User home java example

Get the User Home Directory in Java

Get the User Home Directory in Java

  1. Get the User’s Home Directory Using the System.getProperty() Method in Java
  2. Get the User’s Home Directory Using the Apache CommonsIO Library in Java
  3. Get the User’s Home Directory Using the System.getenv() Method in Java
  4. Summary

This tutorial introduces how to get the user home directory in Java and lists some example codes to guide you on the topic.

For a multi-user operating system, there exists a file system directory for every user; this directory is known as the user’s home directory. There are different ways to find the user home directory in Java. Let’s look at each one of them.

Get the User’s Home Directory Using the System.getProperty() Method in Java

The System class in Java has a Properties object used to store different properties and configurations of the current working environment. It also holds the user’s home directory.

We can access these properties by using the getProperty() method of this class. We need to pass the name of the system property that we want to view. In our case, it would be user.home .

The following code demonstrates how it works.

public class Main   public static void main(String[] args)    String userHomeDir = System.getProperty("user.home");  System.out.printf("The User Home Directory is %s", userHomeDir);  > > 
The User Home Directory is C:\Users\Lenovo 

If you’re curious and want to view all the system properties, you can use the getProperties() method. The code for the getProperties() method is shown below.

import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; public class Main   public static void main(String[] args)    Properties props = System.getProperties();  for(Map.EntryObject, Object> prop : props.entrySet())  System.out.println("Property: +" + prop.getKey() + "\tValue: " + prop.getValue());  > > 

Get the User’s Home Directory Using the Apache CommonsIO Library in Java

Apache Commons is a very powerful library, and the FileUtils class of the CommonsIO library can be used to fetch the home directory.

We can simply use the getUserDirectory() method of this class to view the user’s home directory. It returns a File object that represents the home directory. We can also get a String path of the home directory by using the getUserDirectoryPath() method.

The code and output for these methods are shown below.

import; import; public class Main   public static void main(String[] args)    File homeDir = FileUtils.getUserDirectory();  String homeDirPath = FileUtils.getUserDirectoryPath();  System.out.printf("The User Home Directory is %s\n", homeDir);  System.out.printf("The path of User Home Directory is %s", homeDirPath);  > > 
The User Home Directory is C:\Users\Lenovo The path of User Home Directory is C:\Users\Lenovo 

Get the User’s Home Directory Using the System.getenv() Method in Java

The getenv() method of the System class is used to get the value of system environment variables. We need to pass the name of the environment variable that we want to access.

To get the user’s home directory, we need to use the string USERPROFILE . The following program demonstrates the working of the getenv() method.

public class Main   public static void main(String[] args)    String userHomeDir = System.getenv("USERPROFILE");  System.out.printf("The User Home Directory is %s", userHomeDir);  > > 
The User Home Directory is C:\Users\Lenovo 

You can also use this method to view all the environment variables. Run the following program if you are curious to know more about your system’s environment variables.

import java.util.Map; public class Main   public static void main(String[] args)    MapString, String> envVars = System.getenv();  for(Map.EntryString, String> var : envVars.entrySet())  System.out.println(var.getKey() + " ---> " + var.getValue());  > > 


In this guide, we learn how to get the user’s home directory in Java. For some Windows platforms running older Java versions (before Java 8), the System.getProperty() method may not give the desired result due to the presence of a bug with ID 4787931.

Another similar bug (Bug ID 6519127) also exists. Because of this, the getProperty() method gives undesirable results. However, both of these bugs have already been resolved.

In most cases, the getProperty() method will work just fine, but we can use the alternative System.getenv() method to get the user home directory.

Related Article — Java Home

Related Article — Java Directory


Get the Desktop Path in Java

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1. Overview

In this brief tutorial, we’ll learn two ways to get the desktop path in Java. The first way is with the System.getProperty() method, and the second way uses the getHomeDirectory() method of the FileSystemView class .

2. Using System.getProperty()

Java’s System class offers the Properties object, which stores different configurations and properties of the current working environment. We’re interested in one particular property for our case: the user.home property that holds the user’s home directory. This property can be retrieved using theSystem.getProperty() method, which allows getting the value of a specific system property.

Let’s see an example of how to use the user.home property and get the desktop path in Java:

String desktopPath = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator +"Desktop";

To get the desktop path, we have to add the “/Desktop” string after the property value of user.home.

3. Using FileSystemView.getHomeDirectory()

Another way to get the desktop path in Java is to use the FileSystemView class, which provides valuable information about the file system and its components. Furthermore, we can use the getHomeDirectory() method to get the user’s home directory as a File object.

Let’s see how to benefit from this class to get the desktop path:

FileSystemView view = FileSystemView.getFileSystemView(); File file = view.getHomeDirectory(); String desktopPath = file.getPath();

In our example, we first use the getFileSystemView() method to get an instance of the FileSystemView class, and second, we call the getHomeDirectory() method on that instance to get the user’s home directory as a File object. Finally, we use the File.getPath() method to get the desktop path as a String.

4. Conclusion

In this quick article, we explained how to get the desktop path in Java using two approaches. The first uses the System.getProperty() method to get the user.home property from the system, and the second one uses the getHomeDirectory() method of the FileSystemView class.

As always, the code is available over on GitHub.

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Find User Home Directory

This section provides you an example that finds user home directory.

Find User Home Directory

This section provides you an example that finds user home directory.

Find User Home Directory

Find User Home Directory

I n this example we are find user home directory.

We are using System class to get the information about system. System class extends Object class. System class allow us to get or set system information.

The method used into this example:

getProperty(String Key):
This method is used to get the property of system for passing Key values.

In this example we are passing «user.home» as key to get the user define home directory.

The code of the program is given below:

public class UserHomeExample
public static void main ( String [] args )
< System.out.println ( «User Home Path: » +
System.getProperty ( «user.home» )) ;

The output of the program is given below:

C:\convert\rajesh\completed>java UserHomeExample User Home Path: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator


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