Supermicro java console не работает

SOLVED — Supermicro H8DCL-IF IPMI no longer can connect to Java Console

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I have an older H8DCL-iF mobo that I am trying to connect to the IPMI remote console but Java wont let me connect to it because of security reasons.

I tried fiddling with the «» files on my local machine to no avail.

Caused by: net.sourceforge.jnlp.LaunchException: Fatal: Application Error: Cannot grant permissions to unsigned jars. Application requested security permissions, but jars are not signed.
at net.sourceforge.jnlp.runtime.JNLPClassLoader$SecurityDelegateImpl.getClassLoaderSecurity(
at net.sourceforge.jnlp.runtime.JNLPClassLoader.setSecurity(
at net.sourceforge.jnlp.runtime.JNLPClassLoader.initializeResources(
at net.sourceforge.jnlp.runtime.JNLPClassLoader.(
at net.sourceforge.jnlp.runtime.JNLPClassLoader.createInstance(
at net.sourceforge.jnlp.runtime.JNLPClassLoader.getInstance(
at net.sourceforge.jnlp.runtime.JNLPClassLoader.getInstance(
at net.sourceforge.jnlp.Launcher.createApplication(

No doubt caused by the fact that the latest IPMI firmware is from 2014 and java security has evolved since then. but nevertheless. I need to connect to this server which is NOT on the internet anyway so risk=0.

Supermicro NO longers has a product page for that model (this is very strange) and their search tool doesnt list the product page other than the PDF manual. Also strange.

Short of opening a ticket with them, how do I connect remotely. This is really stupid.


Supermicro java console connection failed – How we fix it?

The error occurs when we try to access the remote console from IKVM.

At Bobcares, we often get requests from our customers regarding console access failure as a part of our Server Management Services.

Today, let’s see how our Support Engineers resolve Supermicro java console connection failed.

Causes for Supermicro java console connection failed

When we log in to the management interface then try to access the remote console, the browser will download a .jnlp file. When trying to open the file the error occurs.

The common reasons for the error to occur are:

  • Java application missing
  • IP not present in Java Exception list
  • Java not up-to-date
  • IPMI firmware not up-to-date
  • IKVM port not open in the firewall

The sample error looks like

Supermicro java console connection failed

Let’s discuss how our Support Engineers resolve this error for our customers.

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How we fix Supermicro java console connection failed

Recently one of our customers contacted us to resolve java console connection failed error.

Add IP to the exception list

This error occurs because the current version of Java no longer allows self-signed applications to run by default. In order to allow the application to run, the URL of the IKVM device must be added to Java’s site exception list. We provide the below steps to our customers to fix this error.

1. On the local machine open java and select configuration Java.

2. Within the Java Control Panel go to Security.

4. Now add the IPMI IP address to the list.

5. The remote application will try to connect using SSL. Thus https must be added.

5. Then relaunch the remote console. Now an SSL warning message appears. Click the checkbox and click on continue.

Now will be able to access the console.

Update JAVA

One of the common reasons the error is that the JAVA application is not up-to-date. We recommend our customers to update the Java in the local machine and try to connect to the remote console.

IPMI firmware

If the IPMI firmware is not up-to-date. We can get the console connection failed error. So we update the firmware. Let’s discuss how our Support Engineers update the firmware.

1. We log in to the management interface. Then go to Maintenance and select Firmware update.

2. Now we enable update mode by clicking the Enter Update Mode.

3. Then we upload the ZIP file. Once the file is uploaded the screen will show the current and the newly added firmware.

4. After confirming the version we select start Upgrade.

5. Once the update is complete the management interface will reboot. It will return back to the login screen.

Now we login to the console and we can access the remote console.

If we still face an error even after the update we use the Factory Default option in the web interface to connect.

IKVM port

If the IKVM server port is not opened in the server. The console will fail to open.

We will be able to access the management interface since it uses port 80 and 443. We check the port from the web interface and open the port in the firewall.

After opening the port. Then we will be able to access the remote console.

[Need any assistance in fixing this error? – We’ll help you]


In short, we have discussed the causes of the “java console connection failed” error. Also, we saw how our Support Engineers resolve the error for our customers.


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Supermicro IPMIView KVM Console does not work at all

I can’t get the Supermicro IPMIView version 2.* (any of them) to launch the KVM Console either in the IPMIView windows program nor any browser. Java, is installed (version 8, update 131) and I’m running Windows 8.1 (though IPMIView 2 won’t run on my Windows 7 laptop, nor any of the Windows 10 machines). All 3 machines have the same problem: The KVM Console simply will not run on any of them. I can connect to the Supermicro server, turn it off/on/reboot, read all of the sensors just fine. The ONLY thing not working is the KVM Console. Been at this for days w/no working solutions. I’ve uninstalled Java, reinstalled Java, uninstalled/reinstalled IPMIView with no luck so I’m thinking the problem is with all of the SM servers (4) that run w/the H8SGL-F series motherboards. Not one works! As per SuperMicro, IPMIView is supposed to be compatible with these boards. But for the last 5 years and countless versions, I’ve never had this working (it also will not work in any of my browsers as IPMIView appears to be looking for an ancient version of Java — go figure — I get the error message in the browser «You need the latest Java(TM) Runtime Environment. Would you like to update now?» — which is incorrect as I have the latest version of Java installed). I’ve made 1000% certain that ALL ports on the network (inside an IPSec VPN) are open — disabled all firewalls with no effect. Either IPMIView is incompatible with these boards, or IPMIView cannot run in an IPSec tunnel. Regardless, this is driving me bonkers and I’d hate to abandon SuperMicro products (we’re replacing all the servers this year — may go with IBM or HP) over something so ridiculously simple. Any help is appreciated (we tried paid help, but the IT people here are just as stumped).

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A side note since you are stating that you are about to replace the servers: No need to switch vendors, current SuperMicro IPMI have HTML5 remote consoles . no need to keep deprecated Java around anymore.

2011 — 2012 They still sell the H8SGF-F motherboards today as they are the only single socket Opteron 6000 series boards on the market. We can move to Intel boards, but I fear we’ll have the same problem — crappy management software that stops working after 1 year (IPMIView KVM Console DID work, then, suddenly stopped working — ugh!)

Since it will be 6 months until new servers are bought — I suppose I can just live with SMs nightmare a bit longer.

2011 the Java7 was the current version. Try installing the latest Java7 JRE and use it to run the console.


Java — unable to launch the application


После обновления прошивки сервера Supermicro перестала запускаться java-консоль KVM.


Приложение падало с ошибкой:

Unable to launch the application



Действительно, есть пустой аргумент:


Решение проблемы



 XYXyyxyXYX th/FAFA== 63630 623 0 0 1 5900 

В пустой первый аргумент копируем адрес вашего сервера из четвёртого аргумента: XYXyyxyXYX th/FAFA== 63630 623 0 0 1 5900 



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This guide details howto adjust your Java settings to allow remote connection to Supermicro IPMI remote console.

Identify what Java version you have installed.

You will first need to identify which version(s) of java you have installed on your computer. To do this you will have to look for a folder called Java that will either be located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Java or C:\Program Files\Java. This folder should contain a number of sub-folders listing the versions of java that are installed on your computer. In the screenshot below only one Java version installed but you may have multiple installations starting with jre or jdk.

Editing the Java Security File

1) For each installation folder you will have to edit its corresponding file.

To do this first open the start menu, search for notepad then right click and select run as admin.

2) From notepad now select file then open and open the java.SECURITY file for the first java installation. If it’s a jre install the file location will look something like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_311\lib\security\java.SECURITY, otherwise if its a jdk install it may look like C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_311\conf\security\java.SECURITY

3) Find the line that starts with jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms (This is best done with the find tool) and remove all entries on the line that contains “TLS”. After you’ve made the change it should look something like this, make surethat there is still a comma and then a space between the other entries on this line.

4) Save the file. If you get an error here it’s probably because you didn’t open notepad as admin.

5) Repeat steps 3 to 5 with each java install on your computer.

Editing the Java Security Settings

1) In the start menu search for “Configure Java” and open the Configure Java app

2) Select the Advanced tab on the right then scroll down to the bottom then ensure all versions of TLS are selected

Adding an exception for the website/IP within Java

1) In the start menu search for “Configure Java” and open the Configure Java app

2) Select the Security tab and then select Edit Site List…

3) You should now be able to type in your website/IP address. Make sure to include the full address, including the https:// protocol and select Add. It is advised to repeat the process with http:// as well.


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