Web application development with yii 2 and php

Web application development with yii 2 and php

Прямо к релизу Yii 2.0 вышла книга Web Application Development with Yii 2 and PHP.

В авторах указаны два человека: Марк Сафронов из CleverTech и Jeffrey Winesett. С этим издательство немного начудило: Jeff хоть и написал одну из первых книг о Yii и вообще много сделал для фреймворка, именно к этой книге никакого отношения не имеет.

Во время написания книги из за нехватки времени я отсмотрел черновики только нескольких глав, но так как Марк ко всему подходит очень основательно, книга должна быть неплохая. Единственное, могут быть неточности потому как первые главы писались давно, а изменения в фреймворке более-менее зафиксировались только в Сентябре.

UPD: неточности есть, но, в общем, книга достойная.

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Как сам считаешь, насколько критичны неточности их объем? Конечно, это единственная книга по второй версии и другие еще непонятно когда выйдут, но не хочется платить за то, что с высокой вероятностью может оказаться бесполезным.

А я только в среду купил бумажный вариант: «Yii. Сборник рецептов» Издательство: ДМК Пресс ISBN 978-5-94074-786-4; 2013 г.

Меня всегда улыбают книги, которые выходят в бумаге, и написаны о вещах, которые «ещё в процессе». Это как фэйлы 3-4 года назад с книгами по «PHP 6» 🙂

Саш, здравствуйте. Скажите пожалуйста на сколько эта книга актуальна? ведь yii2 вот вот на подходе. соответственно там будут еще правки и пусть даже мелкие. вы написали отличную книгу сами по первой версии, и так же Лари Ульман тоже классную книгу написал. я смотрел ваше выступление и вы говорили, что Лари тоже примет участие в написании книги по второй версии. вы не в курсе? Лари напишет про yii2 планируете ли вы сами написать? спасибо

AndrewBo, не знаю, пока не было времени прочитать финальный текст. romanitalian, идеи оттуда применить к Yii 2 можно, код — нет. ILMA55, в Yii 2 до релиза правок сильных уже не будет. Насколько актуальна книга сказать не могу, пока не проверял. Ларри будет обновлять свою под Yii 2. Я уже пишу.

здорово. спасибо. буду ждать и куплю обязательно. жаль что мое знакомство с yii только этим летом началось. только более менее разобрался, так уже и yii2 весело. скучать некогда =)

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The Yii Book (Second edition)

Covers everything from very basics to advanced topics. Explanations are very clear. Additionally to the guide-style chapters there are two complete examples. The second edition (for Yii 2.0) is not finished yet, but buyers can download updates as they are available.

PHP Web Application Development

It is a step by step introduction to the framework, which is based around creating a reusable template that can serve as the basis for your projects.

Web Application Development with Yii 2 and PHP

Based around implementing a real world CRM following many best practices. It is assumed that reader is experienced enough in OOP so don’t expect OO-basics explained.

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Embrace 360-degree testing on your Yii 2 projects using Codeception.

Yii2 Application Development Cookbook - Third Edition

The book is a set of individual independent recipes. Each recipe shows how to do something useful with Yii explaining why it’s done, how it’s done, why it works and how exactly it works.

Yii 2.0 Community Cookbook

Although not finished, there are some nice recipes from one of the core team and community. Worth checking out.

Yii2 By Example

Develop complete web applications from scratch through practical examples and tips for beginners and more advanced users

Yii 1.1

The Yii Book (first edition)

The book starts with the very basics: object oriented programming, MVC, using a web server and command line tools. Then gradually shows how to use Yii. It covers everything from the very basics such as installing Yii to advanced topics such as implementing your own framework extension. Explanations are very clear. Additionally to the guide-style chapters there are two complete example chapters: a CMS and an E-commerce website.

Yii Application Development Cookbook

The book is a set of individual independent recipes written by Yii core developer. Each recipe shows how to do something useful with Yii explaining why it’s done, how it’s done, why it works and how exactly it works.

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Web Application Development with Yii and PHP

Written by former Yii core developer, the book takes a strong learn-by-doing philosophy to introducing you to the Yii framework. After a brief introduction to the framework in chapters 1 and 2, the remaining 10 chapters are dedicated to building an entire project management application.

Yii Project Blueprints

This book is a step-by-step guide to developing reusable real-world applications using the Yii framework. The book will guide you through several projects from the project conception through to planning your project and implementation.

Yii Rapid Application Development

The book is by-example guide to framework based around building example projects and explaining what was done in the process.


Web Application Development with Yii 2 and PHP

Yii is a high performance PHP framework used for rapid web application development. It is well designed, well supported, easy to learn, and easy to maintain. This book embraces the learn-by-example methodology to show you the most important features of the Yii 2 framework. Throughout the course of this book, you will build a simple real-world application; each chapter will introduce you to a new functionality and show you how to tweak your application. Instead of trying to be an all-encompassing reference about the framework, this is a walkthrough of the really important pieces of information that you have to understand in detail.

You will learn how to use Yii’s active record and CRUD scaffolding to manage the data in your database. Authentication, extensions, events and behaviors, and route management are just some of the many other features of Yii that you will learn from this book. By the end of this book, you will have a basic CRM application that is all set for service!

  • Build a complete application boilerplate with a single shell command and transform it into a running website with another
  • Generate code for routine CRUD interface pages
  • Make a vile extension just for fun and learn how to attach it to a target application
  • Control and customize the output that will be sent to the client browser
  • Authenticate users using a classic password-based technique and authorize them using role-based access control
  • Prepare your application for multiple users and deployment to a production environment
  • Answer mind-boggling SEO feature requests by modifying the route handling mechanism
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Web Application Development with Yii 2 and PHP

Web Application Development with Yii 2 and PHP Front Cover

This book is for professional PHP developers who wish to master the powerful Yii 2 application framework. It is assumed that you have knowledge of object-oriented programming. The previous version of the Yii framework is only briefly mentioned, but it’ll be even easier to grasp Yii 2 with the knowledge of Yii 1.1.x.

In Detail

Yii is a high performance PHP framework used for rapid web application development. It is well designed, well supported, easy to learn, and easy to maintain. This book embraces the learn-by-example methodology to show you the most important features of the Yii 2 framework. Throughout the course of this book, you will build a simple real-world application; each chapter will introduce you to a new functionality and show you how to tweak your application. Instead of trying to be an all-encompassing reference about the framework, this is a walkthrough of the really important pieces of information that you have to understand in detail.

You will learn how to use Yii’s active record and CRUD scaffolding to manage the data in your database. Authentication, extensions, events and behaviors, and route management are just some of the many other features of Yii that you will learn from this book. By the end of this book, you will have a basic CRM application that is all set for service!

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 2: Making a Custom Application with Yii 2
Chapter 3: Automatically Generating the CRUD Code
Chapter 4: The Renderer
Chapter 5: User Authentication
Chapter 6: User Authorization and Access Control
Chapter 7: Modules
Chapter 8: Overall Behavior
Chapter 9: Making an Extension
Chapter 10: Events and Behaviors
Chapter 11: The Grid
Chapter 12: Route Management
Chapter 13: Collaborative Work

Appendix A: Deployment Setup with Vagrant
Appendix B: The Active Form Primer


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