What is code point in java

How to use String.codepoint() method in Java? Example Tutorial

CodePoint method in String is used to get Unicode code point value at index or before the index. In String class we have a lot of utility methods for dealing with String like Split, replace, and SubString method but here I am discussing a relatively lesser-known method codePointAt(), codePointCount(), and codePointBefore(), but before going deep about this method lets first understand what is of the code point, what exactly CodePoint method does and how to use CodePointAt, CodePointBefore methods using java code example.

What is CodePoing in Java?

Code points are the numbers that are used in coded character sets where coded character sets represent a collection of characters and each character will assign a unique number. This coded character set defines the range of valid code points. Valid code points for Unicode are U+0000 to U+10FFFF.

What CodePoint method of Java String does?

Public int codePointAt (int index): this method returns the Unicode value of the character specified by the index. This method throws IndexOutOfBoundException if the index passed as an argument is negative or less than the length of the string.

So now we clear from the syntax what we need to pass as an argument of the method and what it will return.

Now why we need the Unicode value of a particular character so the answer would be Unicode is the character encoding standard designed to clean up the mess of dozens of mutually incompatible ASCII extensions and special encoding and to allow the computer interchange of text in any of the world’s writing systems.

How to use String.codepoint() method in Java? Example Tutorial

Unicode has widespread acceptance as we know computers just deal with numbers. They store letters and other characters by assigning a number for each one. Before Unicode was invented, there were hundreds of different encoding systems for assigning these numbers. No single encoding could contain enough characters.

So in short Code Point method helps us to get the Unicode value of a particular character which in turn helps in internationalization and localization, Unicode is an international character set standard which supports all of the major scripts of the world, as well as common technical symbols.


What is the difference between chars() and codePoints() method in CharSequence interface?

For an alternative wording, check out this Joel’s post and this summary by Oracle that also introduces the concept of code unit 🙂 To give you a real world example of what code points are, consider the unicode character snowman ☃, its code point (with unicode syntax ) is . Solution: First let’s look at definitions D9, D10 and D10a, Section 3.4, Characters and Encoding: Okay, so code points are integers in a certain range.

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What is the difference between chars() and codePoints() method in CharSequence interface?

I read javadoc, but don’t understand the differences, both of them return same result. Also can anyone explain what is ‘zero-extending’ means?

Returns a stream of int zero-extending the char values from this sequence. Any char which maps to a surrogate code point is passed through uninterpreted. The stream binds to this sequence when the terminal stream operation commences (specifically, for mutable sequences the spliterator for the stream is late-binding). If the sequence is modified during that operation then the result is undefined.

Javadoc of codePoints() method

Returns a stream of code point values from this sequence. Any surrogate pairs encountered in the sequence are combined as if by Character.toCodePoint and the result is passed to the stream. Any other code units, including ordinary BMP characters, unpaired surrogates, and undefined code units, are zero-extended to int values which are then passed to the stream. The stream binds to this sequence when the terminal stream operation commences (specifically, for mutable sequences the spliterator for the stream is late-binding). If the sequence is modified during that operation then the result is undefined.

A ‘char’ is a 16-bit unsigned value in Java, so there are 65536 possible chars.

Unicode unfortunately now has more than 65536 characters, each of which is identified by a ‘codepoint’, which is a number from 0 to whatever.

It is therefore obviously not possible to represent every character as a single Java ‘char’. There are two choices available to the Java programmer for codepoints larger than 65535: a pair of chars (known as a surrogate pair) or else a single 32-bit integer codepoint.

The difference between char and codepoint shows up only for codepoints larger than 65535.

Note that the 32-bit ‘codepoint’ value is not simply the concatenation of the two 16-bit ‘char’ values. The surrogate pair is appropriately decoded.

Java — what are characters, code points and surrogates?, You can find a short explanation in the Javadoc for the class java.lang.Character:. Unicode Character Representations. The char data type (and therefore the value that a Character object encapsulates) are based on the original Unicode specification, which defined characters as fixed-width 16-bit entities. …

What is a code point and code space?

I was reading the Wikipedia article on code points, but not sure if I understand correctly.

For example, the character encoding scheme ASCII comprises 128 code points in the range 0hex to 7Fhex

Also could not find anything on code space.

PS. If it’s a duplicate please post a link in the comments and I’ll remove the question.

A code point is a numerical code that refers to a single element/character in a specific coded character set, that sentence means that ASCII has 128 possible symbols (only a part of those will be printable characters) and each one of those has a related numerical code by which it can be identified/addressed, the code point .

For an alternative wording, check out this Joel’s post and this summary by Oracle that also introduces the concept of code unit 🙂

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To give you a real world example of what code points are, consider the unicode character snowman ☃, its code point (with unicode syntax U+ ) is U+2603 .

The concepts are slightly more abstract than the traditional, pre-Unicode concepts.

Traditionally, a «code space» was more or less synonymous with «character range». A 7-bit encoding would have a code space from 0 through 127, an 8-bit encoding 0 through 255, a 16-bit encoding 0 through 65535. Unicode has a code space from 0 through 0x10FFFF, though parts of the code space are unpopulated.

Traditionally, a «code point» was more or less synonymous with «character code». Unicode abstracts away from the single «character code» mapping to emphasize that there is a more-complex relationship between a set of glyphs and a set of character codes, and that some code points (such as joining modifiers) do not encode individual glyphs as such. Superficially, U+0020 is still the same character as ASCII SPACE 0x20, but Unicode has a much richer set of well-defined attributes and relationships.

Unicode had to coin new terms for these concepts so as not to overload the traditional terms with extended meanings. A «code space» is a unique, well-defined concept, which is not exactly the same thing as an (implicitly contiguous, possibly fully populated) character range. A «code point» is a unique, well-defined concept, which is not exactly the same thing as a «character code» (which isn’t even entirely well-defined in the first place; it has multiple ambiguous interpretations).

Java — What is the difference between chars() and, Any surrogate pairs encountered in the sequence are combined as if by Character.toCodePoint and the result is passed to the stream. Any other code units, including ordinary BMP characters, unpaired surrogates, and undefined code units, are zero-extended to int values which are then passed to the stream.

What is the difference between Unicode code points and Unicode scalars?

I see the two being used (seemingly) interchangeably in many cases — are they the same or different? This also seems to depend on whether the language is talking about UTF-8 (e.g. Rust) or UTF-16 (e.g. Java/Haskell). Is the code point/scalar distinction somehow dependent on the encoding scheme?

First let’s look at definitions D9, D10 and D10a, Section 3.4, Characters and Encoding:

D9 Unicode codespace : A range of integers from 0 to 10FFFF 16 .

D10 Code point : Any value in the Unicode codespace.

• A code point is also known as a code position.


D10a Code point type : Any of the seven fundamental classes of code points in the standard: Graphic, Format, Control, Private-Use, Surrogate , Noncharacter, Reserved.

[emphasis added]

Okay, so code points are integers in a certain range. They are divided into categories called «code point types».

Now let’s look at definition D76, Section 3.9, Unicode Encoding Forms:

D76 Unicode scalar value : Any Unicode code point except high-surrogate and low-surrogate code points.

• As a result of this definition, the set of Unicode scalar values consists of the ranges 0 to D7FF 16 and E000 16 to 10FFFF 16 , inclusive.

Surrogates are defined and explained in Section 3.8, just before D76. The gist of the story is that surrogates are divided into two categories high-surrogates and low-surrogates. These are used only by UTF-16 so that it can represent all code points. (There are 1,114,112 code points but 2 16 = 65536 is much less than that.) UTF-8 doesn’t have this problem; it is a variable length encoding scheme (code points can be 1-4 bytes long), so it can accommodate all the code points without using surrogates.

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Summary: a code point is either a scalar or a surrogate. A code point is merely a number in the most abstract sense; how that number is encoded into binary form is a separate issue. UTF-16 uses surrogate pairs because it can’t directly represent all possible code points. UTF-8 doesn’t use surrogate pairs.

In the future, you might find consulting the Unicode glossary helpful. It contains many of the frequently used definitions, as well as links to the definitions in the Unicode specification.

String — What’s the difference between a character, a, Character is an overloaded term that can mean many things.. A code point is the atomic unit of information.Text is a sequence of code points. Each code point is a number which is given meaning by the Unicode standard. A code unit is the unit of storage of a part of an encoded code point. In UTF-8 this …

Length of a String with surrogate characters in it

I am having trouble counting the length of my String which has some surrogate characters in it ?

String val1 = "\u5B66\uD8F0\uDE30"; 

The problem is, \uD8F0\uDE30 is one character not two, so the length of the String should be 2 .

but when I am calculating the length of my String as val1.length() it gives 3 as output, which is totally wrong. how can I fix the problem and get the actual length of the String ?

You can use codePointCount(beginIndex, endIndex) to count the number of code points in your String instead of using length() .

val1.codePointCount(0, val1.length()) 

See the following example,

String val1 = "\u5B66\uD8F0\uDE30"; System.out.println("character count: " + val1.length()); System.out.println("code points: "+ val1.codePointCount(0, val1.length())); 
character count: 3 code points: 2 

FYI, you cannot print individual surrogate characters from a String using charAt() either. In order to print individual supplementary character from a String use codePointAt and offsetByCodePoints(index, codePointOffset) , like this,

character at 0: 23398 character at 1: 311856 

for Java 8

You can use val1.codePoints() , which returns an IntStream of all code points in the sequence.

Since you are interested in length of your String , use,

val1.codePoints().forEach(a -> System.out.println(a)); 

Unicode — What is a «surrogate pair» in Java?, The term «surrogate pair» refers to a means of encoding Unicode characters with high code-points in the UTF-16 encoding scheme. In the Unicode character encoding, characters are mapped to values between 0x0 and 0x10FFFF. Internally, Java uses the UTF-16 encoding scheme to store strings of Unicode …


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