What is landing page in php

Создание лендинга на PHP

Лендинг (landing page) – это одностраничный сайт, который предназначен для продвижения товара или услуги, промо-акций или сбора контактных данных. Разработка лендинга на PHP не является сложной задачей, если вы владеете базовыми знаниями PHP и HTML.

Шаг 1: Подготовка окружения

Перед началом создания лендинга на PHP нужно установить на свой компьютер окружение OpenServer или XAMPP, чтобы создать виртуальный сервер.

Шаг 2: Создание структуры проекта

Для создания лендинга рекомендуется использовать готовые CSS-фреймворки, такие как Bootstrap или Foundation. Создайте папку с проектом и добавьте в нее файлы фреймворков. Создайте файл index.php, который будет являться главной страницей вашего сайта. Импортируйте стили и скрипты фреймворка в head секцию файла.

Шаг 3: Разработка HTML-разметки

Создайте разметку для вашей страницы. Определите необходимые блоки и секции, которые вы хотите поместить на страницу. В вашем дизайне вы можете использовать как готовые элементы фреймворка, так и свои собственные HTML и CSS. Вам также необходимо добавить форму для сбора контактной информации.

Шаг 4: Написание PHP-скрипта

Чтобы обработать данные из формы, создайте PHP-скрипт, который будет обрабатывать данные и отправлять их на указанный вами адрес электронной почты. Создайте новый файл с именем send.php в корневой папке проекта. В нем вы можете написать функцию обработки данных из формы и отправки их на вашу электронную почту.

Шаг 5: Тестирование и оптимизация

После завершения разработки вашего лендинга на PHP, протестируйте его на разных устройствах и браузерах, чтобы убедиться, что все работает правильно. Если вы хотите оптимизировать производительность вашего сайта, используйте сжатие CSS и JavaScript файлов, а также оптимизируйте изображения.

Создание лендинга на PHP – это простой процесс, который может быть выполнен в кратчайшие сроки, если вы знакомы с базовыми технологиями веб-разработки. Он предоставляет возможность быстро создать одностраничный сайт для продвижения вашего продукта или услуги, что может повысить эффективность вашей маркетинговой стратегии.

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Landing pages in Drupal

Question: I am trying to create landing pages in Drupal6. Does any body have any idea how we can create landing pages ?

Landing pages in Drupal

I am trying to create landing pages in Drupal6.

Does any body have any idea how we can create landing pages ?

Landing page» is a marketing term that describes a page on your site that a visitor is directed to from an outside source.

for Drupal 6

The landing page module is available. But it not available for drupal7.

For Drupal 7

  1. For the content: Use an approriate content type or view.
  2. For the URL use an URL alias to get something like www.mysite.com/landingpage .
  3. If you want to hide some blocks on the landing page add a PHP snippet in the block configuration which queries arg() or $_GET[‘q’] for the URL.
  4. If you need an other theme have a look at the ThemeKey module.
  5. Use the Nodewords: D6 meta tags module to add meta tags for seo or Facebook open graph tags.
  6. Use the statistics or Google Analytics module to track the succses of your page.
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I have a number of drupal sites that direct traffic to other «affiliate» sites as well as I have traffic directed to me.

My personal understanding of a landing page, in marketing terms, is a page that is more likely to convert traffic into «sales».

When you consider drupal, you cannot view it in the old fashioned hierarchy structure as that structure no longer exists. You are however given this illusion if you are using url aliases, however all drupal pages are listed at www.yoursite.com/node/nid, even your index/homepage has a url like this, you just don’t see it.

Anyway, I view a landing page as a highly convertable page, You would obviously then need to theme your page or design to be more convertable.

If you mean by landing page that this is the page listed in google rankings. then you need to go the SEO root.

But truthfully, it is too broad of a topic to give you a straight answer without you giving us your description of landing page. set the boundaries for us and we’ll try the best we can to help you out.

If I understood correctly you want to be able to do is redirect your users to a node/page if they come from an external referer?

You’ll need to create a normal node then create a module which redirects user depending on their refereral. I think you can use this module to know where the user is coming from.

The module recommended by Rikesh seems to do that but I haven’t tried it yet.

Amandeep, if you can outline what your criteria are for a landing page, it would help us create better answers.

As SpaceBeers said, any page «can» be a langing page. But if you want to be able to track übercart purchases that come from a particular source, or if you want to use the same landing page for multiple outside sources but track the number of hits from those referrers, it may be that you’ll have an easier time doing this sort of thing using Google Analytics. Look for details on «Funnels». You can also us analytics software to compare results from different sources (referrers) that match a particular start page.

Basically, since «landing page» is a marketing term rather than a technical term, you need to provide more details as to what you’re looking for when you ask questions in a forum like StackOverflow.

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HTML form PHP post to self to validate or submit to new page

Upfront apology. Today is my first day working with php and I finally figured out how to get my page to post back to itself (I’d had the page as .html, instead of .php), but now I’m having trouble figuring out how to take the data to a new page after the form has been validated. I’ve been working on it for quite a while and I’m fried. Here’s a simple example:

    .error  else < $firstName = test_input($_POST["firstName"]); >if (empty($_POST["lastName"])) < $lastNameErr = "Last name is required"; >else < $lastName = test_input($_POST["lastName"]); >> // Sanitize data function test_input($data) < $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; >?> 

Find Customer

" method="post"> First Name: ">

Last Name: ">

OK. So above, you’ll see that the form posts back to itself so it can validate. Good. Now, considering all things are valid, how do I post to another script (action=»otherAction.php», maybe?) so the data can actually be processed?

Also, any security suggestions are appreciated. I did my best to take security into account. Thanks.

When all your conditions are met you can use header(‘Location: http:mywebsite.com/otherAction.php’)

// Validate input and sanitize if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']== "POST") < $valid = true; //Your indicator for your condition, actually it depends on what you need. I am just used to this method. if (empty($_POST["firstName"])) < $firstNameErr = "First name is required"; $valid = false; //false >else < $firstName = test_input($_POST["firstName"]); >if (empty($_POST["lastName"])) < $lastNameErr = "Last name is required"; $valid = false; >else < $lastName = test_input($_POST["lastName"]); >//if valid then redirect if($valid) < header('Location: http://mywebsite.com/otherAction.php'); exit(); >> 

In some of my works, my setup is like this but I learned something not good here. That’s when you refresh the page after submitting the form , POST values still remains and possible for duplicating entries. Which is not good IMO.

Use javascript to validate, then send the post form to itself or to another page where it can do stuff with the data.

       First name: 
    .error  else < $firstName = test_input($_POST["firstName"]); $valid++; >if (empty($_POST["lastName"])) < $lastNameErr = "Last name is required"; >else < $lastName = test_input($_POST["lastName"]); $valid++; >if ($valid >= 2) < $app_state = "processed"; >> // Sanitize data function test_input($data) < $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; >if ($app_state == "empty") < ?>

Find Customer

" method="post"> First Name: ">

Last Name: "> > if ($app_state == "Logged in") < echo("Logged in
Hello Vincent"); > ?>

You can check if there is any invalid data, if there is no invalid data, process, then redirect. For example

 if (empty($firstNameErr) && empty($lastNameErr)) < // process the data // redirect to other page. header('LOCATION: index.php'); exit(); >

Noted that you need to do those code before you output any HTML, or else you cannot do the redirection. For example:

Relying on redirection like that is bad for SEO if you are about that stuff. It would be better for SEO for your form to post to another page naturally.

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Redirecting to a new page after successful login

I’m sure this question has been asked before but I have searched thoroughly for an answer but to no avail. (The only answers I’ve seen involve ajax) But I’m using just javascript, PHP and HTML.

I have a login.php page and I have already created a HTML page which is to be the landing page right after a user is successfully logged in. How do I go about this?

The following is my code for the login page and the landing page after the login is called transfer.html:

Login to Internet Banking


Not yet registered? Click here to register

0)< $msg = 'Login Complete! Thanks'; >else < $msg = 'Login Failed!
Please make sure that you enter the correct details and that you have activated your account.'; > > ?> ?>

First of all, move all your php code to the top. Without it, my code below wont work.

header('Location: http://www.example.com/'); 

Also, please consider my advice. Since it’s not the first question today and all your questions are related to basics, you should consider reading some good PHP book to understand how things work.

Here you can find useful links to free books: https://stackoverflow.com/tags/php/info

Javascript redirection generated with php code:

 if($match > 0) < $msg = 'Login Complete! Thanks'; echo " "; > else < $msg = 'Login Failed!
Please make sure that you enter the correct details and that you have activated your account.'; >

Php redirection only:

Try header(«Location:home.php»); instead of showing $msg = ‘Login Complete! Thanks’; Hope it’ll help you.

You need to set the location header as follows:

header('Location: http://www.example.com/'); 

Replacing http://www.example.com of course with the url of your landing page.

Add this where you have finished logging the user in.

Note : When redirecting the user will be immediately redirected so you’re message probably won’t display.

Additionally, you need to move your PHP code to the top of the file for this solution to work.

On another side note, please see my comment above regarding the use of the deprecated mysql statements and consider using the newer, safer and improved mysqli or PDO statements.

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