Текстовые поля в HTML5

HTML accept-charset Attribute

The accept-charset attribute specifies the character encodings that are to be used for the form submission.

Browser Support


Attribute Values

Value Description
character_set A space-separated list of one or more character encodings that are to be used for the form submission.
  • UTF-8 — Character encoding for Unicode
  • ISO-8859-1 — Character encoding for the Latin alphabet

In theory, any character encoding can be used, but no browser understands all of them. The more widely a character encoding is used, the better the chance that a browser will understand it.

To view all available character encodings, go to our Character sets reference.

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Html form input text utf 8

Однострочное текстовое поле создается с помощью элемента input , когда его атрибут type имеет значение text :

С помощью ряда дополнительных атрибутов можно настроить текстовое поле:

  • dir : устанавливает направление текста
  • list : устанавливает список подсказок для ввода в поле
  • maxlength : максимально допустимое количество символов в текстовом поле
  • pattern : определяет шаблон, которому должен соответствовать вводимый текст
  • placeholder : устанавливает текст, который по умолчанию отображается в текстовом поле
  • readonly : делает текстовом поле доступным только для чтения
  • required : указывает, что текстовое поле обязательно должно иметь значение
  • size : устанавливает ширину текстового поля в видимых символах
  • value : устанавливает значение по умолчанию в текстовом поле

Применим некоторые атрибуты:


Текстовые поля в HTML5

В этом примере во втором текстовом поле сразу устанавливаются атрибуты maxlength и size . При этом size — то есть количество символов, которые помещаются в видимое пространство поля больше, чем допустимое количество символов. Однако все равно ввести символов больше, чем maxlength, мы не сможем.

В данном случае также важно различать атрибуты value и placeholder , хотя оба устанавливают видимый текст в поле. Однако placeholder устанавливает своего рода подсказку или приглашение к вводу, поэтому он обычно отмечается серым цветом. В то время как значение value представляет введенный в поле текст по умолчанию:

Placeholder в HTML5

Атрибуты readonly и disabled делают текстовое поле недоступным, однако сопровождаются разным визуальным эффектом. В случае с disabled текстовое поле затеняется:

Disabled и readonly в HTML5

Среди атрибутов текстового поля также следует отметить такой атрибут как list . Он содержит ссылку на элемент datalist , который определяет набор значений, появляющихся в виде подсказки при вводе в текстовое поле. Например:


Datalist в HTML5

Атрибут list текстового поля указывает на id элемента datalist. Сам элемент datalist с помощью вложенных элементов option определяет элементы списка. И при вводе в текстовое поле этот список отображается в виде подсказки.

Направление текста

Атрибут dir задает направление ввода текста. Он может принимать два значения: ltr (слева направо) и rtl (справа налево):

Поле поиска

Для создания полей поиска предназначен элемент input с атрибутом type=»search» . Формально он представляет собой простое текстовое поле:

Поиск в HTML5

Поле ввода пароля

Для ввода пароля используется элемент input с атрибутом type=»password» . Его отличительной чертой является то, что вводимые символы маскируются точками:




UTF-8 is defined as the default character encoding for HTML5 used to display an HTML page perfectly. It encourages web developers to use UTF-8 as it covers all the characters and symbols in the entity that uses one byte and works well in all the browsers. Unicode Transformation Format – 8 bits are a method converts typed character into machine-readable code. The charset attribute is used to perform a character encoding for the HTML.

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Syntax of UTF-8 in HTML

Specification of UTF-8 Character encoding in the tag is given as:

Here meta gives data about the HTML document but is machine-readable. And their elements specify a keyword, last modified etc. This meta tag contains the charset, which tells the web browser while accessing the page.

Encoding is how the given numbers are converted to binary numbers, which a machine understood. Here each character is made up of one or more bytes respectively.

How does UTF-8 Works in HTML?

  • The most popular encoding character is ASCII; as the internet grew up globally, the only supported Latin is not efficient; that’s why an industry moved on to Unicode as the best option. UTF-8 is the encoding for Unicode, which assigns a unique value called code point for all the characters and emojis. This encoding system solves the issue in ASCII space and is considered to be a dominant encoding for the W3C. And recommended that all e-mail messages could be created using UTF-8. This checks if the page explicitly declares as UTF-8 using a meta tag at the beginning of the document. The significant bit of UTF-8 is defined as 8,16, 24 or 32 bits as they are encoded as one to four bytes. UTF-8 is considered to be a global standard for existing applications as it understands more applications. This encoding helps to encode text and transfer data. UTF-8 encoding s most preferable on most websites. This standard covers all characters, symbols, punctuation all over the world.
  • UTF-8 treats a range 0-127 as ASCII code and later up to 192 as shift keys. And the next characters, 224-239, has to be double shifted. Therefore, it is termed multi-byte variable encoding.
  • Unicode assigns unique code to every character in a human language. The character set (Grouping all available characters into a specific set) could be overridden using the lang attribute. This Unicode translates into a Binary and vice-versa. It prevents unexpected results during form submission applications. UTF-8 should be considered when we find web pages are lagging inordinate amount of space. Storing UTF-8 text into a binary meanwhile char becomes binary, varchar shows to VARBINARY in SQL.

As an example, let’s take the text Hi, EDUCBA!

The UTF-8-character Encoding is given as below:

01001000 01101001 00101100 01100101 01000100 01010101 01000011 01000010 01000001 00100001

Which converts into a machine-readable binary structure.

Key Importance to Use UTF-8

  • It is deliberately compatible with encoding standard ASCII.
  • This preferred HTML encoding uses less space and supports many languages.
  • This benefits the SEO. Suppose you use two standards, then it leads to a decoding issue that wrongly impacts the SEO. It means we need to implement the character correctly to Help SEO efforts.

Next, we shall see how the Unicode representation is important while taking up foreign languages in the content.

Examples of UTF-8 in HTML

Given below are the examples of UTF-8 in HTML:

Example #1

Simple example with the paragraph content.


!مرحبا بالعالم


This is Chinese Language.

This is the code demonstrating encoding Process


  • The screenshot below shows the content displayed in the Chinese language as well as in English. This is because when the above HTML code is executed in a modern Browser, it normally refers to Unicode.

UTF 8 in HTML 1

Example #2

Using Buttons for the input text.

Selection list Checkbox:
Give Input Login Id:

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  • The screenshot below shows the input content displayed in the Chinese language as well as in English. This is because when the above HTML code is executed in a modern Browser, it normally refers to Unicode.

UTF 8 in HTML 2

Example #3

Code using foreign-language content.


Hi Instructor!

This is my formal e-mail for the joining.

Hola, me llamo Juan

Mucho gusto


foreign language content

Example #4

     span < color: blue; >span.name    
Thomas, John Betson, Valli Tromson
आभरणा, आचुथान, अभिनंध


  • The above code uses functions to class the respective class. Before that, we have declared metadata for the encoding process. Here we have assigned an element with another language. Unfortunately, ASCII doesn’t have compatibility to access. Therefore, we have declared UTF-8 to support the type.

Using JavaScript


So that’s all about the encoding of UTF-8 in HTML. We have gone through Unicode and encodes in the HTML briefly and the implementation of HTML and JavaScript. In this emerging software world, the character sets are not made so feasible; therefore, there comes character encoding schemes to be done with the HTML and other programming languages. Therefore, it is said that it is best to use UTF-8 everywhere where it doesn’t need any conversions encoding.

This is a guide to UTF-8 in HTML. Here we discuss the introduction, working, key importance to use UTF-8 and examples, respectively. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –

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