Url html new windows

You can use the HTML code on this page to force a link to open in a new window.


As the above example demonstrates, to open a link in a new window, you simply add target=»_blank» to the anchor tag. Everything else stays as a normal link.

If you have many links, and you add target=»_blank» to each one, they will all open in their own blank window. This could become quite annoying for the user—especially if you have many links that each open in their own tab or window. Users could avoid clicking on links if a blank window opens every time they click.

There is a way to overcome this issue. Read on…

Reloading the Blank Window/Tab

Instead of calling your window _blank , you can give it a name of your choosing. Then all URLs will load in that same tab (as long as you use the same name).

For example, if you have a policy of loading all external links in a separate tab, you could call that tab, say, external . Then each link that contains target=»external» will open in that window/tab. Doing this ensures that new windows aren’t going to be popping up every time a user clicks on a link.

Here’s an example of what happens when you use target=»_blank» for all links:

And here are the same links but with target=»external» (but this could be any name you choose):

There are other keywords that can be used with target as well as various implications depending on the names of windows/tabs that are already open, whether they’re sandboxed, etc. See the W3C website if you’re interested.

Creating a «Popup Window»

You can also use JavaScript to open a new window. Using JavaScript, you can also specify what the window should look like. This is a common technique for creating a «popup window». For more info, see Popup Windows.

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You can do much more with HTML links. Here are more HTML link codes — each one catering for a specific purpose.

  • HTML link code
  • HTML image link
  • HTML email links
  • About HTML links (from the HTML tutorial)
  • HTML tag
  • HTML redirect code
  • Timed redirect (using JavaScript)
  • CSS links (remove underline, hover over effect, etc)


Hyperlinks are used to jump from one page to another. A hyperlink commonly opens in the same page by default. But it is possible to open hyperlinks in a separate window.

Opening external links in a new tab or window will make people leave your website. In this way, you prevent your visitors from returning to your website. Remember that visitors can open a new tab themselves and are irritated when a link opens in a new tab or window without their consent. That’s why it’s recommended to avoid opening links in a new tab or window. However, there can be specific situations when this is needed, and in this snippet, we’ll demonstrate how it can be done.

When it is needed to tell the browser where to open the document, the target attribute is used.

How to Add target=»_blank» Attribute to Anchor Link

The target attribute determines where the linked document will open when the link is clicked. It opens the current window by default. To open a link in a new window, you need to add the target=»_blank» attribute to your anchor link, like the following.

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> head> body> h1>Hyperlink Example h1> p> This a href="https://www.w3docs.com/" target="_blank">hyperlink a> will open in a new tab. p> body> html>


In the given example, when the visitor clicks on the hyperlink, it opens in a new window or tab.

There is another way of opening a hyperlink in a new tab by using the JavaScript window.open function with the onclick event attribute like this:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> .link:hover < text-decoration: underline; color: blue; cursor: pointer; > style> head> body> h1>Hyperlink Example with JavaScript h1> p>Visit our website p> a href="https://w3docs.com" onclick="window.open(this.href, '_blank', 'width=500,height=500'); return false;" class="link">W3docs a> body> html>

Let’s see one more example, where besides the target attribute, we also add a rel attribute with the “noopener noreferrer” value. The rel attribute is not mandatory, but it’s recommended as a security measure.

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html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> head> body> a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.lipsum.com/">Lorem Ipsum a> p>This link will open in a new browser tab or a new window. p> body> html>


You can use the HTML code on this page to force a link to open in a new window.


As the above example demonstrates, to open a link in a new window, you simply add target=»_blank» to the anchor tag. Everything else stays as a normal link.

If you have many links, and you add target=»_blank» to each one, they will all open in their own blank window. This could become quite annoying for the user—especially if you have many links that each open in their own tab or window. Users could avoid clicking on links if a blank window opens every time they click.

There is a way to overcome this issue. Read on…

Reloading the Blank Window/Tab

Instead of calling your window _blank , you can give it a name of your choosing. Then all URLs will load in that same tab (as long as you use the same name).

For example, if you have a policy of loading all external links in a separate tab, you could call that tab, say, external . Then each link that contains target=»external» will open in that window/tab. Doing this ensures that new windows aren’t going to be popping up every time a user clicks on a link.

Here’s an example of what happens when you use target=»_blank» for all links:

And here are the same links but with target=»external» (but this could be any name you choose):

There are other keywords that can be used with target as well as various implications depending on the names of windows/tabs that are already open, whether they’re sandboxed, etc. See the W3C website if you’re interested.

Creating a «Popup Window»

You can also use JavaScript to open a new window. Using JavaScript, you can also specify what the window should look like. This is a common technique for creating a «popup window». For more info, see Popup Windows.

You can do much more with HTML links. Here are more HTML link codes — each one catering for a specific purpose.

  • HTML link code
  • HTML image link
  • HTML email links
  • About HTML links (from the HTML tutorial)
  • HTML tag
  • HTML5 tag
  • HTML redirect code
  • Timed redirect (using JavaScript)
  • CSS links (remove underline, hover over effect, etc)
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You can use the HTML code on this page to force a link to open in a new window.


As the above example demonstrates, to open a link in a new window, you simply add target=»_blank» to the anchor tag. Everything else stays as a normal link.

If you have many links, and you add target=»_blank» to each one, they will all open in their own blank window. This could become quite annoying for the user—especially if you have many links that each open in their own tab or window. Users could avoid clicking on links if a blank window opens every time they click.

There is a way to overcome this issue. Read on…

Reloading the Blank Window/Tab

Instead of calling your window _blank , you can give it a name of your choosing. Then all URLs will load in that same tab (as long as you use the same name).

For example, if you have a policy of loading all external links in a separate tab, you could call that tab, say, external . Then each link that contains target=»external» will open in that window/tab. Doing this ensures that new windows aren’t going to be popping up every time a user clicks on a link.

Here’s an example of what happens when you use target=»_blank» for all links:

And here are the same links but with target=»external» (but this could be any name you choose):

There are other keywords that can be used with target as well as various implications depending on the names of windows/tabs that are already open, whether they’re sandboxed, etc. See the W3C website if you’re interested.

Creating a «Popup Window»

You can also use JavaScript to open a new window. Using JavaScript, you can also specify what the window should look like. This is a common technique for creating a «popup window». For more info, see Popup Windows.

You can do much more with HTML links. Here are more HTML link codes — each one catering for a specific purpose.

  • HTML link code
  • HTML image link
  • HTML email links
  • About HTML links (from the HTML tutorial)
  • HTML tag
  • HTML5 tag
  • HTML redirect code
  • Timed redirect (using JavaScript)
  • CSS links (remove underline, hover over effect, etc)


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