Tab example in java

JavaFX | Tab Class

Tab class is a part of JavaFX. Tab class creates an object that is contained in TabPane. A Tab can contain any node as its content. A TabPane can contain multiple tabs. When the user clicks on the tab the content of the tab is made visible to the user.

Constructors of the class:

  1. Tab(): Creates a new empty tab.
  2. Tab(String t): Creates a new tab with specified title.
  3. Tab(String t, Node c): Creates a new tab with specified title and content.

Commonly Used Methods:

Method Explanation
getContent() Returns the content node of the Tab.
getContextMenu() Returns the context menu associated with the tab.
getGraphic() Returns the graphic of the tab.
getId() Return the ID of the tab.
getStyle() The CSS style string associated to this tab.
getTabPane() Returns the tab pane of the tab.
getText() Returns the text shown in the tab.
getTooltip() Returns the tooltip associated with the tab.
setId(String v) Sets the ID of the tab.
setContent(Node v) Sets the content for the tab.
setContextMenu(ContextMenu v) Sets the context menu for the tab.
setGraphic(Node v) Set the graphic for the node.
setStyle(String v) Sets the string representation of the CSS style associated with this tab.
setText(String v) Sets the text for the tab
setTooltip(Tooltip v) Sets the tooltip for the tab (a popup appears when the user hovers over the tab).
setDisable(boolean v) States the disabled state of this tab.

Below programs illustrate the use of Tab class:

  1. Java program to create a tab and add it to the TabPane: In this program we will create a Tab named tab_1. We will also create a Label named label. We will add the label to the tab by using the function setContent(). The title of the tab will be passed as arguments. We will create a TabPane named tabpane and add the tab to the tabpane. Now, we will add the tabpane to the scene and add the scene to the stage and display the stage using the show() function.
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Create Tabs in Java using SWT

This Tab Example in Java, will teach you how to create tabs using SWT in Java. After going through the example you will be able to create different tabs with different values on the same page. Just follow the given instruction.

Create Tabs in Java using SWT

Create Tabs in Java using SWT

This Tab Example in Java, will teach you how to create tabs using SWT in Java. After going through the example you will be able to create different tabs with different values on the same page. Just follow the given instruction.

SWT provides the classes TabFolder and TabItem to create tabs. The class TabFolder allows the user to select a page from set of pages which is in the form of tabs. The class TabItem adds a page in the folder in the form of tab. the method item.setText() sets the text to the tabItem.

The method tabFolder.setSize() sets the size of tabFolder. The method getSelection() returns an array of TabItem that are currently selected.

Following code create the tabs:

for (int i=1; i TabItem item = new TabItem (tabFolder, SWT.NULL);
item.setText («Tab» + i);

Here is the code of

Output will be displayed as:


Tab in Java

Tab in Java

  1. Using \t Tab Escape Sequence Character in Java
  2. Unicode Character Tabulation in Java

When a character in Java appears after the \ backlash, it is referred to as Java Escape Characters or Escape Sequence. This article will teach more about the \t Escape Sequence.

Using \t Tab Escape Sequence Character in Java

Java Escape Sequences are valid character literal used to perform a specific task. The Escape Sequence, \t is used for tab space.

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In other words, \t inserts a tab. We use Escape Sequence when we need to format a String .

If we use \t at a specific point in a string, it will insert a new tab at that point. The Escape sequence for tab, \t can be used inside a print statement, as given in the code below.

The String to be formatted is placed inside the double quotes. The Escape Sequence for tab \t is placed between the words inside the «» .

As we can see in the output, it inserts a tab between the two words. We can format the string and insert a tab at any point in the text.

public class Test   public static void main(String[] args)   System.out.println("Happy\tCoding");  > > 

Unicode Character Tabulation in Java

We can also use the Unicode Character U+0009 to insert a tab at a given point in the text to format it. Unicode is a standard to encode text representing almost every character of well-known languages globally.

It is a 16-bit character encoding standard. The Unicode that represents tab space is U+0009 .

Here, in the program shown below, we have taken a String type variable tab and initialized it a value «\u0009» . It inserts a horizontal tab.

With a tab space between these two strings, we want to print HelloEveryone . To do this, we used the + operator to concatenate two strings with the tab variable.

We pass the strings inside the print function. The tab variable will format the string and print it as an output.

We can see, the Unicode character inserts a tab space between the two given strings. We can see the output string is printed with a tab in place of the tab variable.

public class Test   public static void main(String[] args)   String tab = "\u0009";  System.out.println("Hello"+tab+"Everyone");  > > 

Rupam Saini is an android developer, who also works sometimes as a web developer., He likes to read books and write about various things.


JTabbedPane in java with Examples using NetBeans

The javax.swing.JTabbedPane class is a container for tabs, also known as tabs. You’ve probably come across tabs in other applications. In more modern browsers, for example, you can display individual websites in a separate tab. For each tab, there is a button, the so-called tab, which can be used to quickly switch between the different tabs. Each tab, in turn, is a component (typically JPanel) added to the JTabbedPane. First of all, let’s look at two constructors that exist in addition to the standard constructor, which we don’t want to mention explicitly here.

JTabbedPane Constructors:

Constructor description
JTabbedPane(int tabPlacement) This constructor creates a JTabbedPane object. An int value is passed as a parameter, which specifies the alignment of the tabs.
JTabbedPane(int tabPlacement, int tabLayoutPolicy) As above, but with a second parameter that specifies the arrangement of the tabs (e.g. all tabs in one line).

The following constants exist for the transfer parameter tabPlacement:

Constantly description
JTabbedPane.TOP The tab bar is located above the tab content
JTabbedPane.BOTTOM The tab bar is located below the tab content
JTabbedPane.LEFT The tab bar is to the left of the tab contents
JTabbedPane.RIGHT The tab bar is located to the right of the tab contents

There are only two constants for the tabLayoutPolicy transfer parameter:

Constantly description
JTabbedPane.WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT Here the tabs are moved to the next row if they no longer fit next to each other or below one another due to the size of the JTabbedPane.
JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT As soon as the tabs no longer fit in a row, buttons for scrolling appear automatically so that the tabs that are not visible can also be reached.

Now let’s create a JTabbedPane with multiple tabs using different layouts in the following examples.


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