What is java idle

What does thread’s idle time mean in Java?

Refer to the Active session limit and Idle session limit sections in the following Microsoft Technet article for more information: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2008-R2-and-2008/cc754272(v=ws.11)?redirectedfrom=MSDN ============================================ If the Answer is helpful, please click «Accept Answer» and upvote it. If an active session has not received user input for the time that is specified in the policy setting, the session disconnects.

What is the meaning of idle time with respect to threads in Java? I’m reading Java The Complete Reference 8th edition’s and it says something like this:

. One thread can pause without stopping other parts of your program. For example, the Idle time created when a thread reads data from a network or waits for user input can be utilized elsewhere.

In this case, it means the thread’s state is WAITING or TIMED_WAITING , which means

A thread in the waiting state is waiting for another thread to perform a particular action.

Imagine there is only one CPU. There are two things the user wants to do.

1) Download song and play it (lets say song download takes 10 sec to get network connection download it for 5 seconds, and plays for 60 seconds). 2) Copy another file from one folder to another (lets say file copy takes 3 seconds).

In this case, if there is only one thread, then that thread waits for 10 sec to get connection, and 5 sec to download, play the song for 60 seconds and then copy another file for 3 seconds.

In all this, when the thread is waiting for 10 sec to obtain a network connection, nothing is being done until it actually gets the connection, and is just idle doing nothing. Now, when a thread is idle, the CPU is not being used. Now, when this is the case, should there be another thread, then that thread could have been used for the 3 second file copy when the first thread is waiting for 10 sec in order to obtain a network connection.

In the first case, 10 sec is called idle time

A thread can be in 2 states: idle state or working state. A working thread occupies a CPU and executes some program. An idle thread does not occupy a CPU, only core memory. Any idle thread is waiting for some event, and so is linked to corresponding event queue.

For example, a monitor has 2 queues: one for threads trying to execute synchronized statement, and the other for threads who invoked Object.wait() method.

When the event happens, one or all threads are taken from the event queue and put to the processor queue, where they wait a CPU to become free. When a CPU becomes free, it takes next thread from the processor queue and starts to execute its code from the place it asked for some event, and got to the queue.

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Actual states of jvm threads differ from this simplified picture.

I can try to explain it further with an example that contains a series of events.

A simple program reads user input, writes it to database, and reports status back to the user.

Sequence of operations:

  1. Read user IO [ thread A ]
  2. Process it and write to database [ thread B ]
  3. Reports status back to user [ thread A ]

In above thread A will pause after sequence 1 until it is unblock by thread B . So while sequence 2 is going on thread A is in idle state.

What does thread’s idle time mean in Java?, An idle thread does not occupy a CPU, only core memory. Any idle thread is waiting for some event, and so is linked to corresponding event queue. …

What Idle Hours on a Ford Crown Victoria Mean

In this video the meaning of Idle hours on a Ford Crown Victoria Police interceptor is explained straight out of the owners manual.

Meaning of JavaScript idle time which is long time in Chrome developer tools

What is the meaning of JavaScript idle time in Chrome Developer tools?
I got a very long idle time.

Idle time is the time in which nothing is done.

You can check a similar question in which Rob W has answerd it.

Go to about:blank , and get a new CPU profile. The result is probably a value for (idle) close to 100% and a bit of (program)

What is the different between Session Timeout and Idle, 13 In IIS, Select Default Web Site > Properties > Home Directory > Application Settings > Configuration > Options, the default Session timeout is 20 …

What is the different between Session Timeout and Idle Timeout in IIS?

In IIS, Select Default Web Site > Properties > Home Directory > Application Settings > Configuration > Options, the default session timeout is 20 minutes. Also, Select Application Pools > DefaultAppPool > Properties, in the Performance tab, there is Idle timeout which is default to 20 minutes too. What is the different between those two timeouts?

The idle timeout determines if, and if so after how many minutes of idle time an AppPool is recycled. Recycling the AppPool frees resources but also means that all cached data (compiled version of ASP.NET applications etc.) of sites that run under that AppPool need to be regenerated when the site is requested again (this can take up to several minutes).

The Session timeout setting determines how long a session is valid. Please note that session timeout is only applied to classic ASP (not ASP .NET ).


The session timeout setting seems to apply to ASP.NET applications as well. You can find a detailed desciption here.

Edit 2:

To clarify this: There are two session timeout settings in IIS. One setting is applied to classic ASP applications and the other for ASP.NET apps. The former can only be set using the ASP panel if Classic ASP is installed (IIS >= 7 comes without Classic ASP by default).

How do I Increase Idle Time in Windows 10?, In Windows, you can have the option to automatically turn off the screen or put your computer to sleep after a certain period of inactivity to …

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Windows 10 idle timer expired

I have sereral computers with Windows 10 Professional, release 1903, that shows the follow popup message when idle:

Idle timer expired. Session time out limit has been reached. You will be disconnected in 2 minutes. Press any key to continue.

This is a common issue in rdp connections, but this is happening to users without any rdp connection, just in their own computers with domain account logon.

Any clue about how to solve it?

Thank you for posting in Q&A! In regards to your issue,

The Problem Cause in microsoft official document says:
«This behavior occurs if a policy setting enforces a time limit for idle Remote Desktop sessions. If an active session has not received user input for the time that is specified in the policy setting, the session disconnects. Pressing a key closes the warning message that you receive two minutes before you are disconnected. However, this action does not reset the idle timer. To reset the idle timer and keep the session active, you must provide user input other than the keystroke that closes the warning message.»

The user must provide input other than the keystroke for «OK» that closes the warning message.
Refer to the Active session limit and Idle session limit sections in the following Microsoft Technet article for more information:

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Thanks for the answer. As I stated in my question, this is not related to Remote Desktop sessions, this message appears in local sessions to the users.

I have checked the sessions tab in the user object in AD users and computers. Here are the settings:

End a disconnected session: Never
Limit of Active session: Never
Limit of inactive session: Never

Disconnect when limit reached or losing connection
Allow connect again from whatever client.

Hibernate idle timeout, Specifies the duration of time after sleep that the system automatically wakes and enters hibernation. This settings enables hibernate option on Modern …


What is idle thread?

In this context an idle thread is one that is owned/held by the ThreadPoolExecutor and is not currently running any Runnable/Callable. When work is submitted to the TPE, and if an idle thread is chosen, then it becomes active and runs the Runnable/Callable.

How does thread pool executor works?

ThreadPoolExecutor is an implementation of the ExecutorService interface. The ThreadPoolExecutor executes the given task ( Callable or Runnable ) using one of its internally pooled threads. The thread pool contained inside the ThreadPoolExecutor can contain a varying amount of threads.

What happens when thread pool is full Java?

Once ‘max’ number of threads are reached, no more will be created, and new tasks will be queued until a thread is available to run them. In the general case, there is no ‘right’ way that thread pools work.

Is System Idle Process a virus?

Is system idle spyware or a virus? The system idle process has always the PID 0 (Process Identification) in the Windows Task Manager, otherwise it is malware. Get more detailed information about system idle and all other running background processes with Security Task Manager.

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Why is System Idle Process so high?

Why is System Idle Process taking high CPU usage? Usually, System Idle Process high cpu usage is not a problem. The high percent of cpu indicates that a large amount of process power is not being used. If it is at 100, 99 or 98%, you may see nothing is running in background but the System Idle Process.

What are the advantages of executor framework?

ExecutorService abstracts away many of the complexities associated with the lower-level abstractions like raw Thread . It provides mechanisms for safely starting, closing down, submitting, executing, and blocking on the successful or abrupt termination of tasks (expressed as Runnable or Callable ).

How do you shut down an executor?

Shutting down the ExecutorService

  1. shutdown() – when shutdown() method is called on an executor service, it stops accepting new tasks, waits for previously submitted tasks to execute, and then terminates the executor.
  2. shutdownNow() – this method interrupts the running task and shuts down the executor immediately.

What should CPU usage be at idle?

How Much CPU Usage is Normal? Normal CPU usage is 2-4% at idle, 10% to 30% when playing less demanding games, up to 70% for more demanding ones, and up to 100% for rendering work.

How does executor framework work?

When a task is submitted to the executor, it checks if the actual running number of threads is less than the core pool size. If it is, then it creates a new worker using the specified threadFactory. The work queue is used to queue up tasks for the available worker threads. The queue can be bounded or unbounded.

When to terminate idle threads in Java executor?

The maximumPoolSize is the maximum number of threads that can be active at once. After the thread pool grows and becomes bigger than the corePoolSize threshold, the executor can terminate idle threads and reach to the corePoolSize again.

How are executors and thread pools used in Java?

A thread pool is one of the executor implementations that uses a pool of threads for task execution. I n this article are provided practical examples of using executors and thread pools from the java.util.concurrent package. Here are described the following classes and interfaces:

What is an idle thread in a thread pool?

Idle threads are the one which are done executing the assigned task and are not currently active. A task will be eventually assigned again to an idle thread or the idle thread might be removed from the pool if it remains inactive for a long time.

When does an executor create a new thread?

If there is an idle thread waiting on the queue, then the task producer hands off the task to that thread. Otherwise, since the queue is always full, the executor creates a new thread to handle that task. The cached pool starts with zero threads and can potentially grow to have Integer.MAX_VALUE threads.


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