Translate html into text

Html to text converter

World’s simplest browser-based utility for extracting text from HTML. Load your HTML in the input form on the left and you’ll instantly get text in the output area. Powerful, free, and fast. Load HTML – get text. Created by developers from team Browserling.

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The free plan lets you use text tools for personal use only. Upgrade to the premium plan to use text tools for commercial purposes. Additionally, these features will be unlocked when you upgrade:

You’re using the free plan

The free plan lets you use text tools for personal use only. Upgrade to the premium plan to use text tools for commercial purposes. Additionally, these features will be unlocked when you upgrade:

Text has been copied to clipboard

Yay! The text has been copied to your clipboard. If you like our tools, you can upgrade to a premium subscription to get rid of this dialog as well as enable the following features:

What is a html to text converter?

With this tool, you can convert HTML code to text. It removes all HTML tags and preserves text structure but you can remove it by using the collapse-whitespace option. You can also control the behavior of the
tag and make it insert a new line in the output text. Coming soon, you’ll be able to choose the tags that you want to extract text from (and ignore text in all other tags). Textabulous!

Html to text converter examples

In this example, we pull out lorem ipsum text from HTML code. We also apply the «Collapse Whitespace» option and remove extra spaces around deleted tags.

Lorem Ipsum

What is lorem ipsum?

Lorem ipsum is a classic pangram, conditional, often meaningless placeholder text inserted into the page layout.

Is a distorted section from the philosophical treatise «On the ends of good and evil» by Cicero.

Lorem Ipsum What is lorem ipsum? Lorem ipsum is a classic pangram, conditional, often meaningless placeholder text inserted into the page layout. Is a distorted section from the philosophical treatise «On the ends of good and evil» by Cicer

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In this example, we strip all tags from a poem written in HTML code. We leave all whitespace characters in their place (by disabling collapse-whitespace option) and enable
tag line breaks (by enabling br-tags option).

You can pass input to this tool via ?input query argument and it will automatically compute output. Here’s how to type it in your browser’s address bar. Click to try!

https:// ?input=%3Cbody%3E%0A%20%20%3Cheader%3E%0A%20%20%20%20%3Ch1%3ELorem%20Ipsum%3C/h1%3E%0A%20%20%3C/header%3E%0A%20%20%3Carticle%3E%0A%20%20%20%20%3Ch2%3EWhat%20is%20lorem%20ipsum%3F%3C/h2%3E%0A%20%20%20%20%3Cp%3ELorem%20ipsum%20is%20a%20classic%20pangram%2C%20conditional%2C%20often%20meaningless%20placeholder%20text%20inserted%20into%20the%20page%20layout.%3C/p%3E%0A%20%20%3C/article%3E%0A%20%20%3Cfooter%3E%0A%20%20%20%20Is%20a%20distorted%20section%20from%20the%20philosophical%20treatise%20%22On%20the%20ends%20of%20good%20and%20evil%22%20by%20Cicero.%0A%20%20%3C/footer%3E%0A%3C/body%3E&line-break=False&strip-whitespace=True


HTML To Text Converter

Transform your HTML into text with our free HTML to Text converter.

The fastest way to get a plain-text version of your HTML

HTML To Text Converter by Mailmeteor converts HTML to plain-text. You can use it to make sure to send a text version of your email, in a few seconds, for free, saving you hours of repetitive work.

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Questions & answers about HTML To Text Converter

Everything you need to know about how and why converting HTML emails in plain-text.

How do I convert HTML to text?

Using HTML To Text, you can easily convert an HTML page or email to plain text in a matter of seconds. No need to manully extract the content of each HTML tags, it does it for you.

How to extract text from HTML?

You can do it manually, but it’s time-consuming. Or you could use an HTML to Text converter that automatically extracts the inner text of each HTML tag and converts it to text.

How to use HTML To Text converter?

HTML To Text converter is a free, easy to use and simple tool. Just paste the HTML code of your email and click on «Convert to Text».

What is a HTML To Text converter?

HTML To Text converter is a free tool to convert any HTML email. It converts the HTML source code and extract the text content.

How does a HTML To Text converter work?

HTML To Text converter proceeds with several steps to provide you the text-content of your HTML email :

  1. The HTML email is received by the tool from the pasting area.
  2. The HTML is treated and then transformed without HTML tags.
  3. Then the text content is shown below the original code.

Is HTML To Text converter Free?

HTML To Text converter is totally free to use. Mailmeteor makes it available to anyone interested in transforming HTML email to plain-text version.

How many HTML email can I convert into plain-text per day?

We apply a fair-use policy, so you are free to manually use HTML To Text converter as long as you don’t abuse of it. Any abuse includes, but is not limited to, making automatic requests to our service.

Does HTML to Text converter use my data?

Your data stays yours — like all products made by Mailmeteor. Email HTML code that you verify using our HTML To Text converter are not saved by us nor shared with a third-party. Although, we might temporarly log requests made to the service for maintenance purposes.

With this said, this page has Google Analytics and is protected by reCAPTCHA. Consequently, the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

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What to do once an HTML email is converted to text?

Once you have converted your HTML email in text, you can send a highly personalized email campaign using Gmail with Mailmeteor. Mailmeteor lets you send mass emails in Gmail that feel personal. It’s the most popular Gmail mail merge tool, Trusted by 5 million people worldwide for its simplicity and privacy focus.

Questions? Comments?

Feel free to let us know what you think.

Brought to you by Mailmeteor

The Best Rated Mail Merge for Gmail


Free Extract Text from HTML Online

Next-Gen App & Browser Testing Cloud

Free online tool to removes all HTML tags and preserves text structure.




HTML to TEXT Converter Online aids in the conversion of HTML to plain text, which is easy to read and parse, as well as the saving and sharing of TEXT. If you’re doing cross-browser testing, an HTML to text converter can come in handy. For example, if you’re writing tests for a part of a web application that ensures users can’t post HTML comments to your application, you can quickly create test cases for this scenario using this programme.

This programme will remove all HTML tags from the user’s input, leaving only text (text nodes and anchor text). This utility can also be used to remove HTML tags and extract strings from HTML. After removing the HTML tags from the data, you are left with only the strings that go between the HTML tags, but the tags themselves are no longer present.

How to extract text from HTML?

Depending on your specific use case and the tools you have available, there are a few different ways to extract text from HTML. Here are a few approaches you can take:

  • A regular expression can be used to search through an HTML document and extract text. If you only want to extract specific pieces of text or work with a small amount of HTML, this can be a good option
  • Most modern web browsers include developer tools that allow you to inspect and extract web page elements. If you need to extract text from a live web page but don’t want to deal with the hassle of loading the HTML into your programme, this can be useful.
  • Depending on the programming language you use, libraries such as Readability.js for JavaScript can help you extract main content from an article while minimizing noise such as ads, sidebar, and others.

The approach you take will be determined by your specific requirements, such as the size and structure of the HTML, the information to be extracted, and the resources available. If you need to extract text from large amounts of HTML, an HTML parser is likely to be more efficient and error-free than a regular expression.

What can you do with HTML to TEXT?

When you convert HTML to plain text, you remove all formatting, images, and other non-text elements from the document, leaving only the text. This can be useful in a variety of ways, including:

  • Giving users who prefer or require it a plain text version of an HTML document
  • Text extraction from an HTML document for use in text-based analysis or search
  • To make an HTML document easier to read or edit, the formatting is removed.
  • Creating a plain text copy of an HTML document for backup or archival purposes
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Let’s see what you can do with HTML to TEXT

  • This tool helps you to get plain text from html very quickly without writing single line of code.
  • Convert HTML to Text allows you to load an HTML URL and convert it to TEXT. Click the URL button, then enter the URL and press the Submit button.
  • This tool allows you to load an HTML file to convert to TEXT. Click the Upload button and then choose File.
  • HTML to Plain TEXT Converter Online works well on Windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.

How does Extract Text from HTML work?

Texts or different types of data are embedded in an HTML file. The main component of an HTML file is an array of tags within which text, images, and other types of data are embedded. These tags are arranged in a certain way to form the layout of a web page.

What is Extract Text from HTML work?

The HTML-to-text tool removes all HTML tags and preserves text structure, but the text can be collapsed using the collapse-whitespace option. With this tool, you can also configure «br» tag can also be configured to insert a new line in the generated output text.

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HTML to Text

Convert HTML elements into normal text within a matter of seconds.

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