String to image in javascript

JavaScript Implementation for Converting Base64 String into an Image

To transform the base64 string received from JSON into an image, I require a solution. However, my search for a method to convert the base64 string to an image using JavaScript and jQuery has proved fruitless.

Convert base64 string to image with javascript

As I work on my Titanium application, I have a JSON object containing base64 string that I want to display as an image.

Your assistance would be highly valued.

Simply generate an img component and modify its src attribute to contain the desired information.

To utilize Titanium, the conversion utility that comes with it can be employed. The corresponding Titanium.Utils.base64decode can be utilized for this purpose.

var imageFromBase64 = Titanium.UI.createImageView(< image : Titanium.Utils.base64decode("iVBORw0KGgoAAAANS. "), >); 

The conversion of a base64 string to a blob enables its utilization in an ImageView.

Convert Base64 to Image in JavaScript, The easiest way to convert a Base64 string to an image is to invoke a function that initiates an image constructor and places the base64 string as the source of the image. This solution requires minimal code lines and effort to get the preferable outcome. Also, there is way complex implementation as converting the base64 …

How to convert base64 string to image and store in a variable with javascript

I have a base64 string that I need to transform into a regular png or jpeg image and display in the console after saving it to a variable. I plan to employ it for exporting svg to png in ppt using the pptxgenjs plugin. The code can be found in the link below:


How to convert base64 into normal png


string baseStr64=". "; const img_ele = document.getElementById('img_ele'); img_ele.setAttribute('src', baseStr64); 

Javascript — Convert image from url to Base64, Using an Image File, I am getting the url of an image, that needs be to send to a webservice. From there the image has to be saved locally on my system. The code I am using: var imagepath = $(«#imageid»).val();// from this getting the path of the selected image that var st = imagepath.replace(data:image/png or jpg; base64″/»»);

How to convert base64 string to image and save it on a folder

As I work on my phonegap app, I receive a base64 string via AJAX from the server.

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My intention is to store the image in a specific folder on the device.

I couldn’t locate any existing JavaScript or jQuery function to transform a base64 encoded string into an image.

Using JavaScript, we are able to display base64 string an image; however, I am seeking assistance in saving this image to a designated folder. Could you please assist me with this issue?

Starting from version 2.9 of PhoneGap, the FileWriter can be utilized to store base64 to a folder, however, this feature is limited to Android and iOS platforms.

  1. It is possible to assign a base64 string directly to the src attribute of an image tag.
  2. Incorporate write image into canvas.
  3. download canvas as image.

Please utilize the following resources for assistance: — A website link where you can learn how to convert an image to a base64 data stream: — An image source in base64 format.

To send your base64 encoded data to the native side, you must create a plugin that encodes it into binary and writes it using native code.

Explore the plugins information by clicking on HERE and examine the phonegap source code to understand our file writer mechanism. Moreover, you can incorporate some code to perform base64 decoding before writing.

JavaScript does not allow direct access to the filesystem, as explained in this link. Nevertheless, if you have access to node.js, you can save the file, as described in this link. The PhoneGap command-line interface and node.js library can also be helpful.

Convert base64 to image javascript Code Example, converting base64 to image javascript. javascript base64 to image in folder. convert base64 to image in javascript and download. download base64 image file javascript. javascript base64 image save to file. javascript read file and convert to base64 in orignal image size. base64 to jped file js.


How to convert a plain SVG string or SVG node to an Image (PNG or JPEG) in the browser with JavaScript

Carlos Delgado

Learn how to easily convert a plain SVG string to an image directly in the browser.

How to convert a plain SVG string or SVG node to an Image (PNG or JPEG) in the browser with JavaScript

There are a lot of operations that can be made on the client-side, so you can spare some bucks on server processing power. One of the tasks that I needed to solve this week, was to find the simplest way to convert an SVG string to an image format that any user can understand, either PNG or JPEG.

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In this article, I will share with you the method that I used to create an image from any SVG string or SVG Dom Node in the browser with Vanilla JavaScript.

1. Create SVGToImage function

The function that will help you to convert your SVG to an image is the following one:

/** * Simple function that converts a plain SVG string or SVG DOM Node into an image with custom dimensions. * * @param settings The configuration object to override the default settings. * @see * @returns */ function SVGToImage(settings)< let _settings = < svg: null, // Usually all SVG have transparency, so PNG is the way to go by default mimetype: "image/png", quality: 0.92, width: "auto", height: "auto", outputFormat: "base64" >; // Override default settings for (let key in settings) < _settingsString to image in javascript = settingsString to image in javascript; >return new Promise(function(resolve, reject)< let svgNode; // Create SVG Node if a plain string has been provided if(typeof(_settings.svg) == "string")< // Create a non-visible node to render the SVG string let SVGContainer = document.createElement("div"); = "none"; SVGContainer.innerHTML = _settings.svg; svgNode = SVGContainer.firstElementChild; >else < svgNode = _settings.svg; >let canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); let context = canvas.getContext('2d'); let svgXml = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svgNode); let svgBase64 = "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + btoa(svgXml); const image = new Image(); image.onload = function()< let finalWidth, finalHeight; // Calculate width if set to auto and the height is specified (to preserve aspect ratio) if(_settings.width === "auto" && _settings.height !== "auto")< finalWidth = (this.width / this.height) * _settings.height; // Use image original width >else if(_settings.width === "auto")< finalWidth = this.naturalWidth; // Use custom width >else < finalWidth = _settings.width; >// Calculate height if set to auto and the width is specified (to preserve aspect ratio) if(_settings.height === "auto" && _settings.width !== "auto")< finalHeight = (this.height / this.width) * _settings.width; // Use image original height >else if(_settings.height === "auto")< finalHeight = this.naturalHeight; // Use custom height >else < finalHeight = _settings.height; >// Define the canvas intrinsic size canvas.width = finalWidth; canvas.height = finalHeight; // Render image in the canvas context.drawImage(this, 0, 0, finalWidth, finalHeight); if(_settings.outputFormat == "blob")< // Fullfil and Return the Blob image canvas.toBlob(function(blob)< resolve(blob); >, _settings.mimetype, _settings.quality); >else < // Fullfil and Return the Base64 image resolve(canvas.toDataURL(_settings.mimetype, _settings.quality)); >>; // Load the SVG in Base64 to the image image.src = svgBase64; >); >

SVGToImage receives as the first argument an object that supports the following properties:

  • svg : an SVG DOM Node or a plain string with SVG data. This will be converted to an image.
  • mimetype : the output mime-type of the image, it could be image/png or image/jpeg ( image/webp in chrome works as well). By default, it uses the PNG format, as usual, every SVG image has transparencies.
  • width : the output width in pixels of the image that will be created. By default, it takes the width of the SVG image (auto). If you provide a custom height for the image and the width is set to auto, the width will be automatically calculated to preserve the aspect ratio of the SVG.
  • height : the output height in pixels of the image that will be created. By default, it takes the height of the SVG image (auto). If you provide a custom width for the image and the height is set to auto, the height will be automatically calculated to preserve the aspect ratio of the SVG.
  • quality : A number between 0 and 1 indicating the image quality to use for image formats that use lossy compression such as image/jpeg and image/webp . If this argument is anything else, the default value for image quality is used. The default value is 0.92. Other arguments are ignored.
  • outputFormat : the export format of the image, it could be base64 for a DataURL or blob .
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2. Creating an image from a plain SVG string

For example, if you want to create an image from a plain SVG string, you can use the function like this:

SVGToImage( < // 1. Provide the SVG svg: ` `, // 2. Provide the format of the output image mimetype: "image/png", // 3. Provide the dimensions of the image if you want a specific size. // - if they remain in auto, the width and height attribute of the svg will be used // - You can provide a single dimension and the other one will be automatically calculated // width: "auto", // height: "auto", width: 500, height: 500, // 4. Specify the quality of the image quality: 1, // 5. Define the format of the output (base64 or blob) outputFormat: "base64" >).then(function(outputData) < // If using base64 (outputs a DataURL) // . // Or with Blob (Blob) // Blob console.log(outputData); >).catch(function(err)< // Log any error console.log(err); >);

3. Creating an image from an SVG Dom element

If instead of a plain string, you want to convert directly a DOM element in your document, you may simply select it and provide it in the same SVG property:


Live demo

You can see a live preview of how this function works in the following fiddle, just provide your own SVG in the textarea and submit the form to append the PNG version of the image in the document:


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