What can javascript do that html cannot

What can javascript do that html cannot

JavaScript is a client-side language; that is, it is designed to do its work on your machine, not on the server. Because of this, JavaScript has some limitations built-in, mostly for security reasons:

  • JavaScript does not allow the reading or writing of files on client machines. That’s a good thing, because you certainly don’t want a Web page to be able to read files off of your hard disk, or be able to write viruses onto your disk, or be able to manipulate the files on your computer. The only exception is that JavaScript can write to the browser’s cookie file, and even then there are limitations (for more information about cookies, see Chapter 10).
  • JavaScript does not allow the writing of files on server machines. There are a number of ways in which this would be handy (such as storing page hit counts or filled-out form data), but JavaScript isn’t allowed to do that. Instead, you’ll need to have a program on your server to handle and store this data. This can be, for example, a CGI written in a language such as Perl or PHP, or a Java program.
  • JavaScript cannot close a window that it hasn’t opened. This is to avoid a situation where a site takes over your browser, closing windows from any other sites.
  • JavaScript cannot read information from an opened Web page that came from another server. In other words, a Web page can’t read any information from other open windows and find out what else a surfer visiting the site is up to.


Can you make a game with HTML and JavaScript?

The element is perfect for making games in HTML. The element offers all the functionality you need for making games. Use JavaScript to draw, write, insert images, and more, onto the .

How to create a game on JavaScript in HTML?

  1. Step 1 – Select a Code Editor. .
  2. Step 2 – Build a Game Canvas. .
  3. Step 3 – Code Your Player, The Hopper. .
  4. Step 4 – Add Gravity to Your Player. .
  5. Step 5 – Add Code Functionality to Your Player. .
  6. Step 6 – Code Jump Logic for Your Player. .
  7. Step 7 – Build the Attack Block.

Can you make a game using HTML CSS and JavaScript?

A snake game is a classic programming exercise you can use to improve your programming and problem-solving skills. You can create the game in a web browser using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Can I mix JavaScript and HTML?

JavaScript can be used in combination with HTML to power modern web applications that are intuitive, interactive and user-friendly. By using simple client-side validation, it reduces server traffic and improves the overall efficiency of the website.

Can I use JavaScript to make games?

JavaScript can be used to develop a bunch of different types of games. And games created with JavaScript can run on almost any device with a web browser.

The Easiest Javascript Game Ever

What is Minecraft coded in?

The coding language that Minecraft uses is Java. This might be a familiar name to you if you use a computer a lot.

Is it easier to make games in Python or JavaScript?

Is Python or Java better for game development? If you’re a complete coding beginner, Python is a great place to start. It’s readable for non-programmers, and PyGame makes it easy to start developing simple games. Learning Python also makes it easier to transition to Godot, an increasingly popular game engine.

What can JavaScript do that HTML Cannot?

While HTML provides the structure for a website and CSS allows you to control the presentation of a site, the JavaScript programming language gives you the tools that you need to alter the behavior of different elements that are found on a website page.

Should I separate JavaScript from HTML?

You should put your JS code in a separate file because this makes it easier to test and develop. The question of how you serve the code is a different matter. Serving the HTML and the JS separately has the advantage that a client can cache the JS.

Should I learn HTML and JavaScript at the same time?

The short answer: You should start by learning HTML, but you’ll quickly want to begin learning CSS and JavaScript as well. Learning all three of these languages will enable you to build visually appealing and dynamic websites and web applications as a front-end web developer.

Is HTML good for making games?

Yes, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be pretty good for game development especially. One big benefit of it is that basically all computing devices can play games implemented with JS and HTML.

Can HTML create games?

The element is perfect for making games in HTML. The element offers all the functionality you need for making games. Use JavaScript to draw, write, insert images, and more, onto the .

Can you make Roblox games with JavaScript?

Does Roblox use JavaScript? No, the Roblox scripting language is Lua. Technically, you can use other scripting languages. But to create Roblox games, you need to be familiar with Lua, they won’t compile the same way.

Can you make 3D games with JavaScript?

js is one of the most popular 3D game engines used by developers. As with any other 3D library, it provides built-in functions to help you implement common 3D functionality more quickly.

Which language is best for game development?

Best programming language for games: C/C++

As you can tell from the chart above, C/C++ is by far the best programming language for games, according to the top game companies in the world. Over half of job postings listed C/C++ as a requirement.

How long does it take to learn JavaScript?

But unlike HTML and CSS, it’s not a language you can ace in a few weeks, or even a few months. So how long does it really take to become a JavaScript expert? Here’s the short answer: most programmers agree that it takes six to nine months to develop a working proficiency in JavaScript.

What is harder HTML or JavaScript?

HTML is much easier to learn than JavaScript and is considered the easiest language to learn. You can learn most of HTML from a complete beginner level to coding your own (basic) HTML in just a day or two, but just knowing HTML won’t land you a coding job.

Is JavaScript harder to learn than HTML?

HTML is easy to learn and use, while JavaScript can be more challenging to learn. HTML is used for front-end development, while JavaScript is used for front-end and back-end development.

Should I learn HTML first before JavaScript?

Ideally you’ll learn HTML first, then CSS, and then finish with JavaScript, as they build on each other in that order.

Does anyone use HTML anymore?

Do people still code HTML and CSS by hand? Of course they do. In fact, every web developer should still be coding HTML and CSS by hand, even in current times where WYSIWYG editors and drag-and-drop page building tools are rife amongst the wider community. The appeal of WYSIWYG editors and page builders is clear.

What is the disadvantage of using in HTML in JavaScript?

  • Client-side Security. Since the JavaScript code is viewable to the user, others may use it for malicious purposes. .
  • Browser Support. The browser interprets JavaScript differently in different browsers. .
  • Lack of Debugging Facility. .
  • Single Inheritance. .
  • Sluggish Bitwise Function. .
  • Rendering Stopped.

Which is better HTML or Java?

Java is used to create dynamic web applications, desktop apps, and Android mobile apps, whereas HTML is used to create static web pages and basic web page structure. We use Java for backend programming, while we use HTML for frontend web development.

Who gets paid more Python or JavaScript?

Top 5 Best JavaScript Jobs

The mid-level Python developer earns $111k per annum, and the senior python developer earns up to $122k. On the other hand, a junior JavaScript developer earns up to $60k per annum. And the senior JavaScript developer can earn up to $113k per annum.

What language is GTA Vice City written in?

«GTA 3 and Vice City were originally written in C++,» aap explains. «The compiled executables that are shipped are in machine code.

What is the easiest coding language for games?

  • C++ C++ is a high-level programming language used to build the biggest console and Windows games. .
  • JAVA. .
  • C# .
  • HTML. .
  • CUDA-C. .
  • Lua. .
  • Python. .


HTML JavaScript

JavaScript makes HTML pages more dynamic and interactive.


My First JavaScript

The HTML Tag

The HTML tag is used to define a client-side script (JavaScript).

The element either contains script statements, or it points to an external script file through the src attribute.

Common uses for JavaScript are image manipulation, form validation, and dynamic changes of content.

To select an HTML element, JavaScript most often uses the document.getElementById() method.

This JavaScript example writes «Hello JavaScript!» into an HTML element with >


Tip: You can learn much more about JavaScript in our JavaScript Tutorial.

A Taste of JavaScript

Here are some examples of what JavaScript can do:


JavaScript can change content:


JavaScript can change styles:

document.getElementById(«demo»).style.fontSize = «25px»;
document.getElementById(«demo»).style.color = «red»;
document.getElementById(«demo»).style.backgroundColor = «yellow»;


JavaScript can change attributes:

The HTML Tag

The HTML tag defines an alternate content to be displayed to users that have disabled scripts in their browser or have a browser that doesn’t support scripts:


HTML Exercises

HTML Script Tags

Tag Description
Defines a client-side script
Defines an alternate content for users that do not support client-side scripts

For a complete list of all available HTML tags, visit our HTML Tag Reference.


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