What is css in html5

How CSS works

We have learned the basics of CSS, what it is for and how to write simple stylesheets. In this lesson we will take a look at how a browser takes CSS and HTML and turns that into a webpage.

Prerequisites: Basic computer literacy, basic software installed, basic knowledge of working with files, and HTML basics (study Introduction to HTML.)
Objective: To understand the basics of how CSS and HTML are parsed by the browser, and what happens when a browser encounters CSS it does not understand.

How does CSS actually work?

When a browser displays a document, it must combine the document’s content with its style information. It processes the document in a number of stages, which we’ve listed below. Bear in mind that this is a very simplified version of what happens when a browser loads a webpage, and that different browsers will handle the process in different ways. But this is roughly what happens.

  1. The browser loads the HTML (e.g. receives it from the network).
  2. It converts the HTML into a DOM (Document Object Model). The DOM represents the document in the computer’s memory. The DOM is explained in a bit more detail in the next section.
  3. The browser then fetches most of the resources that are linked to by the HTML document, such as embedded images, videos, and even linked CSS! JavaScript is handled a bit later on in the process, and we won’t talk about it here to keep things simpler.
  4. The browser parses the fetched CSS, and sorts the different rules by their selector types into different «buckets», e.g. element, class, ID, and so on. Based on the selectors it finds, it works out which rules should be applied to which nodes in the DOM, and attaches style to them as required (this intermediate step is called a render tree).
  5. The render tree is laid out in the structure it should appear in after the rules have been applied to it.
  6. The visual display of the page is shown on the screen (this stage is called painting).

The following diagram also offers a simple view of the process.

About the DOM

A DOM has a tree-like structure. Each element, attribute, and piece of text in the markup language becomes a DOM node in the tree structure. The nodes are defined by their relationship to other DOM nodes. Some elements are parents of child nodes, and child nodes have siblings.

Understanding the DOM helps you design, debug and maintain your CSS because the DOM is where your CSS and the document’s content meet up. When you start working with browser DevTools you will be navigating the DOM as you select items in order to see which rules apply.

A real DOM representation

Rather than a long, boring explanation, let’s look at an example to see how a real HTML snippet is converted into a DOM.

Читайте также:  Ошибка failed to load content css

Take the following HTML code:

p> Let's use: span>Cascadingspan> span>Stylespan> span>Sheetsspan> p> 

In the DOM, the node corresponding to our

element is a parent. Its children are a text node and the three nodes corresponding to our elements. The SPAN nodes are also parents, with text nodes as their children:

P ├─ "Let's use:" ├─ SPAN | └─ "Cascading" ├─ SPAN | └─ "Style" └─ SPAN └─ "Sheets"

This is how a browser interprets the previous HTML snippet — it renders the above DOM tree and then outputs it in the browser like so:

Applying CSS to the DOM

Let’s say we add some CSS to our document, to style it. Again, the HTML is as follows:

p> Let's use: span>Cascadingspan> span>Stylespan> span>Sheetsspan> p> 

Let’s suppose we apply the following CSS to it:

span  border: 1px solid black; background-color: lime; > 

The browser parses the HTML and creates a DOM from it. Next, it parses the CSS. Since the only rule available in the CSS has a span selector, the browser sorts the CSS very quickly! It applies that rule to each one of the three s, then paints the final visual representation to the screen.

The updated output is as follows:

In our Debugging CSS article in the next module we will be using browser DevTools to debug CSS problems, and will learn more about how the browser interprets CSS.

What happens if a browser encounters CSS it doesn’t understand?

The «Browser support information» section in the «What is CSS» article mentioned that browsers do not necessarily implement new CSS features at the same time. In addition, many people are not using the latest version of a browser. Given that CSS is being developed all the time, and is therefore ahead of what browsers can recognize, you might wonder what happens if a browser encounters a CSS selector or declaration it doesn’t recognize.

The answer is that it does nothing, and just moves on to the next bit of CSS!

If a browser is parsing your rules, and encounters a property or value that it doesn’t understand, it ignores it and moves on to the next declaration. It will do this if you have made an error and misspelled a property or value, or if the property or value is just too new and the browser doesn’t yet support it.

Similarly, if a browser encounters a selector that it doesn’t understand, it will just ignore the whole rule and move on to the next one.

In the example below I have used the British English spelling for color, which makes that property invalid as it is not recognized. So my paragraph has not been colored blue. All of the other CSS have been applied however; only the invalid line is ignored.

p>I want this text to be large, bold and blue.p> 
p  font-weight: bold; colour: blue; /* incorrect spelling of the color property */ font-size: 200%; > 

This behavior is very useful. It means that you can use new CSS as an enhancement, knowing that no error will occur if it is not understood — the browser will either get the new feature or not. This enables basic fallback styling.

This works particularly well when you want to use a value that is quite new and not supported everywhere. For example, some older browsers do not support calc() as a value. I might give a fallback width for a box in pixels, then go on to give a width with a calc() value of 100% — 50px . Old browsers will use the pixel version, ignoring the line about calc() as they don’t understand it. New browsers will interpret the line using pixels, but then override it with the line using calc() as that line appears later in the cascade.

.box  width: 500px; width: calc(100% - 50px); > 

We will look at many more ways to support various browsers in later lessons.


You’ve nearly finished this module — we only have one more thing to do. In the Styling a biography page assessment you’ll use your new knowledge to restyle an example, testing out some CSS in the process.

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HTML Styles — CSS

CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the layout of multiple web pages all at once.

CSS = Styles and Colors

What is CSS?

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is used to format the layout of a webpage.

With CSS, you can control the color, font, the size of text, the spacing between elements, how elements are positioned and laid out, what background images or background colors are to be used, different displays for different devices and screen sizes, and much more!

Tip: The word cascading means that a style applied to a parent element will also apply to all children elements within the parent. So, if you set the color of the body text to «blue», all headings, paragraphs, and other text elements within the body will also get the same color (unless you specify something else)!

Using CSS

CSS can be added to HTML documents in 3 ways:

  • Inline — by using the style attribute inside HTML elements
  • Internal — by using a element in the section
  • External — by using a element to link to an external CSS file

The most common way to add CSS, is to keep the styles in external CSS files. However, in this tutorial we will use inline and internal styles, because this is easier to demonstrate, and easier for you to try it yourself.

Inline CSS

An inline CSS is used to apply a unique style to a single HTML element.

An inline CSS uses the style attribute of an HTML element.

The following example sets the text color of the element to blue, and the text color of the

element to red:


A Blue Heading

Internal CSS

An internal CSS is used to define a style for a single HTML page.

An internal CSS is defined in the section of an HTML page, within a element.

The following example sets the text color of ALL the elements (on that page) to blue, and the text color of ALL the

elements to red. In addition, the page will be displayed with a «powderblue» background color:


This is a heading

This is a paragraph.

External CSS

An external style sheet is used to define the style for many HTML pages.

To use an external style sheet, add a link to it in the section of each HTML page:


This is a heading

This is a paragraph.

The external style sheet can be written in any text editor. The file must not contain any HTML code, and must be saved with a .css extension.

Here is what the «styles.css» file looks like:


Tip: With an external style sheet, you can change the look of an entire web site, by changing one file!

CSS Colors, Fonts and Sizes

Here, we will demonstrate some commonly used CSS properties. You will learn more about them later.

The CSS color property defines the text color to be used.

The CSS font-family property defines the font to be used.

The CSS font-size property defines the text size to be used.


Use of CSS color, font-family and font-size properties:

This is a heading

This is a paragraph.

CSS Border

The CSS border property defines a border around an HTML element.

Tip: You can define a border for nearly all HTML elements.


Use of CSS border property:

CSS Padding

The CSS padding property defines a padding (space) between the text and the border.


Use of CSS border and padding properties:

CSS Margin

The CSS margin property defines a margin (space) outside the border.


Use of CSS border and margin properties:

External style sheets can be referenced with a full URL or with a path relative to the current web page.


This example uses a full URL to link to a style sheet:


This example links to a style sheet located in the html folder on the current web site:


This example links to a style sheet located in the same folder as the current page:

You can read more about file paths in the chapter HTML File Paths.

Chapter Summary

  • Use the HTML style attribute for inline styling
  • Use the HTML element to define internal CSS
  • Use the HTML element to refer to an external CSS file
  • Use the HTML element to store and elements
  • Use the CSS color property for text colors
  • Use the CSS font-family property for text fonts
  • Use the CSS font-size property for text sizes
  • Use the CSS border property for borders
  • Use the CSS padding property for space inside the border
  • Use the CSS margin property for space outside the border

Tip: You can learn much more about CSS in our CSS Tutorial.

HTML Exercises

HTML Style Tags

Tag Description
Defines style information for an HTML document
Defines a link between a document and an external resource

For a complete list of all available HTML tags, visit our HTML Tag Reference.


CSS Introduction

Here we will show one HTML page displayed with four different stylesheets. Click on the «Stylesheet 1», «Stylesheet 2», «Stylesheet 3», «Stylesheet 4» links below to see the different styles:

Why Use CSS?

CSS is used to define styles for your web pages, including the design, layout and variations in display for different devices and screen sizes.

CSS Example

body <
background-color: lightblue;

h1 color: white;
text-align: center;

p font-family: verdana;
font-size: 20px;

CSS Solved a Big Problem

HTML was NEVER intended to contain tags for formatting a web page!

HTML was created to describe the content of a web page, like:

This is a heading

When tags like , and color attributes were added to the HTML 3.2 specification, it started a nightmare for web developers. Development of large websites, where fonts and color information were added to every single page, became a long and expensive process.

To solve this problem, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) created CSS.

CSS removed the style formatting from the HTML page!

If you don’t know what HTML is, we suggest that you read our HTML Tutorial.

CSS Saves a Lot of Work!

The style definitions are normally saved in external .css files.

With an external stylesheet file, you can change the look of an entire website by changing just one file!


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