubble , with Bubble itself an adapter to the third-party FigletFont class from the JFiglet .jar in our lib folder.

Over in our test folder we’ve got tests for Greeter and Bubble , which includes classes from JUnit in lib as well as requiring the actual Greeter and Bubble classes to test.

Welcome, friends, to dependencies.

Java, while pretty smart, needs to know where to go sniffing for all these requirements — hence the classpath. We can get the scoop right from the horse’s mouth:

The default value of the class path is «.», meaning that only the current directory is searched. Specifying either the CLASSPATH variable or the -cp command line switch overrides this value.

Setting the CLASSPATH can be tricky and should be performed with care.

Which is just charming. Essentially, our classpath needs to contain the path to our .jar files to the top of our package hierarchies. It can be set either via environment variable, which you shouldn’t do, or with the much better option of the -cp flag.

It also helps explain a common Java gotcha, where you try and run java without cd ‘ing into the directory first.

$ java bin.space.gaston.helloworld.HelloWorld Error: Could not find or load main class bin.space.gaston.helloworld.HelloWorld Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: space/gaston/helloworld/HelloWorld (wrong name: bin/space/gaston/helloworld/HelloWorld) 

bin , you see, isn’t part of the Java package hierarchy, but does need to be on the classpath if you’re outside of the folder. So both of the below would work:

$ cd bin $ java space.gaston.helloworld.HelloWorld 
$ java -cp bin space.gaston.helloworld.HelloWorld 

Bringing it all together

With all that in mind, we can start to compile our files into the bin directory. From the top of our project directory, we can get to work.

1. Compiling our main folder:

$ javac -d bin -cp lib/jfiglet-0.0.8.jar src/main/java/space/gaston/greeter/Greeter.java src/main/java/space/gaston/helloWorld/HelloWorld.java src/main/java/space/gaston/textEffects/Bubble.java 

We’re now using the -d flag to specify where our compiled files should end up. We’re manually feeding each of our .java files to javac , so we don’t need to add them to the classpath, but we do need to add our JFiglet .jar file so that Bubble can compile.

2. Compiling our test folder:

$ javac -d bin -cp lib/junit-platform-console-standalone-1.4.2.jar:lib/jfiglet-0.0.8.jar src/main/java/space/gaston/textEffects/Bubble.java src/test/java/space/gaston/textEffects/BubbleTest.java src/main/java/space/gaston/greeter/Greeter.java src/test/java/space/gaston/greeter/GreeterTest.java 

We need to add both the JFiglet and JUnit .jar files to our classpath, and now we’ve also got to feed in each test file and the file its testing to the compiler. We could effectively consolidate steps 1 and 2, but it’s good to break them up for demonstration purposes here as I think it helps illustrate what’s going on.

Our bin file will now look like this — notice that the directory structure of our .class files must maintain the same package hierarchy as the .java source files:

. ├── BubbleTests.class ├── GreeterTests.class └── space └── gaston ├── greeter │ └── Greeter.class ├── helloworld │ └── HelloWorld.class └── textEffects └── Bubble.class 

3. Running our tests:

$ java -jar lib/junit-platform-console-standalone-1.4.2.jar -cp bin:lib/jfiglet-0.0.8.jar --scan-class-path 
╷ ├─ JUnit Jupiter ✔ │ ├─ BubbleTests ✔ │ │ └─ helloReturnsAsciiHello() ✔ │ └─ GreeterTests ✔ │ ├─ greetWithArgumentSteveReturnsHelloSteve() ✔ │ └─ greetWithNoArgsReturnsHelloWorld() ✔ └─ JUnit Vintage ✔ 

Our version of JUnit can be run on the command line. We’re passing in the —scan-class-path flag to automatically have JUnit look for all tests on our classpath, so this requires adding the bin folder to the classpath (because we’re at the top of our project folder) as well as JFiglet, which is still required by Bubble .

4. Running our main app:

$ java -cp bin:lib/jfiglet-0.0.8.jar space.gaston.helloworld.HelloWorld 
 _ _ _ _ ____ _ | | | | ___ | | | | ___ / ___| | |_ ___ __ __ ___ | |_| | / _ \ | | | | / _ \ \___ \ | __| / _ \ \ \ / / / _ \ | _ | | __/ | | | | | (_) | ___) | | |_ | __/ \ V / | __/ |_| |_| \___| |_| |_| \___/ |____/ \__| \___| \_/ \___| 

No, I have no idea either why we tasked it to output ‘Hello Steve’.

So, great. We’ve got that working. But, gosh, wasn’t that a bit much for even a simple, totally contrived application? Can you imagine that literally every time you make a change to the app and need to recompile? I don’t know about you, but if I had to work like that for over a week I’d be permanently stuck looking like I was cosplaying Edvard Munch’s The Scream.

In the next post, the cavalry will march in to bail us out of a lifetime of perpetual build horror.

Has this post been useful for you? I’d really appreciate any comments and feedback on whether there’s anything that could be made clearer or explained better. I’d also massively appreciate any corrections!


Android: What is the folder name of the jar files (LIB or LIBS)?

I am going to create a library project which has several dependencies (jar files). I am confused because I’ve seen some android projects which has LIB or LIBS folder under project root folder (together with bin,gen,res,src.etc..)

Even I add LIB or LIBS folder, then put the jar files on it. Still need to set the project properties in order to recognize the added jar files by doing Project Properties => Java Build Path => Libraries tab => Add JARs. button.

I am using Eclipse with Android Plugin. When I add LIBS, it will appear the Android logo on the top of the LIBS folder. It is recognized by the plugin but still need to set it in the project properties (same the above adding JARs)

Which is the correct directory structure for Android Project?


People also ask

How to find the libs folder in Android Studio? If you are unable to find the libs folder in Android studio then open your android project in “Project” mode If the project is already opened in the “Android” mode. Then go to Your Project Name > app > libs and right-click on it and paste the downloaded JAR files.

lib – Application specific libraries. Basically, any kind of custom code that doesn’t belong under controllers, models, or helpers. This directory is in the load path.

A Library is a collection of JAR files or folders with compiled classes, which can optionally have associated source files and Javadoc documentation. If the Package checkbox is checked the library is included in the application’s JAR file. If it is not checked, the library is copied into the lib directory.

What is a JAR file (Java Archive)? A Java Archive, or JAR file, contains all of the various components that make up a self-contained, executable Java application, deployable Java applet or, most commonly, a Java library to which any Java Runtime Environment can link.

2 Answers

If you use the Android command line to create your project, it’ll default to libs/ . It turns out that the Android Ant tasks are set to look in libs/ by default.

If you just care about Eclipse, you can use whatever you want.

In newer revisions of ADT (revision 17 onwards), the Ant-based build system and the Eclipse plug-in are aligned so that they behave the same way. This means, by default, only the jars that are present in the libs folder are included in the final apk file. These jars would automatically appear under «Android Dependencies» in your Eclipse project.

For more details please refer here. http://tools.android.com/recent/dealingwithdependenciesinandroidprojects

Pete Doyle

It doesn’t matter actually. It can be lib or libs. Whether jar files are in lib or in libs, you just need to do right click on project, select «Build path => Add to build path» , thats it.


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