Viewing html in word

How to view the HTML source code in Microsoft Word?

Using Microsoft Word, the document can be saved as a web page, but word does not support the feature which enables the user to view the source code in the latest versions.

Microsoft Word 2007, 2010, and later

In the latest version of the Microsoft word, there is not any option to view html source code, but the html source code can be seen by opening the HTML document in any browser.

Viewing the code is possible in the browser but when the user wants to make changes to the HTML source code, like editing the code or linking some web pages, etc., then using the text editors or HTML editor is the best choice with the usage of HTML or text editors to modify the html document.

Microsoft Expression Web provides a simple user interface to edit the document and is open source. The users usually prefer using Microsoft word to edit the html code because of the advantage that in word, there is an interface called WYSIWYG («what you see is what you get – this means the word shows the document how exactly it looks when it is printed). But many html editors are also providing WYSIWYG interface.

Microsoft Word 2003

Microsoft Word 2003 can view the HTML source code.

Follow the below steps to view HTML source code using Microsoft word.

How to view the HTML source code in Microsoft Word

  1. First, select the content like text, pictures, or any other data you want to create the HTML code.
  2. After selecting the data, please copy and paste them into the blank word document.
  3. Click on the «File» menu, and in that, select «Save as Web Page» now name the word document and save it in your device at your preferred location.
  4. Go to the «View» menu which is at the right side of the File menu. In the view menu, click on «HTML Source».
  5. Finally, the html source code of the entire document you have done is seen in the Microsoft Script Editor, as shown in the figure below.

How to view HTML source code in Microsoft word 2007 and 2010 versions?

Microsoft word has made many changes to these versions compared to the 2003 version. In the 2007 and 2010 versions of word, remove the Microsoft Script Editor. So, to view the html source code add a Web Page Preview button to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT).

But this process is viewing the HTML source in words 2010 and 2007.

The steps for adding the web page preview in word:

  • Click on the dropdown arrow in the QAT bar in the word, as shown below. In that, click on the «More Commands» option.
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How to view the HTML source code in Microsoft Word

  • Select «Choose Commands From» from the dialog box which pops up, then select «Commands Not in the Ribbon».

How to view the HTML source code in Microsoft Word

  • Select «Web Page preview» from the command list and click on the «Add» button.

How to view the HTML source code in Microsoft Word

When you do the process mentioned earlier, that is, by adding the Web Page Preview option, the word document will open in the web browser that is set as default in the user’s computer. Now use the browser’s process to view the HTML code.

This method opens the html source code file in the browser rather than in word directly. For example, if you use Internet Explorer or Firefox as your browser, select «View» on the toolbar and select the «Source» option, as shown in the figure below.

How to view the HTML source code in Microsoft Word

Then an extra window is opened, which contains the html code written in Microsoft Word.


Embed web content in Word for the web

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

In Word for the web, you can quickly embed web content such as videos, forms, slides, and more from several supported sources by just pasting the web content URL in the document. When a supported URL is pasted and detected as a hyperlink, it automatically shows up the corresponding web content in the document. You can interact with the content (such as watching a video) by staying within the document.

Any changes in the source content automatically update in your document.

Supported sources

Word for the web currently supports embedding content from the following sites and services. The number of supported sources is growing; check back here for an updated list.

How it works

The following is a brief description of how this feature works.

Embed the content

While you’re connected to the Internet, paste the URL into a Word for the web document.

Embedded web content in Word for desktop

When Word for the web recognizes the hyperlink, it automatically embeds the content. You can the play it right from the document using the website’s controls for play, pause, volume, etc.

Embedded web content

Tip: If the URL doesn’t automatically show up as a hyperlink, press space or enter and then wait for Word to detect it as a hyperlink.

Undo and redo embedding

If you undo the paste action (Ctrl+Z), the embedded content reverts to a hyperlink.

Reverted to hyperlink

If you redo the action (Ctrl+Y), the hyperlink becomes embedded web content again.

Cut and copy embedded content

You can cut or copy embedded web content and then paste it in another location within the same document or into a different Word for the web document.

Behavior in Word for the desktop

If you open the Word for the web document in Word for the desktop, the embedded web content appears as a static image.

Embedded web content in Word for desktop

When you reopen the document in Word for the web, the embedded web content will appear as expected.

  1. There are some places in the document where embedding won’t work. Word for the web won’t allow pasting web content into lists, headers and footers, comments, footnotes, or endnotes.
  2. Embedded content always appears in a new paragraph on Word for the web and can’t be resized.
  3. If you want to show URLs as normal hyperlinks and not convert them into embedded content in your document, go to File >About >Privacy Settings and turn off Optional connected experiences.


How do I view HTML code in Word?

View the HTML source code file by selecting the “View” menu, then “HTML Source.” If you have graphics in your document, scroll through the HTML source code to find the reference to the image. Word names images consecutively (Image1.

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How do you code beautify in Python?

  1. Fill Python editor: In order to fill the Python editor, you can: Copy and paste your Python string. Drag and drop your Python file. Directly type your code in the editor. Browse your Python file (Clicks on “Browse” button).
  2. Format Python code: You can format Python code by clicking on the button “Format”.

What are the three types of error?

Generally errors are classified into three types: systematic errors, random errors and blunders.

Why are exceptions caused?

An Exception is typically an error caused by circumstances outside the program’s control. A RuntimeException is typically caused by a logic error in the program, such as referencing a nonexistent object (a NullPointerException ) or using an illegal index into an array (an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds ).

What is semantic error example?

Semantic errors are problems with a program that runs without producing error messages but doesn’t do the right thing. Example: An expression may not be evaluated in the order you expect, yielding an incorrect result.

What are the 2 categories of errors when debugging code?

Debugging in any programming language typically involves two types of errors: syntax or logical. Syntax errors are those where the programming language commands are not interpreted by the compiler or interpreter because of a problem with how the program is written.

What is the keyboard shortcut for Paste with formatting?

To Paste Formatting only – Alt+E+S+T + Enter.

How do you copy and paste on a discussion board?

Copy and paste using either of the steps below:

  1. Use keyboard shortcuts (CTRL+C to copy and CTRL+V to paste. Use the Command key instead of CTRL if you use a Mac) to quickly copy and paste text into the editor.
  2. Use the copy and paste functions within your internet browser.

How do I copy code from Jupyter notebook to Word?

7 Answers. Right Click on image and select “Create New View for Output” A new image file will appear. From there you can select the image and using the shortcuts CTRL + C and CTRL + V onto your document. You can drag the image on to OneNote and from there your copy/paste options are available for transfer into Word.

How do you include codes in a report?

If you’re report includes details about the code or algorithms that you’re using, then still include a full printout in the appendix, but include snippets of relevant code inline with the document. If you’re using LaTeX, I’d suggest using the Listings package for source code.

Why does my font change when I copy and paste?

Unless you’ve chosen otherwise, all your text is in style Normal. So when you paste your text into the other document, it takes on the formatting of Normal style in that other document. If the Normal style in the other document is Arial 11pt, then that’s how your text will appear.

What are the three types of errors in Python?

In python there are three types of errors; syntax errors, logic errors and exceptions.

How do you copy without changing the format?

You won’t have to spend time removing formatting elements from your document. You’ll get just the text you copied as if you had typed it directly into the application you’re pasting it in. To paste without formatting, press Ctrl+Shift+V instead of Ctrl+V.

What is the keyboard shortcut for paste without formatting?

You can use Shift + Option + Command + V to paste without formatting (or with whatever format the pasted text is placed into). The Chrome shortcut from Windows is the same: Command + Shift + Option + V, and you can install the extensions if you want.

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How do I copy and paste and keep formatting?

By default, Word preserves the original formatting when you paste content into a document using CTRL+V, the Paste button, or right-click + Paste. To change the default, follow these steps. Go to File > Options > Advanced. Under Cut, copy, and paste, select the down arrow for the setting to change .

How do you present codes in thesis?

Yes, your code should be in the appendix, monospaced, single column. You do not have to turn in all code used in your experiment; use your best judgement. You may want to include only relevent sections of code. For example, you should not include code that someone else wrote, unless you made major modifications.

How do I keep formatting when copying from Word to Blackboard?

The best way to do this is to open up your Word file, then press (CTRL + A) on your keyboard to SELECT ALL, then (CTRL + C) to COPY the document. This makes sure all the invisible formatting code is copied. Then you can move to Blackboard, click into the area you wish to paste, then press (CTRL + V) to paste.

What is difference between error and exception?

Some of the examples of errors are system crash error and out of memory error. Errors mostly occur at runtime that’s they belong to an unchecked type. Exceptions are the problems which can occur at runtime and compile time. Exceptions are divided into two categories such as checked exceptions and unchecked exceptions.

What are the errors that can be detected by Python?

Python Built-in Exceptions

Exception Cause of Error
SyntaxError Raised by parser when syntax error is encountered.
IndentationError Raised when there is incorrect indentation.
TabError Raised when indentation consists of inconsistent tabs and spaces.
SystemError Raised when interpreter detects internal error.

How do you fix a syntax error in Python?

  1. Make sure you are not using a Python keyword for a variable name.
  2. Check that you have a colon at the end of the header of every compound statement, including for, while, if, and def statements.
  3. Check that indentation is consistent.
  4. Make sure that any strings in the code have matching quotation marks.

What is Python black?

Black is the uncompromising Python code formatter. By using it, you agree to cede control over minutiae of hand-formatting. In return, Black gives you speed, determinism, and freedom from pycodestyle nagging about formatting. You will save time and mental energy for more important matters.

What font is code written in Word?

Is my Python code correct?

Python error checker tool allows to find syntax errors (lint). You can test your Python code online directly in your browser. If a syntax error is detected, then the line in error is highlighted, and it jumps to it to save time (no need to search the line).

Can we keep other statements in between try catch and finally blocks?

No, we cannot write any statements in between try, catch and finally blocks and these blocks form one unit. If we try to put any statements between these blocks, it will throw a compile-time error.

How do you format a discussion post?

How to Write a Strong Discussion Post [INFOGRAPHIC]

  1. What is a Discussion Post?
  2. Do your homework.
  3. Read prompts carefully.
  4. Wake up your classmates with a strong argument or perspective.
  5. Be relevant.
  6. Bring something unique to the post.
  7. Prepare your response in a text editor (like Word) before you post.


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