What is api integration in php

Quick Answer: How many types of API are there in PHP?

API TypesSOAP APIsSOAP APIs vs REST APIsComposite APIs. Web APIs. Open APIs. Internal APIs.

What is API PHP?

An Application Programming Interface, or API, defines the classes, methods, functions and variables that your application will need to call in order to carry out its desired task. In the case of PHP applications that need to communicate with databases the necessary APIs are usually exposed via PHP extensions.

What are the different types of API endpoints?

The API endpoint type can be edge-optimized, regional, or private, depending on where the majority of your API traffic originates from.

  • Edge-optimized API endpoints. An edge-optimized API endpoint is best for geographically distributed clients. …
  • Regional API endpoints. …
  • Private API endpoints.

What is API integration in PHP?

Application Programming Interface is a system that contains a set of rules or protocols or tools which help in providing interaction between two applications or software by standard data access. … If the system communicates with databases, then the APIs are exposed by PHP extensions.

What is API example?

What Is an Example of an API? When you use an application on your mobile phone, the application connects to the Internet and sends data to a server. … That’s where the waiter or API comes in. The waiter is the messenger – or API – that takes your request or order and tells the kitchen – the system – what to do.


PHP is a server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language that may be used to create dynamic Web pages. It is available for most operating systems and Web servers, and can access most common databases, including MySQL.

What is REST API example?

For example, a REST API would use a GET request to retrieve a record, a POST request to create one, a PUT request to update a record, and a DELETE request to delete one. All HTTP methods can be used in API calls. A well-designed REST API is similar to a website running in a web browser with built-in HTTP functionality.

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What is the best API?

For more options, dive into our guides to the best JavaScript APIs, HTML APIs and Google APIs.

  1. Google Maps. Google Maps visualisations now go beyond basic markers, as with this demo animating flights in and out of London. …
  2. Google Maps Geocoding API. …
  3. IBM Watson. …
  4. FullContact. …
  5. Twitter. …
  6. 06. Facebook. …
  7. Stormpath. …
  8. Amazon S3.

How many types of APIs are there?

Four types of web APIs

APIs are broadly accepted and used in web applications. There are four principal types of API commonly used in web-based applications: public, partner, private and composite. In this context, the API “type” indicates the intended scope of use.

What is API plant?

API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) means the active ingredient which is contained in medicine. For example, an active ingredient to relieve pain is included in a painkiller. This is called API. … When using the raw materials, as an API manufacturer we produce API in the large reactor in our plant.

How do you write API?

  1. Determine Your Requirements. First, you’ll need to determine your API requirements. …
  2. Design Your API. Next, you’ll need to consider API design. …
  3. Develop Your API. Now, it’s time to start developing your API. …
  4. Test Your API. …
  5. Publish/Deploy Your API. …
  6. Monitor Your API.

From the author

Greetings! I present my blog about web programming languages. In this blog, I post my notes on the topic of web development languages. I am not a professional programmer, and therefore I do not always have the correct idea of what I am writing. But in most cases, I try to follow the principles of material selection that I have developed over many years of practice.

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Integrating Restful web service API into my woo commerce website

On each request, the client need to pass the username and password in the URL parameters along with other parameters. I mean login to webservice application from client application with userame and password.

Integrating Restful web service API into my woo commerce website

I have a wordpress woo commerce website.

I have made a contract with a delivery company which has its own API ,

so in order to track my orders and to generate bar codes , i have to integrate a RESTful web service that accepts POST requests and returns JSON responses, as described by the company.

They sent an API key and a link to offline server in order to make a test

I have read the woo commerce official documentations:

but they all say to generate API key and not to integrate external API key into the website, i don’t need to understand how to code, i want to understand the process in general.

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It would be helpful to know the carrier in question. There are a number of carrier plugins already available for WooCommerce that you can choose from that integrate with mainstream carriers.

If it is not a mainstream carrier, then you will need to create a custom plugin to use their API (that is beyond the scope of answering here, see https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/create-a-plugin/). You could also potentially market this back to the carrier.

Alternatively, you could write a separate process that polls the WooCommerce API for orders, and then connects with the carrier API to create consignments. I’ve not written plugins for WooCommerce, but have experience with APIs in general, so if it was me, personally, I’d go this way.

Using REST APIs in a web application

In this video I show you how to create a simple web application which converts a location Duration: 9:21

How to Integrate REST API in Custom Web Applications

In this video, we demo how an example web application can:0:00 — Utilize the REST API to Duration: 3:06

How to Create RESTful API in PHP

In this video series we will see Create and Consume Simple REST API in PHP. What is a Duration: 1:43:36

REST API integration in PHP

My client has got some RESTful services written in ASP.net and front end code in PHP . He is providing me DTO classes and API url. Can anyone help me how to call these API services from PHP ? I do not know how to make use of DTO classes in PHP

The DTO classes will just specify the contract. I would imagine they will map to JSON objects returned by the service (although you will want to check the serialization format).

You should look into deserializing JSON to PHP objects: http://php.net/manual/en/function.json-decode.php

$url="http://www.website.com/api/object/1"; $json = file_get_contents($url); $data = json_decode($json); 

It doesnt seem trivial to decode to a specific class but you could declare a class for each DTO in PHP and instantiate the appropriate class from the client code and populate it with the data on the dynamic object that json_decode() returns.

Complete basic operations using SharePoint REST endpoints, Building and sending an HTTP request may vary according to language, library, and add-in type, so you often need to change one or more request

Creating Webservice in PHP to use with clients applications written in PHP, VB.net, Android

i am going to provide a webservice to customers. Idea is to provide a common platform for a number of customers. Customers have to register in my site by filling some details and i will issue them GREEN signal for using this service. And i will give them a VB.NET and android application that uses this webservice and also a sample php application to use it in their website if needed.

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Each customer is considered as an organization. So they can add employees, check employee details , company details, add products, etc. These db operations are done using my webservice. I have read w3school’s tutorial about webservices. I didnot understood SOAP architecture clearly. But i know about JSON. And in PHP echoing json output is easy because we need to call json_encode passing array.

But i donot know how to do authentication. I mean login to webservice application from client application with userame and password. Will storing value in SESSION works, like a normal php application ? For client, will it save session in cookie ? What is easiest architecture to use? JSON? Is it possible? Please share any reference links that you bookmarked, if you were doing something like this.

I donot want to use a complex way. Please help me.I appreciate your response.

If you think SOAP protocols are tougher for you and not necessary, you could easily implement using REST based protocols. All REST methods are fairly simple and straightforward and easy to implement using PHP.

I recommend REST, because it can be easily adapter to both Java(Android) and VB.NET based application.

Read more in Google for REST + PHP

Instead of building a application from scratch, see if you can start with a framework such as Zend Framework.

For example, if a client wants to add a new employee, he will issue a POST request to your server with the employee details in the POST arguments. If he wants to get the details of a particular employee, he will issue a GET request with the employee ID.

And as you said, for sending the output to the client, you can use JSON as that is lightweight, readable and works with minimum code.

Regarding authentication via web services, there are multiple methods to approach. One is classic username and password. On each request, the client need to pass the username and password in the URL parameters along with other parameters. But this is less secure to expose the password.

A stronger method is to use access token, where you will issue a random token to each client on first access and ask the client to provide the same in subsequent calls. You should invalidate this token after a selected period.

Searching in Stackoverflow for Webserverices + Authentication will give you an idea.

A good framework to expose your app operations over an API is Apify: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ptoB0yCsDo & http://www.apifydoc.com/

This library makes you focus on the actual business logic without having to write code for different type of output & stuff.

I recommend you looking at this tutorial. It can solve your issue.

How to Use REST APIs – A Complete Beginner’s Guide, Data (such as images, videos, and text) embody resources in REST. A client visits a specific URL and sends a server request to receive a


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