Target input in javascript

Свойство target интерфейса Event является ссылкой на объект, который был инициатором события. Он отличается от Event.currentTarget , если обработчик события вызывается во время всплытия (bubbling) или захвата события.


Свойство может быть использовано для реализации делегирования событий.

    в этом контексте = ‘hidden’; > // Назначим обработчик к списку // Он будет вызван когда кликнут на любой
    ul.addEventListener(‘click’, hide, false);


Поддержка браузеров

BCD tables only load in the browser


В IE 6-8 модель событий отличается. Обработчики событий назначаются с помощью нестандартного EventTarget.attachEvent (en-US) метода. При этом в объекте события есть свойство Event.srcElement , вместо target свойства, но по смыслу оно идентично .

function hide(e)  // Поддержка IE 6-8 var target = || e.srcElement; = 'hidden'; > 

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target Event Property

Get the name of the element where the event occurred:


The target property returns the element where the event occured.

The target property is read-only.

The target property returns the element on which the event occurred, opposed to the currentTarget property, which returns the element whose event listener triggered the event.

See Also:


Technical Details

More examples


Get the element that triggered the event:


Get the name of the element that triggered the event:

Browser Support is a DOM Level 2 (2001) feature.

It is fully supported in all browsers:

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera IE
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9-11

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What is in JavaScript?

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When an event is fired, the element that fires the event is known as the emitter. This element is what we call the target. So, the target property of that event object refers to the event emitter.


The target property can only be obtained if the event of an element is being listened to.

element.addEventListener("input", function(event)
// is now accessible

In the code above, the element’s input event is being listened to, which makes accessible.

Importance of

It is necessary to have the target property when an event is fired. We can do the following with the target property of the event.

  • Get the element that fired the event.
  • Access the properties of the element .
  • Modify some properties of the element , such as the CSS, the attributes, etc.


The code below shows how an input element that fires the oninput event is listened to and is retrieved. The code also shows some capabilities of having at our fingertips.

Источник JavaScript returns the DOM element that triggered a specific event, so we can retrieve any property/ attribute with a value.

For example, when we console.log(, we can see the element’s class name, type, the position of the mouse, etc.

const button = document.querySelector(".btn"); button.addEventListener("click", buttonClick); function buttonClick(e) < console.log(; // 

Note: The difference between clientX, clientY and offsetX, offsetY

  • e.clientX: get the position on the x-axis when we click. It counts the position from the width of the browser window.
  • e.clientY: Similar to clientX, but get the position on the y-axis when we click.
  • e.offsetX and e.offsetY: get the position from the actual element.


We can access the value of an event with

Example: We have a form, and we want to print out the value we type in.

III. Event type for text

In addition to keydown, we have other event types for text:

  • keyup
  • keypress
  • focus
  • blur
  • cut
  • paste
  • input: Event fires whenever we do anything with the input.


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