Style only for firefox css

[Solved -7 Answers] CSS – Targeting only Firefox with CSS

[pastacode lang=”css” manual=”var%20isFF%20%3D%20!!window.sidebar%3B%0A%0Avar%20isFF%20%3D%20’MozAppearance’!!navigator.userAgent.match(%2Ffirefox%2Fi)%3B%0A” message=”css code” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]

Media Query Hacks

Firefox 2 :

[pastacode lang=”css” manual=”html%3E%2F**%2Fbody%20.selector%2C%20x%3A-moz-any-link%20%0A%7B%0A%20%20color%3Alime%3B%0A%7D%0A” message=”css code” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]

Firefox 3 :

[pastacode lang=”css” manual=”html%3E%2F**%2Fbody%20.selector%2C%20x%3A-moz-any-link%2C%20x%3Adefault%20%0A%7B%0A%20%20color%3Alime%3B%0A%7D%0A” message=”css code” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]

Any Firefox :

[pastacode lang=”css” manual=”%40-moz-document%20url-prefix()%20%0A%7B%20%0A%20%20.selector%0A%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20%20color%3Alime%3B%20%20%7D%7D%0A” message=”css code” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]
  • The only way to do this is via various CSS hacks, which will make your page much more likely to fail on the next browser updates.
  • If anything, it will be LESS safe than using a js-browser sniffer.
Wikitechy Editor

Wikitechy Founder, Author, International Speaker, and Job Consultant. My role as the CEO of Wikitechy, I help businesses build their next generation digital platforms and help with their product innovation and growth strategy. I’m a frequent speaker at tech conferences and events.

Related Tags
  • Browser-Specific CSS Hacks,
  • Browserhacks,
  • chrome specific css,
  • CSS coding techniques Mozilla Hacks,
  • CSS for Firefox only,
  • css for mozilla firefox,
  • css for mozilla firefox and chrome,
  • CSS Hacks for Firefox 37+,
  • CSS Hacks Targeting Firefox,
  • css hacks targeting ie,
  • firefox css themes,
  • firefox media query,
  • Mozilla CSS Extensions,
  • mozilla firefox css compatibility,
  • target ie css,
  • Targeting CSS hacks for Mozilla Firefox,
  • Targeting firefox only with CSS
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Css how to apply css only to firefox

Target the Firefox browser with CSS in many ways. This article target the Firefox browser to display CSS property.

Targeting only Firefox with CSS

Sometimes the content needs to focus on the particular browser. This article target the Firefox browser to display CSS property. The targeted CSS will works only for targeted browser. Target the Firefox browser with CSS in many ways. Some of them are discussed below:
Method 1: This method uses Mozilla specific extension to add CSS property. This extension supply the CSS property only in Firefox browser.



Method 2: The -moz-appearance CSS property is used in Gecko (Firefox) to display an element using platform-native styling based on the operating system’s theme.

@supports (-moz-appearance:none) < element < // CSS Property >>



Note: The CSS style of above examples will work only in Firefox browsers.

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Only apply a CSS rule in Firefox

You could use @supports to hack it.

Allows native feature detection, similar to Modernizr, using @supports

In the code below, margin-top: -50px will be applied to the div if -moz-transform: translate(0, 0) is supported on a browser.

div < width: 100px; height: 100px; background: red; >@supports (-moz-transform: translate(0, 0)) < div < margin-top: -50px; >>

May be this works. It’s a hack for Firefox that worked years ago. Have not tested it with latest Firefox.

Conditional CSS Only for firefox, this does not need conditionals background-color: #DFB542; background: -moz-linear-gradient(#C6991D, #F7D065) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;.

Conditional CSS rule targeting Firefox Quantum

Perusing the release notes for Fx Quantum 57, specifically Quantum CSS notes, a number of differences between Gecko and Stylo are listed, and a few hacks come to mind.

  • In Quantum CSS, calc() is supported everywhere that the spec explains it should be (bug 1350857). In Gecko it is not.
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You can use @supports with a calc(0s) expression in conjunction with @-moz-document to test for Stylo — Gecko does not support values in calc() expressions but Stylo does:

body::before < content: 'Not Fx'; >@-moz-document url-prefix() < body::before < content: 'Fx legacy'; >@supports (animation: calc(0s)) < body::before < content: 'Fx Quantum'; >> >

Note that Fx Quantum 59 and 60 disallowed the use of @-moz-document in public-facing documents, but version 61 restores functionality for the @-moz-document url-prefix() hack, allowing this to work as intended. Version 60 is an ESR release, however, so if you need to target that version, you’ll need to change the @-moz-document at-rule to a media query:

@media (-moz-device-pixel-ratio) < @supports (animation: calc(0s)) < /* Stylo */ >> 

Targeting only legacy versions of Firefox is a little tricky — if you’re only interested in versions that support @supports , which is Fx 22 and up, @supports not (animation: calc(0s)) is all you need:

. but if you need to support even older versions, you’ll need to make use of the cascade, as demonstrated in the proof-of-concept above.

No. There is no reliable way to do this. Some may suggest user agent string but this, too, has been shown to be unreliable.

I suggest you use feature queries or detection through javascript or @supports in CSS.

Firefox Only CSS in a Media Query, Don’t use min-resolution . Use. min-width : if you need to apply CSS to the devices which are more than 767px, and use.

How to apply specific CSS file to Mozilla Firefox browser? [duplicate]

OK, I’ve found it. This is probably the most clean and easy solution out there and does not rely on JavaScript being turned on.


This should be red in FF

It’s based on yet another Mozilla specific CSS extension. There’s a whole list for these CSS extensions right here:

Targeting only Firefox with CSS, The targeted CSS will works only for targeted browser. Target the Firefox browser with CSS in many ways. Some of them are discussed below:


Targeting only Firefox with CSS

While developing the web application, developers must make it look fine in every browser. Some CSS properties are not supported by the browsers like Firefox but are supported by other browsers such as Chrome, Opera, etc.

In such cases, we need to write a CSS code that targets only Firefox browser. In this tutorial, we will learn two different methods to write CSS, which targets only Firefox browsers.

Using the Mozila-specific CSS Extension

The first approach in our list to target the Firefox browser with CSS is using the ‘@-moz-document url-prefix()’ CSS-specific extension. We need to write the CSS code inside this CSS extension, which will only be applied to the web page when opening the Firefox browser.

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Users can follow the syntax below to use the @-moz-document url-prefix() CSS-specific extension to target the Firefox with CSS.

Example 1

In the example below, we have created an HTML div element and added text content inside that. After that, we have used the @-moz-document url-prefix() in CSS to apply styles to the div elements in the Firefox browser only.

Users can open the web page below in the Chrome and Firefox browser and observe the difference between the div element’s styling.


Using the @-moz-document url-prefix() CSS-specific extension to target only Firefox browser

Firefox is a free, open-source web browser from Mozilla.

Example 2

In the example below, we have created the parent div element and added some other div elements inside that. In CSS, we used the @-moz-document url-prefix() CSS-specific extension to only style the div elements in the Firefox browser.

In the Chrome browser, users can observe the empty web page as dimensions will not be applied, and in the Firefox browser, users can observe the styled HTML content.


Using the @-moz-document url-prefix() CSS-specific extension to target only firefox browser

Using the @supports Rule

CSS contains various rules, and every rule provides different functionalities. The @supports rule takes the condition as a parameter, and if the condition becomes true, it applies the CSS to the web page in the Firefox browser.

In our case, we will use the ‘-moz-appearance:none’ CSS condition to check if the current browser is the Firefox browser. The ‘-moz-appearance:none’ removes the default style of HTML elements like checkbox, etc., but here, we can use it to check whether the current browser is Firefox.


Users can follow the syntax below to use the @supports CSS rule to target the Firefox browser with CSS.

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) < /* CSS code */ >

In the above syntax, we require to add CSS code inside the declaration block of the @supports rule.

Example 3

In the example below, we have created three different ‘

elements in HTML. After that, we used the @supports rule with the ‘-moz-appearance:none’ condition to set the CSS for the ‘

’ element in the Firefox browser only.

In the Firefox browser, users can observe the different colors of the text.


Using the @supports CSS rule to target only the firefox browser




Users learned to target the Firefox browser only with CSS. We have used the CSS-specific extension and @supports rule. Users should target Firefox only with CSS when the Firefox browser does not support some CSS properties to apply the alternative styles.


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