Symfony vendor autoload php

How to Install and Use the Symfony Components

If you’re starting a new project (or already have a project) that will use one or more components, the easiest way to integrate everything is with Composer. Composer is smart enough to download the component(s) that you need and take care of autoloading so that you can begin using the libraries immediately.

This article will take you through using The Finder Component, though this applies to using any component.

Using the Finder Component

1. If you’re creating a new project, create a new empty directory for it.

2. Open a terminal, step into this directory and use Composer to grab the library.

$ composer require symfony/finder

The name symfony/finder is written at the top of the documentation for whatever component you want.

Install Composer if you don’t have it already present on your system. Depending on how you install, you may end up with a composer.phar file in your directory. In that case, no worries! Your command line in that case is php composer.phar require symfony/finder .

3. Write your code!

Once Composer has downloaded the component(s), all you need to do is include the vendor/autoload.php file that was generated by Composer. This file takes care of autoloading all of the libraries so that you can use them immediately:

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// Project structure example: // my_project/ // data/ // . # Some project data // src/ // my_script.php # Main entry point // vendor/ // autoload.php # Autoloader generated by Composer // . # Packages downloaded by Composer // File example: src/my_script.php // Autoloader relative path to this PHP file require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php'; use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder; $finder = new Finder(); $finder->in('../data/'); // rest of your PHP code. 

Now what?

Now, the component is installed and autoloaded. Read the specific component’s documentation to find out more about how to use it.


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Как устанавливать и использовать компоненты Symfony

Если вы начинаете новый проект (или уже имеете проект), который будет использовать один или более компонентов, наиболее простой способ интегрировать всё — с помощью Composer. Composer достаточно умён, чтобы скачать компонент(ы), который(е) вам нужны, и позаботиться об автозагрузке, чтобы вы могли начать использовать библиотеки незамедлительно.

Эта статья покажет вам, как использовать Компонент Finder, хотя это применимо к использованию любого компонента.

Использование компонента Поисковик

1. Если вы создаёте новый проект, создайте в нём новый пустой каталог.

2. Откройте терминал и используйте Composer, чтобы получить библиотеку.

$ composer require symfony/finder

Имя symfony/finder написано наверху документации для любого желаемого вами компонента.

Установите Composer, если у вас ещё нет его в системе. В зависимости от того, как вы установите его, у вас может появиться файл composer.phar в вашем каталоге. В этом случае — не волнуйтесь! Просто запустите php composer.phar require symfony/finder .

3. Напишите ваш код!

Как только Composer скачал все компонент(ы), всё, что вам нужно сделать, — включить файл vendor/autoload.php , который был сгенерирован Composer. Этот файл заботится об автозагрузке всех библиотек, чтобы вы могли использовать их сразу же:

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// Пример файла: src/script.php // обновите это до пути к каталогу "vendor/" // относительно этого файла require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php'; use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder; $finder = new Finder(); $finder->in('../data/'); // . 

Что теперь?

Теперь, когда компонент установлен и автоматически загружен, прочтите документацию, относящуюся к компоненту, чтобы узнать больше о том, как его использовать.

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How to Override Symfony’s default Directory Structure

Symfony applications have the following default directory structure, but you can override it to create your own structure:

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your-project/ ├─ assets/ ├─ bin/ │ └─ console ├─ config/ ├─ public/ │ └─ index.php ├─ src/ │ └─ . ├─ templates/ ├─ tests/ ├─ translations/ ├─ var/ │ ├─ cache/ │ ├─ log/ │ └─ . ├─ vendor/ └─ .env

Override the Environment (DotEnv) Files Directory

By default, the .env configuration file is located at the root directory of the project. If you store it in a different location, define the runtime.dotenv_path option in the composer.json file:

< ". ": ". ", "extra": < ". ": ". ", "runtime": < "dotenv_path": "my/custom/path/to/.env" > > >

Then, update your Composer files (running composer dump-autoload , for instance), so that the vendor/autoload_runtime.php files gets regenerated with the new .env path.

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You can also set up different .env paths for your console and web server calls. Edit the public/index.php and/or bin/console files to define the new file path.

// bin/console // . $_SERVER['APP_RUNTIME_OPTIONS']['dotenv_path'] = 'some/custom/path/to/.env'; require_once dirname(__DIR__).'/vendor/autoload_runtime.php'; // . 
// public/index.php // . $_SERVER['APP_RUNTIME_OPTIONS']['dotenv_path'] = 'another/custom/path/to/.env'; require_once dirname(__DIR__).'/vendor/autoload_runtime.php'; // . 

Override the Configuration Directory

The configuration directory is the only one which cannot be overridden in a Symfony application. Its location is hardcoded as the config/ directory at your project root directory.

Override the Cache Directory

Changing the cache directory can be achieved by overriding the getCacheDir() method in the Kernel class of your application:

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// src/Kernel.php // . class Kernel extends BaseKernel < // . public function getCacheDir(): string < return dirname(__DIR__).'/var/'.$this->environment.'/cache'; > >

In this code, $this->environment is the current environment (i.e. dev ). In this case you have changed the location of the cache directory to var//cache/ .

You can also change the cache directory defining an environment variable named APP_CACHE_DIR whose value is the full path of the cache folder.

You should keep the cache directory different for each environment, otherwise some unexpected behavior may happen. Each environment generates its own cached configuration files, and so each needs its own directory to store those cache files.

Override the Log Directory

Overriding the var/log/ directory is almost the same as overriding the var/cache/ directory.

You can do it overriding the getLogDir() method in the Kernel class of your application:

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// src/Kernel.php // . class Kernel extends BaseKernel < // . public function getLogDir(): string < return dirname(__DIR__).'/var/'.$this->environment.'/log'; > >

Here you have changed the location of the directory to var//log/ .

You can also change the log directory defining an environment variable named APP_LOG_DIR whose value is the full path of the log folder.

Override the Templates Directory

If your templates are not stored in the default templates/ directory, use the twig.default_path configuration option to define your own templates directory (use twig.paths for multiple directories):

# config/packages/twig.yaml twig: # . default_path: "%kernel.project_dir%/resources/views"
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 container xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:twig="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> twig:config> twig:default-path>%kernel.project_dir%/resources/views twig:default-path> twig:config> container>
// config/packages/twig.php use Symfony\Config\TwigConfig; return static function (TwigConfig $twig): void < $twig->defaultPath('%kernel.project_dir%/resources/views'); >;

Override the Translations Directory

If your translation files are not stored in the default translations/ directory, use the framework.translator.default_path configuration option to define your own translations directory (use framework.translator.paths for multiple directories):

# config/packages/translation.yaml framework: translator: # . default_path: "%kernel.project_dir%/i18n"
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 container xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:twig="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> framework:config> framework:translator> framework:default-path>%kernel.project_dir%/i18n framework:default-path> framework:translator> framework:config> container>
// config/packages/translation.php use Symfony\Config\FrameworkConfig; return static function (FrameworkConfig $framework): void < $framework->translator() ->defaultPath('%kernel.project_dir%/i18n') ; >;

Override the Public Directory

If you need to rename or move your public/ directory, the only thing you need to guarantee is that the path to the vendor/ directory is still correct in your index.php front controller. If you renamed the directory, you’re fine. But if you moved it in some way, you may need to modify these paths inside those files:

require_once __DIR__.'/../path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

You also need to change the extra.public-dir option in the composer.json file:

< ". ": ". ", "extra": < ". ": ". ", "public-dir": "my_new_public_dir" > >

Some shared hosts have a public_html/ web directory root. Renaming your web directory from public/ to public_html/ is one way to make your Symfony project work on your shared host. Another way is to deploy your application to a directory outside of your web root, delete your public_html/ directory, and then replace it with a symbolic link to the public/ dir in your project.

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Override the Vendor Directory

To override the vendor/ directory, you need to define the vendor-dir option in your composer.json file like this:

< "config": < "bin-dir": "bin", "vendor-dir": "/some/dir/vendor" > >

This modification can be of interest if you are working in a virtual environment and cannot use NFS — for example, if you’re running a Symfony application using Vagrant/VirtualBox in a guest operating system.


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