Vuex typescript vue 3

Vuex + TypeScript

🚨 The approach, described in this article, is not encouraged to be used in production, till Vuex 4.x and Vue.js 3.x are completely released. Vuex 4.x and Vue.js 3.x API are still unstable. The article just illustrates my attempts to statically type Vuex store, since Vuex@v4.0.0-beta.1 has removed its global types.

⚠️ The project configuration section is intentionally omitted. All the source code is located in this repository.


Vuex@v4.0.0-beta.1 is officially released. One of the breaking changes that was introduced is that the library is no more shipped with global typings for this.$store within Vue Component.

More information about reasons and motivations behind it you can find in this issue. Since global typings is removed, it’s up to a developer to define it by himself. As stated in release notes:

In this article I want to share my experience of augmenting types of a store. I will demonstrate this with an example of simple store. For simplicity, our store is as dumb as possible. Let’s do some coding.


export const state =  counter: 0, > export type State = typeof state 

We need to export type of a state because it will be used in definitions of getters, mutations and actions. So far so good. Let’s go ahead to mutations.


So, all of our possible names of mutations will be stored in the MutationTypes enum. mutation-types.ts :

export enum MutationTypes  SET_COUNTER = 'SET_COUNTER', > 

Now that we have defined the names of mutations, we can declare a contract for each mutation (its actual type). Mutation is just a simple function, which accepts state as the first argument and payload as the second, and eventually mutates the former. State type comes in action, it is used as the type of the first argument. The second argument is specific to a particular mutation. We already know that we have SET_COUNTER mutation, so let’s declare types for it. mutations.ts :

import  MutationTypes > from './mutation-types' import  State > from './state' export type MutationsS = State> =  [MutationTypes.SET_COUNTER](state: S, payload: number): void > 
import  MutationTree > from 'vuex' import  MutationTypes > from './mutation-types' import  State > from './state' export type MutationsS = State> =  [MutationTypes.SET_COUNTER](state: S, payload: number): void > export const mutations: MutationTreeState> & Mutations =  [MutationTypes.SET_COUNTER](state, payload: number)  state.counter = payload >, > 

TypeScript complains about an unimplemented contract

The mutations variable is responsible for storing all of implemented mutations, and eventually will be used to construct the store. MutationTree & Mutations intersection of types guarantees that a contract is correctly implemented. If it isn’t, TypeScript complains and we get the following error:

Type '< SET_COUNTER(state: < counter: number; >, payload: number): void; >' is not assignable to type 'MutationTree> & Mutations>'. Property '[MutationTypes.RESET_COUNTER]' is missing in type '< SET_COUNTER(state: < counter: number; >, payload: number): void; >' but required in type 'Mutations>' 

Just a few words about MutationTree type. MutationTree is a generic type, that is shipped with the vuex package. From its name it’s clear, that it helps to declare a type of mutation tree. vuex/types/index.d.ts :

export interface MutationTreeS>  [key: string]: MutationS>; > 

But it’s not specific enough to suit our needs, because it supposes that a name of mutation can be any string , but in our case we know that a name of mutation can be only typeof MutationTypes . We have left this type just for compatibility with Store options.


There is no need for actions for such a simple store, but to illustrate typing for actions, let’s imagine that we can fetch counter from somewhere. In the same way as we store names of mutations we store names of actions. action-types.ts :

export enum ActionTypes  GET_COUTNER = 'GET_COUTNER', > 
import  ActionTypes > from './action-types' export const actions =  [ActionTypes.GET_COUTNER]( commit >)  return new Promise((resolve) =>  setTimeout(() =>  const data = 256 commit(MutationTypes.SET_COUNTER, data) resolve(data) >, 500) >) >, > 

We have a simple GET_COUNTER action which returns Promise , which is resolved in 500ms. It commits the previously defined mutation ( SET_COUNTER ). Everything seems okay, but commit allows committing any mutation, which is inappropriate, because we know the we can commit just defined mutations. Let’s fix it.

import  ActionTree, ActionContext > from 'vuex' import  State > from './state' import  Mutations > from './mutations' import  ActionTypes > from './action-types' import  MutationTypes > from './mutation-types' type AugmentedActionContext =  commitK extends keyof Mutations>( key: K, payload: ParametersMutations[K]>[1] ): ReturnTypeMutations[K]> > & OmitActionContextState, State>, 'commit'> export interface Actions  [ActionTypes.GET_COUTNER](  commit >: AugmentedActionContext, payload: number ): Promisenumber> > export const actions: ActionTreeState, State> & Actions =  [ActionTypes.GET_COUTNER]( commit >)  return new Promise((resolve) =>  setTimeout(() =>  const data = 256 commit(MutationTypes.SET_COUNTER, data) resolve(data) >, 500) >) >, > 

In the same way as we declare a contract for mutations we declare a contract for actions ( Actions ). We must also augment the ActionContext type which is shipped with the vuex package, because it supposes we can commit any mutation. AugmentedActionContext do the job, is restricts committing only the declared mutations (it also checks payload type). Typed commit inside actions: Typed commit Improperly implemented action: Improperly implemented action


Getters are also amenable to be statically typed. A getter is just like mutation, and is essentially a function which receives state as its first argument. A declaration of getters is not much different from a declaration of mutations. getters.ts :

import  GetterTree > from 'vuex' import  State > from './state' export type Getters =  doubledCounter(state: State): number > export const getters: GetterTreeState, State> & Getters =  doubledCounter: (state) =>  return state.counter * 2 >, > 

Global $store type

Core modules of the store have been defined, and now we can actually construct the store. A processes of store creation in Vuex@v4.0.0-beta.1 is slightly different from Vuex@3.x . More information about it is located in release notes. The Store type should be declared to safely access the defined store in components. Note that default Vuex types: getters , commit and dispatch should be replaced with types which we have defined earlier. The reason of this replacement is that default Vuex store types is too general. Just look at the default getters types:

export declare class StoreS>  // . readonly getters: any; // . > 

Without a doubt, these types are not suitable in case you want to safely work with a typed store. store.ts :

import  createStore, Store as VuexStore, CommitOptions, DispatchOptions, > from 'vuex' import  State, state > from './state' import  Getters, getters > from './getters' import  Mutations, mutations > from './mutations' import  Actions, actions > from './actions' export const store = createStore( state, getters, mutations, actions, >) export type Store = Omit VuexStoreState>, 'getters' | 'commit' | 'dispatch' > &  commitK extends keyof Mutations, P extends ParametersMutations[K]>[1]>( key: K, payload: P, options?: CommitOptions ): ReturnTypeMutations[K]> > &  dispatchK extends keyof Actions>( key: K, payload: ParametersActions[K]>[1], options?: DispatchOptions ): ReturnTypeActions[K]> > &  getters:  [K in keyof Getters]: ReturnTypeGetters[K]> > > 

I will not focus on the TypeScript’s Utility Types. We are at the finish line. All is left is the augmentation of the global Vue types. types/index.d.ts :

import  Store > from '../store' declare module '@vue/runtime-core'  interface ComponentCustomProperties  $store: Store > > 

Usage in components

Now that our store is correctly declared and is statically typed, we can utilize it in our components. We will take a look at a store usage in components defined with Options API and Composition API syntax, since Vue.js 3.0 supports both.

Options API

template>  Options API Component Counter:  <counter >>, doubled counter:  <counter >>   v-model.number="counter" type="text" />  type="button" @click="resetCounter">Reset counter  template> script lang="ts"> import  defineComponent > from 'vue' import  MutationTypes > from '../store/mutation-types' import  ActionTypes > from '../store/action-types' export default defineComponent( name: 'OptionsAPIComponent', computed:  counter:  get()  return this.$store.state.counter >, set(value: number)  this.$store.commit(MutationTypes.SET_COUNTER, value) >, >, doubledCounter()  return this.$store.getters.doubledCounter > >, methods:  resetCounter()  this.$store.commit(MutationTypes.SET_COUNTER, 0) >, async getCounter()  const result = await this.$store.dispatch(ActionTypes.GET_COUTNER, 256) >, >, >) script> 

Typed state :
Typed state Typed getters :
Typed getters Typed commit :
Typed commit Typed dispatch :
Typed dispatch

Composition API

To use store in a component defined using Composition API, we must access it via useStore hook, which just returns our store:

export function useStore()  return store as Store > 
script lang="ts"> import  defineComponent, computed, h > from 'vue' import  useStore > from '../store' import  MutationTypes > from '../store/mutation-types' import  ActionTypes > from '../store/action-types' export default defineComponent( name: 'CompositionAPIComponent', setup(props, context)  const store = useStore() const counter = computed(() => store.state.counter) const doubledCounter = computed(() => store.getters.doubledCounter) function resetCounter()  store.commit(MutationTypes.SET_COUNTER, 0) > async function getCounter()  const result = await store.dispatch(ActionTypes.GET_COUTNER, 256) > return () => h('section', undefined, [ h('h2', undefined, 'Composition API Component'), h('p', undefined, counter.value.toString()), h('button',  type: 'button', onClick: resetCounter >, 'Reset coutner'), ]) >, >) script> 

Typed state :
Typed state Typed getters :
Typed getters Typed commit :
Typed commit Typed dispatch :
Typed dispatch


The result of our efforts is fully statically typed store. We are allowed to commit/dispatch only declared mutations/actions with appropriate payloads, otherwise we get an error. By now Vuex does not provide correct helpers to facilitate process of typing, so we have to do it manually. Hope, that the following versions of Vuex will be shipped with the flexible store typing.


Building Web Apps with Vue 3 composition API + Typescript + Vuex(4.0)

Building Web Apps with Vue 3 composition API + Typescript + Vuex(4.0)

In this tutorial, we are going to create a task management application to demonstrate how to build applications with the new Vue 3 composition API, typescript, and Vuex(4.0). Furthermore, we will explore Vuex(4.0) practically.


Node.js 10.x and above
Knowledge of JavaScript Es6
Basic knowledge of vue.js
Basic knowledge of Typescript

Introducing Vue composition API

The composition API is a new API for creating components in vue 3.
It presents a clean and flexible way to compose logic inside and between components. Also, it solves the problems associated with using mixins and higher-order component to share re-usable logic between components. It has a small bundle size and naturally supports typescript.

Introducing Vuex(4.0)

Vuex is a state management library created by the Vue team and built solely for use with Vue. It provides an intuitive development experience when integrated into an existing Vue app. Vuex becomes crucial when your Vue app gets more complex as it grows.

The latest version of Vuex, version v4.0.0 supports the new Composition API introduced in Vue 3 as well as a more robust inference for TypeScript.
In this article, we will explore the latest version of Vuex, version v4.0.0 practically as we build along.

Setting up vue 3 + vuex + TypeScript App

Let’s start by creating a Vue 3 app with typescript support using the Vue-CLI tool.

Take the following steps to create a Vue 3 + Vuex app with Typescript support, using Vue CLI tool


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