String split java массив

Java String split() Method

Java String split() method returns a String array. It accepts string argument and treats it as regular expression. Then the string is split around the matches found.

String split() Method Syntax

There are two overloaded split() methods.

  1. public String[] split(String regex, int limit) : The limit argument defines the result string array size. If the limit is 0 or negative then all possible splits are part of the result string array.
  2. public String[] split(String regex) : This is a shortcut method to split the string into maximum possible elements. This method calls split(regex, 0) method.

Important Points About String split() Method

  • The result string array contains the strings in the order of their appearance in this string.
  • If there are no matches, then the result string array contains a single string. The string element has the same value as this string.
  • We can use split() method to convert CSV data into a string array.
  • Trailing empty strings are not included in the result. For example, «A1B2C3D4E5».split(«3») will result in the string array [A, B, C, D, E] .

Java String split() Examples

Let’s look at some simple examples of split() method.

package net.javastring.strings; import java.util.Arrays; public class JavaStringSplit < public static void main(String[] args) < String s = "Hello World 2019"; String[] words = s.split(" "); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(words)); String s1 = "A1B2C3D4E5"; String[] characters = s1.split("8"); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(characters)); String[] twoWordsArray = s.split(" ", 2); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(twoWordsArray)); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(s.split("X", 2))); String s2 = "A1B2C3D "; System.out.println(Arrays.toString(s2.split("4"))); >>
[Hello, World, 2019] [A, B, C, D, E] [Hello, World 2019] [Hello World 2019] [A, B, C, D ]

String split() Examples using JShell

We can run some examples using jshell too.

jshell> "Hello World 2019".split(" "); $34 ==> String[3] < "Hello", "World", "2019" >jshell> "A1B2C3D4E5".split("2"); $35 ==> String[5] < "A", "B", "C", "D", "E" >jshell> "Hello World 2019".split(" ", 2); $36 ==> String[2] < "Hello", "World 2019" >jshell> " A1B2C3D ".split("2"); $37 ==> String[4] < " A", "B", "C", "D " >jshell>

Java String Split Examples



How to split String into Array [Practical Examples]

Getting started with Split String into Array Examples

In many real time applications, we may need to work on the words of the string rather than the whole strings. In this case, we will need to split the string into its equivalent words. Java provides the split() function in a string class that helps in splitting the string into an array of string values. There are variety of ways in which we can use the split function depending on our requirement.

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The split function is used in two different variants as shown below.

split(String regex) String[] split(String regex, int limit) 

The first one is used to splits this string around matches of the given regular expression. Whereas, in the second variant an additional parameter limit specifies the number of times the regex will be used as a splitting character. Here, regex parameter is a delimiter used to split the words.

Examples to split String into Array

Example 1 : Split String into Array with given delimiter

In this example, we are simply splitting the string using the space as a delimiter. However, we are not limiting to the number of times delimiter is used. Therefore, it will split whole string into an Array of strings.

// Program to split String into array using space delimiter public class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < // Declaring and Initializing the variables String s = "Welcome to the world of java programming "; // Using split function String[] a = s.split(" "); // Printing the resultant array for (String i: a) System.out.println(i); >>
Welcome to the world of java programming 

Example 2 : Split String into Array with delimiter and limit

In this example, we are simply splitting the string using the space as a delimiter. Moreover, we are adding the limit as 3. Therefore, it will split the string using the space delimiter for 2 times.

// Program to split String into array using space delimiter and limit public class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < // Declaring and Initializing the variables String s="Welcome to the world of java programming "; // Using the split function String[] a = s.split(" ",3); // Printing the resultant array for (String i : a) System.out.println(i); >> 
Welcome to the world of java programming

Example 3 : Split String into Array with another string as a delimiter

In this example, we are splitting the string using the another string as a delimiter. However, we are not adding any limit.

// Program to split String into array using other string as a delimiter public class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < // Declaring and Initializing the variables String s = "Life is a book. Life is a Journey. Life is a Rose Garden."; String d = "Life is a "; // Using the split function String[] a = s.split(d); // Printing the resultant array for (String i: a) System.out.println(i); >>

Example 4 : Split String into Array with multiple delimiters

In this example, we are splitting the string using the multiple character as a delimiter. Therefore, if any of the delimiting character is found, it will split the string and store it in an array.

// Program to split String into array using multiple delimiters public class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < // Declaring and Initializing the variables String s = "Life is a book. Life is a Journey! Is life is a Rose Garden?"; // Using split function String[] a = s.split("[. ]"); // Printing the resultant array for (String i: a) System.out.println(i); >>
Life is a book Life is a Journey Is life is a Rose Garden

Example 5 : Split the String without using built-in split function

In this example, we are splitting the string using the multiple character as a delimiter. Therefore, if any of the delimiting character is found, it will split the string and store it in an array.

// Program to split String into array without using built-in split function public class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < // Declaring and Initializing the variables String s = "Welcome to the world of java programming "; String[] a = new String[8]; int j = 0; a[0] = ""; // Iterating over string character by character for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) < // If char is a space we increment the array index by 1 and store the next value as a next word if (s.charAt(i) == ' ') < j++; a[j] = ""; >else < a[j] = a[j] + s.charAt(i); >> // Printing the resultant array for (String i: a) System.out.println(i); > >
Welcome to the world of java programming

Example 6 : Split the content read from the file line wise

In this example, we are splitting the content of file line wise. So, the delimiter is a new line character( \n ). Therefore, if any of the delimiting character is found, it will split the string and store it in an array.

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The content of the text file is as shown below.

Test.txt Welcome to the world of Java Programming Its fun to learn Programming Have a good day!!
import*; public class Main < public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception < // Creating a file handle and bufferedreader object File file = new File("Test.txt"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String st, fs = ""; // Reading from the file while ((st = br.readLine()) != null) fs = fs + st + "\n"; // Spliting into an array and printing String[] a = fs.split("\n"); for (String i: a) System.out.println(i); >>

Example 7 : Count the number of words in a string using split method

In this example, we are splitting the string using the multiple character as a delimiter. Therefore, if any of the delimiting character is found, it will split the string and store it in an array.

// Program to split String into array using multiple delimiters public class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < // Declaring and Initializing the variables String s = "Life is a book. Life is a Journey! Is life is a Rose Garden?"; // Using split function String[] a = s.split(" "); // Printing the resultant array for (String i: a) System.out.println(i); System.out.println("Total number of words in a string is " + a.length); >>
Life is a book. Life is a Journey! Is life is a Rose Garden? Total number of words in a string is 14


The knowledge of Splitting a string to an array in Java is very useful while working on real time applications. In this tutorial, we covered the way to split string into array using the built-in split function and without using split function. As per the requirement of an application, we can choose an appropriate approach for splitting. We learned in detail about splitting with an example. All in all, this tutorial, covers everything that you need to know in order to have a clear view on splitting a string to an array in Java.

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