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[OTTD] Temporal8´s Real Industries 32bpp Beta Released!!

[OTTD] Temporal8´s Real Industries 32bpp Beta Released!!

Post by temporal8 » 05 Aug 2022 01:03

This is the beta version of my industries set, I recommend using it with my 32bpp townset named «Real Houses Townset» for a almost complete 32bpp experience.

It is only a Beta version and some things need to be polished / fixed, the Oil Rig for example, does not work in this version.

Beta 2:
— Heavy Vehicles Factory: heavy vehicles can now be produced.
— Coal and Iron Ore mines: Fixed production values.
— Stadiums 1 and 2: Players Creation fixed.
— Schools: the number of produced students were adjusted.
— Bank: Slope placement fixed.
— Bistro: Slope placement fixed.
— High school campus (New Industry).

Beta 3:
— Mail service fixed.

I recommend installing the following newgrfs as well:

CZ Ground.
CZTR Road set.
CZTR tree set 2.01
Temporal8 Real Stations.
Temporal8 Real Trucks.

For a better 32bpp experience!

Real Projects 32bpp releases:

piratescooby Route Supervisor
Posts: 446 Joined: 21 Nov 2014 12:39 Location: The Granite City.

Re: [OTTD] Temporal8´s Real Industries 32bpp Beta Released!!

Post by piratescooby » 07 Aug 2022 13:45

Looking good , Question — the industry’s that replace Houses ,How do we replace the houses with the Industry’s ? Is a town got to be of a certain size , a specific house ? I made a map , 512 x 512 with the Real House Townset , and failed to find a house to replace . Please How do we replace .

Re: [OTTD] Temporal8´s Real Industries 32bpp Beta Released!!

Post by temporal8 » 07 Aug 2022 19:35

piratescooby wrote: ↑ 07 Aug 2022 13:45 Looking good , Question — the industry’s that replace Houses ,How do we replace the houses with the Industry’s ? Is a town got to be of a certain size , a specific house ? I made a map , 512 x 512 with the Real House Townset , and failed to find a house to replace . Please How do we replace .

Some industries need a 3×3 place so maybe 512×512 its too small or the towns number it´s low, try making a 1024×1024 map and playing with the options: Terrain type, Sea Level, No. of towns, Rivers.

I personally use:
Map Size: 1024×1024
Terrain type: Flat
Variety distribution: None
Sea Level: low
No. of towns: normal
Smoothness: Smooth
Rivers: None

Real Projects 32bpp releases:

piratescooby Route Supervisor
Posts: 446 Joined: 21 Nov 2014 12:39 Location: The Granite City.

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Re: [OTTD] Temporal8´s Real Industries 32bpp Beta Released!!

Post by piratescooby » 08 Aug 2022 08:00

Re: [OTTD] Temporal8´s Real Industries 32bpp Beta Released!!

Post by Archiel » 10 Aug 2022 04:07

This is looking great! I played a bit with the beta, and found a few other issues. I hope this is helpful:

The bananas page here doesn’t link to this forum thread: (it links to another one)

Iron Ore mines require university trained workers / heavy machinery. They seem to produce nothing without inputs.

I had zero high schools spawn on my 1024×1024 map. (But I had 41 universities.. they seem to produce nothing without high school students however.)

I also had zero: Car dealers, fuel stations, hospitals, ikeas, modern art museums, parks, and police stations.

The oil rigs work if you can put a dock near them. (So they work like normal industries).

Tyres are transported in liquid cars.

I am very excited to see more! Thank you!

Re: [OTTD] Temporal8´s Real Industries 32bpp Beta Released!!

Post by temporal8 » 13 Aug 2022 11:15

Archiel wrote: ↑ 10 Aug 2022 04:07 This is looking great! I played a bit with the beta, and found a few other issues. I hope this is helpful:

The bananas page here doesn’t link to this forum thread: (it links to another one)

Iron Ore mines require university trained workers / heavy machinery. They seem to produce nothing without inputs.

I had zero high schools spawn on my 1024×1024 map. (But I had 41 universities.. they seem to produce nothing without high school students however.)

I also had zero: Car dealers, fuel stations, hospitals, ikeas, modern art museums, parks, and police stations.

The oil rigs work if you can put a dock near them. (So they work like normal industries).

Tyres are transported in liquid cars.

I am very excited to see more! Thank you!

Hi, thanks a lot for reporting those issues!

1 — Iron mines: for every worker produce IORE 0.20 and for every vehicle IORE 0.50,
Maybe it needs an difficultylevel adjustment.

2 — High Schools spawn: Set the default town layout in advanced «settings» to 3×3 grid and my settings for map generation:

Map Size: 1024×1024
Terrain type: Flat
Variety distribution: None
Sea Level: low
No. of towns: normal
Smoothness: Smooth
Rivers: None

3- Car dealers, fuel stations, hospitals, ikeas, modern art museums, parks, and police stations:

Real Projects 32bpp releases:

Re: [OTTD] Temporal8´s Real Industries 32bpp Beta Released!!

Post by blackeagle » 23 Aug 2022 06:24

Signed up just to say «Thank you!», this looks awesome.

However, I seem to have an issue producing cars and heavy vehicles — neither factory appears to accept workers although I think in an earlier test game I did produce some cars. However, I’ve never managed to produce any heavy vehicles, even when I’ve delivered plastics, metal and tyres all at the same time. I know it’s just a beta and don’t expect everything to be spot on, just wondered if it’s me or a bug?

Producing metal without heavy vehicles is somewhat challenging, but still do-able!

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Looking forward to a Beta of the Real Stations to go with this, your work is awesome. Many, many thanks for what you have released so far.

Re: [OTTD] Temporal8´s Real Industries 32bpp Beta Released!!

Post by temporal8 » 26 Aug 2022 21:40

blackeagle wrote: ↑ 23 Aug 2022 06:24 Signed up just to say «Thank you!», this looks awesome.

However, I seem to have an issue producing cars and heavy vehicles — neither factory appears to accept workers although I think in an earlier test game I did produce some cars. However, I’ve never managed to produce any heavy vehicles, even when I’ve delivered plastics, metal and tyres all at the same time. I know it’s just a beta and don’t expect everything to be spot on, just wondered if it’s me or a bug?

Producing metal without heavy vehicles is somewhat challenging, but still do-able!

Looking forward to a Beta of the Real Stations to go with this, your work is awesome. Many, many thanks for what you have released so far.

Hey! thanks A LOT for the issues report.

It’s an error, i just check the source code, I’m going to gather a few reports and fix it for the next version.

I am just working in stations (passengers and industries)

Real Projects 32bpp releases:

Argus President
Posts: 955 Joined: 16 Oct 2018 08:31 Location: Heart of the Highlands. Not Scottish. Czech.

Re: [OTTD] Temporal8´s Real Industries 32bpp Beta Released!!

Post by Argus » 29 Aug 2022 21:42

Re: [OTTD] Temporal8´s Real Industries 32bpp Beta Released!!

Post by madrito » 01 Sep 2022 12:18

It’s these graphics of yours that would be most useful,
when it wasn’t over :
industrial station renewal 0.9.4 extra zoom

Thanks again for your stations.

Re: [OTTD] Temporal8´s Real Industries 32bpp Beta Released!!

Post by belka-fiz » 19 Sep 2022 12:08

Really nice set! Became one of my favourite along with CZ ground, CZTR trees and Real Houses Townset. The graphics has never been so cool! Since it is the beta, I’d like to add a few questions and comments

1) Is it OK that Recycling Plant produces fixed amount of plastic/rubber regardless of how much trash comes in? I was pretty sure my thousands of tons of trash should help it to produce more, but nope.

2) It seems that stadiums 1 and 2 do not produce or consume players. The supply chain shows only Trash. And.. the stadiums of all types just stay and do nothing.

3) The mining industry is highly dependent on workers that are dependent on students, but students production by schools is extremely low. I tried to set up three supply chains at the same time a) oil-refinery-goods and petrol-trash, b) livestock-food-trash, c) passengers-students-workers-iron ore-metal-heavy machinery-everything else. All the chains at the beginning had just one primary resource spot or school in the third case. And. a and b quickly began generating thousands of tons of food/goods/petrol and trash and helped me to earn big money, while c could hardly reach the vehicle factory due to low students production and many links in the chain, each having some losses. One of the roots of the problem is that schools must be placed in a town where other passenger consumers are always present, and in the beginning even if I make several bus stops around a school and f.e. a train station, it still produce several tens of students, who become a dozen of workers that can mine just a few tons of ore, that is not enough for anything. It started working a little with an International airport next to the school having a continuous chain of incoming flights, but still 400 students per month result in production of just 70 tons of metal. IDK, maybe the schools should produce more students per passenger or be allowed to be placed outside a town to have less competitors.

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4) I’ve noticed that Iron Ore is not mined at all if workers were delivered by basic bus like ‘Hereford Leopard bus’, but goes OK if they were delivered by bus from Real Buses set. Is it a bug or a feature?)


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С коробкой и проводом для зарядки, в подарок — задняя панель с совятами. ПРОДАН Оленька


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Изображение— ПРОДАНА Мартинио
Изображение— ПРОДАНА Мартинио

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даром. — БРОНЬ Kali —-> cuperis


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электронные сигареты: 2 сигареты (можно бросать курить вместе с мужем), сменные фильтры, мундштуки, наполнители с никотином и без, ароматизаторы, картомайзеры, чехлы и зарядки. На фото представлено не всё. Т.к. это удовольствие обошлось примерно в 6 т.р., за 100 р не продам) А за 1000 — могу.
Очень, кстати, увлекательное занятие, особенно аромасмеси для курения составлять интересно.
1000р за всё. БРОНЬ — Musich


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Ничего не делай, будь никем, ничего не говори и тогда ты сможешь избежать критики.
В раб. дни с 9 до 18 НЕ звонить.

Последний раз редактировалось Валерия Дебельбер 18 ноя 2013, 21:26, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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Специалист по недвижимости. тел 9093050 Марина. viewtopic.php?f=83&t=133924


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