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Html center legend in fieldset

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Обновлено 20 декабря 2021


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   Заголовок для группы контролов   fieldset> legend>Заголовок для группы контроловlegend>fieldset>      

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позволяет описать содержимое , но семантически он не является «представителем» заголовков, хотя выполняет схожую функцию. Он не задаёт иерархию, а лишь характеризует контент внутри «своей» группы — как для соответствующего контрола.

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   Заголовок для группы   fieldset> legend>Заголовок для группыlegend>fieldset>      

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🛠 Для выравнивания положения текста часто советуют использовать атрибут align , но он исключён из современной спецификации, а привычные CSS-правила, например, с text — align : center с работать не будут, т. к. у него блочный контекст, но уникальная строчно-блочная контекстная модель содержимого, которая и создаёт неповторимую обводку от . Поэтому для выравнивания относительно ширины нужно использовать… внезапно margin !

За счёт особой формы обтекания рамкой текста, это можно использовать для характерной стилизации блока и заголовка:

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Какая разница между legend , caption и label с точки зрения доступности? Что между ними общего?

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Fieldset: Center Legend

In HTML 5, the legend align attribute has been depreciated so here is how I did it.

Note that Bootstrap 4 (don’t know about 3) completely hides a field set border and sets the legend width to 100%. So in addition to adding the width:auto, you would also have to use css to set the fieldset border if you want it to display.

legend width: auto; 
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;

Align fieldset legend at center

Add this CSS , remove margin :auto & left:40% then add margin-left:40% .

How to center the legend element — what to use instead of align:center attribute?

Assuming your markup looks something similar to this:



Date of birth:

Your CSS should look something like this:

Oh Dear. You have chosen probably the most difficult thing in CSS when it comes to cross-browser compatibility. Cameron Adams said it best

Probably the only difficulty in
styling semantic forms is the legend
tag. It is insufferably variable
across browsers. In Mozilla, the
legend tag is not left-indented from
the body of the fieldset, in IE and
Opera it is. In Mozilla, the legend
tag is positioned in between the
fieldset’s border and its content, in
IE and Opera it is positioned inside
the content. This makes it very hard
to move the legend inside the fieldset
border, or position it flush to the
left of the fieldset, as you get
varying effects across browsers

You can read more about what he said at Fancy Form Design Using CSS on how to style forms.

My solution to the problem would be to remove the fieldset border completely and absolutely position the legend element. The problem with what you want to do is that it is different in every browser.

HTML Align LEGEND Center

The legend element properties can be modified via CSS just like any other element. Here’s an example of a legend with 100% width, centred text and yellow background: http://jsfiddle.net/Y7DnS/1/



fieldset < border: 1px solid grey; padding: 10px; >
legend background: yellow;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;

Centering legend in Firefox

This solution uses a Firefox specific selector so we don’t need to touch the styling for the other browsers. It uses absolute positioning but uses the transform property to center appropriately.

/* indended styling for other browsers */
fieldset>legend display: table;
float: none;
margin: 0 auto;

/* FF only */
@media screen and (-moz-images-in-menus: 0) fieldset position: relative;
fieldset>legend position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: -12px; /* depends on font size and border */
background: white; /* depends on background */
transform: translate(-50%, 0);
Fix using absolute and transform

This seems to work a bit better.

Position legend on left/right of fieldset

There does not seem to be a plain-HTML way to do it. In the mean time, try this absolute positioning solution:

legend position: absolute; 
top: 4px;
left: -7px;
width: 1ch;
word-break: break-all;
background-color: white;
fieldset position:relative;

CSS: Can You positiion a legend inside a fieldset on the left border centered?

You can absolutely position the legend, and then use a transition to correct slightly. The CSS looks like this (left padding added to the fieldset so the content doesn’t overlap the legend):

fieldset position: relative; 
padding-left: 50px;

legend position: absolute;
display: block;
top: 50%;
left: 0;
top: 50%;
transform: translateY(-50%);



CSS3 for HTML5 Legend inside fieldset

Luckily, I’ve found that adding border to the legend also fixes this little, tiny gap but that’s ugly solution (as everything else with css). Solution 1: You could use flexbox and a pseudo-element.

CSS3 for HTML5 Legend inside fieldset

Can you please suggest CSS to get effect as quoted below (using CSS3 gradient & borders) ?

Current version of HTML is mentioned below:

My Statistics

Html — center text inside legend CSS, How can I center the text inside the legend. I would like to have a fixed width for the legend. When I use text-align:center; inside legend, it moves the whole legend box to the center instead of the text inside.. fieldset < padding: 1px 2px 4px 2px; border-radius: 5px; >legend < border: 1px solid gray; margin-left: 10px; …

Default CSS values for a fieldset <legend&gt

I’m trying to use a as a title inside a .

In browsers other than IE, the is positioned on the top border of the , with the text perfectly centered on the line.

alt text

I’m trying to reset it’s position so that it sits just like any other element. i.e. an .

Here’s the CSS I have so far.

But the legend is still perfectly centered on the line.

Yes, I can add a margin/padding/top coordinate but I want to know if the browser has any default values for the element that trigger this layout. I want to then, override these values.

Tested in Firefox (3.6.10), Chrome (6.0.472.63), Safari (5.0.2)

Update I’ll leave this question open for another week just in case someone HAS been able to style elements. If no solutions are found I’ll accept @jnpcl’s answer.

Simply put, it is not possible across browsers to position the LEGEND element in a Fieldset.

Workaround: wrap the text from in a , then reposition the .

I’ve just styled my ‘s by giving them a position: absolute; top: -25px; and the the parent with a position: relative; padding-top: 30px;

According to the specification, here is the default styling of the fieldset and legend elements. By resetting those properties, you can have a clean legend element to work with.

HTML | align Attribute, The

align attribute in HTML is used to specify the alignment of the caption in a element. The left and right alignment of element are supported by major browsers except Opera 12 and earlier versions. The bottom alignment are not supported by any browsers.

Html display a legend

i’m working on a leaflet map and i want to add a legend on it by using a modal to do that.

In my modal i want to use a :

and each ligne of my ul can be an horizontal line with a text or an icon with a text.

——(green) : Polyline of the race

I don’t know how to draw a red line in html/css to do something like that.

I have tried the

but it’s always take all the line.

thanks for your help. I include the code of my modal :

Example (From Comment Section)

You could use flexbox and a pseudo-element.

.list-group-item <> .list-group-item div < display: flex; align-items: center; >.list-group-item div::before
.my-divider < position: relative; left: 100px; >.my-divider::before

Values are a bit arbitrary so change those to suit.

Html — Use Fieldset Legend with bootstrap, to legend.scheduler-border in CSS. And I’m getting the expected output. But the problem is I would like to add another

for another fields. That time the width of text in legend is a problem as it is lengthier than than 100px. So what shall I do to get output like I have mentioned? (Without striking the legend text)

How to position the legend inside a fieldset with a border? [duplicate]

According to the several references on the web, it is not possible to position a legend. So it is suggested to wrap it with span:

Then we can position the span inside the fieldset. but then when I want to add a border on top of the fieldset, there is a gap for the legend. Luckily, I’ve found that adding border to the legend also fixes this little, tiny gap but that’s **** solution (as everything else with css). Do you have any more valid solutions to this problem?

note: I’ve found the solution concurrently, after I’ve started writing this question, so I want to still ask it.

I found that simple float:left for LEGEND will do the job.

Codepen sample: http://codepen.io/vkjgr/pen/oFdBa

I know this is an old question, but I got this page when I googled » fieldset legend position», and I really couldn’t find a good answer.

The legend just won’t behave!, so the best solution I found was to position it absolute and have a padding top on the fieldset. JSFildle example: http://jsfiddle.net/carlosmartinezt/gtNnT/356/

Use an outline instead of a border: http://jsfiddle.net/leaverou/gtNnT/

The OP almost answered his own question: wrapping does the trick, but it’s the other way around. Use:

Css — Fieldset: Center legend, In HTML 5, the legend align attribute has been depreciated so here is how I did it. Note that Bootstrap 4 (don’t know about 3) completely hides a field set border and sets the legend width to 100%. So in addition to adding the width:auto, you would also have to use css to set the fieldset border if you want it to display.


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