Typescript cast object to string

5 ways to convert any to string in typescript

We have to use any type in many cases in TypeScript . For example, if the response data type is unknown for an API request or third-party module, we can use any as the data type.

But if we want the data as string type, we need to convert the any type to string . We have two different ways in TypeScript to convert any to string . Let’s have a look:

Method 1: By using the toString() method:

The toString() method converts a value to string . We can use it to convert a value of any type to string type. The below example shows how we can use the toString() method with different types of data, or with any type:

function getStringValue(value: any): string  return value.toString(); > console.log(getStringValue(19)); console.log(getStringValue(19.4890)); console.log(getStringValue('hello')); console.log(getStringValue(true));

It will print the below output:

In this example, we have used the toString() method with number , string and boolean values. Note that it will not work with undefined . For undefined , it will throw an error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘toString’) . We can use the optional operator ? to handle that:

function getStringValue(value: any): string  return value?.toString(); > console.assert(getStringValue(19) === "19", 'Test 1'); console.assert(getStringValue(19.489) === "19.489", 'Test 2'); console.assert(getStringValue("hello") === "hello", 'Test 3'); console.assert(getStringValue(true) === "true", 'Test 4'); console.assert(getStringValue(undefined) === undefined, 'Test 5'); console.assert(getStringValue(null) === undefined, 'Test 6');

The getStringValue method will return undefined for an undefined or null value.

Method 2: By using the String() constructor:

Using the string constructor, we can convert any to string. Let me re-write the same program with String:

function getStringValue(value: any): string  return String(value); > console.assert(getStringValue(19) === "19", 'Test 1'); console.assert(getStringValue(19.489) === "19.489", 'Test 2'); console.assert(getStringValue("hello") === "hello", 'Test 3'); console.assert(getStringValue(true) === "true", 'Test 4'); console.assert(getStringValue(undefined) === "undefined", 'Test 5'); console.assert(getStringValue(null) === "null", 'Test 6');

Note that for undefined and null , it returns ‘undefined’ and ‘null’ respectively.

Method 3: By appending an empty string:

If we append an empty string to another value, it will return a string. For example:

function getStringValue(value: any): string  return value + ""; > console.assert(getStringValue(19) === "19", "Test 1"); console.assert(getStringValue(19.489) === "19.489", "Test 2"); console.assert(getStringValue("hello") === "hello", "Test 3"); console.assert(getStringValue(true) === "true", "Test 4"); console.assert(getStringValue(undefined) === "undefined", "Test 5"); console.assert(getStringValue(null) === "null", "Test 6");

Similar to the String() constructor, it will return ‘undefined’ and ‘null’ for undefined and null values.

Method 4: With string literal:

Starting ES6, we can also use string literal and the above example will look as below:

function getStringValue(value: any): string  return `$value>`; > console.assert(getStringValue(19) === "19", "Test 1"); console.assert(getStringValue(19.489) === "19.489", "Test 2"); console.assert(getStringValue("hello") === "hello", "Test 3"); console.assert(getStringValue(true) === "true", "Test 4"); console.assert(getStringValue(undefined) === "undefined", "Test 5"); console.assert(getStringValue(null) === "null", "Test 6");

It is similar to the previous example.

Method 5: How to handle JSON values:

If we use any of the previous methods, it will return [object Object] for any JSON object. To convert a JSON object to a string, we need to use the JSON.stringify() method. We can check the type of the parameter and based on its type, we can perform different operations.

function getStringValue(value: any): string  if (typeof value === "object") return JSON.stringify(value); return `$value>`; > console.assert(getStringValue(19) === "19", "Test 1"); console.assert(getStringValue(19.489) === "19.489", "Test 2"); console.assert(getStringValue("hello") === "hello", "Test 3"); console.assert(getStringValue(true) === "true", "Test 4"); console.assert(getStringValue(undefined) === "undefined", "Test 5"); console.assert(getStringValue(null) === "null", "Test 6"); console.assert( getStringValue( id: 1, name: "Alex" >) === '', "Test 7" );

We are using the typeof operator to get the type of a value. If it is an object , it will return the result of JSON.stringify() method.

TypeScript any to using examples


Typescript Conversions: How to Convert Data Types into Strings

Learn how to convert different data types into strings in Typescript. From using toString() method to parsing and other methods, this guide covers best practices for efficient and readable code. Start converting data types with ease today!

  • Using toString() method
  • Conversion
  • Converting a string to a number
  • Converting an array to a string
  • Other methods for converting data types into strings
  • Other code examples for converting data types to strings in Typescript
  • Conclusion
  • How to convert number into string in TypeScript?
  • How to convert array into string in TypeScript?
  • How to use toString in TypeScript?
  • How do you convert a value to a string?

Typescript is a popular programming language that is widely used in web development. One of the essential tasks in programming is converting data types into strings. In this blog post, we will explore how to convert different data types into strings in Typescript.

Using toString() method

The toString() method is an in-built method that every data type has, and calling the toString() method on any data type returns a string version of an object. We can use the toString() method to convert different data types such as numbers, strings, and arrays into strings.

Here is an example of how to use the toString() method for different data types in Typescript:

const num: number = 9; const str: string = "Hello, world!"; const arr: Arraynumber> = [1, 2, 3];console.log(num.toString()); // "9" console.log(str.toString()); // "Hello, world!" console.log(arr.toString()); // "1,2,3" 


Using conversion (e.g., String(page_number) ) is necessary when using string methods like toLowerCase() . The valueOf class method can be used to convert a number to a string in Typescript.

Here is an example of how to use conversion for different data types in Typescript:

const num: number = 9; const bool: boolean = true;console.log(String(num)); // "9" console.log(String(bool)); // "true" 

Converting a string to a number

The methods for converting a string to a number in typescript include parseInt() , parseFloat() , and Number() .

Here is an example of how to use these methods for converting a string to a number in Typescript:

const str: string = "123.45";console.log(parseInt(str)); // 123 console.log(parseFloat(str)); // 123.45 console.log(Number(str)); // 123.45 

Converting an array to a string

The Array.toString() method returns a string representing the source code of the specified array and its elements.

Here is an example of how to use the Array.toString() method for converting an array to a string:

const arr: Arraynumber> = [1, 2, 3];console.log(arr.toString()); // "1,2,3" 

Other methods for converting data types into strings

  • The String.toLowerCase() method returns the calling string value converted to lowercase.
  • The Date() constructor can be used to convert a string to a Date object in Typescript.
  • The String() object can be used to convert a boolean to a string in Typescript.
  • The unary + operator can be used to convert a string to a number in Typescript.

Here are some examples of using these methods for Converting data types into strings in Typescript:

const str: string = "HELLO, WORLD!"; const dateStr: string = "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z"; const bool: boolean = true;console.log(str.toLowerCase()); // "hello, world!" console.log(new Date(dateStr)); // "Sat Jan 01 2022 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)" console.log(String(bool)); // "true" console.log(+str); // NaN 

Other code examples for converting data types to strings in Typescript

In Typescript case in point, number to string typescript

var num = new Number(10); console.log(num.toString()); console.log(num.toString(2)); console.log(num.toString(8));

In Typescript case in point, typescript convert numer to string code example

window.location.hash = ""+page_number; window.location.hash = String(page_number); 

In Typescript , in particular, type to string typescript code sample

var variableName:string = 'John Smith'; 

In Typescript , typescript parse to string code example

window.location.hash = ""+page_number; window.location.hash = String(page_number); 


Converting data types into strings is a crucial task in programming, and in this blog post, we have explored how to convert different data types into strings in Typescript. We have covered different methods such as toString() , conversion, parsing, and other methods for converting data types into strings.

best practices for converting data types into strings include using the appropriate method for the specific data type and avoiding typecasting when possible. By following these guidelines, programmers can ensure that their code is efficient, readable, and easy to maintain.

Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs

What is the toString() method in Typescript?

The toString() method is an in-built method that every data type in Typescript has, and it returns a string version of an object. It can be used to convert different data types such as numbers, strings, and arrays into strings.

How do I convert a number to a string in Typescript?

You can use the valueOf class method to convert a number to a string in Typescript. For example, let num = 123; let str = num.valueOf().toString(); will convert the number 123 into a string.

What are the methods for converting a string to a number in Typescript?

The methods for converting a string to a number in Typescript include parseInt(), parseFloat(), and Number(). parseInt() and parseFloat() are used to convert a string into an integer or a floating-point number, while Number() can convert a string into a number.

How do I convert an array to a string in Typescript?

You can use the Array.toString() method to convert an array to a string in Typescript. This method returns a string representing the source code of the specified array and its elements.

What is the best practice for converting data types into strings in Typescript?

The best practice for converting data types into strings in Typescript is to use the appropriate method for the specific data type. Avoid typecasting when possible, and be mindful of the performance impact of conversions.

Can I convert a boolean to a string in Typescript?

Yes, you can use the String() object to convert a boolean to a string in Typescript. For example, let bool = true; let str = String(bool); will convert the boolean value true into a string.


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