Str to char java

How to convert/parse from String to char in java?

How do I parse a String value to a char type, in Java? I know how to do it to int and double (for example Integer.parseInt(«123») ). Is there a class for Strings and Chars?

Yeah but I don’t see any method in it that will help me change a String such as «a» to a char such as ‘a’

14 Answers 14

If your string contains exactly one character the simplest way to convert it to a character is probably to call the charAt method:

You can use the .charAt(int) function with Strings to retrieve the char value at any index. If you want to convert the String to a char array, try calling .toCharArray() on the String.

String g = "line"; char c = g.charAt(0); // returns 'l' char[] c_arr = g.toCharArray(); // returns a length 4 char array ['l','i','n','e'] 

Well, true, although I was seeking to convert a single character in a string, I guess that could work too.

String s = "p"; char c = s.charAt(0); 

I didn’t mean to specifically use «123». I was just using as an example. For char it would be a different example like «p» since a char is a single character, not multiple ones.

the toCharArray() function returns an array of chars in case you want to split your string into chars

double --> Double.parseDouble(String); float --> Float.parseFloat(String); long --> Long.parseLong(String); int --> Integer.parseInt(String); char --> stringGoesHere.charAt(int position); short --> Short.parseShort(String); byte --> Byte.parseByte(String); boolean --> Boolean.parseBoolean(String); 

@Davide Probably because posts should’t include the important information as image when it can be posted as text. Images can’t be searched and copy/pasted, are often blocked and can’t be read by users relying on screen readers.

Please edit your post and show the actual text instead of screenshots. Others can’t copy and paste from your images. See here for details. Thank you.

I agree with @Davide question — «Why thumbs down?». I believe that this will make the user that got this not to contribute with stackoverflow in the future and I believe that this should not be the case. From my perspective «thumbs down» should not ever be used! It’s negative in its essence and doesn’t bring any value at all.

Are you sure that char —> StringGoesHere.parseFloat(int position); is correct? Honestly I haven’t checked, but I’m fairly sure String doesn’t have a parseFloat method, and even if it does, I can’t see why that would be what you’d be trying to do there.

If the string is 1 character long, just take that character. If the string is not 1 character long, it cannot be parsed into a character.

Your statement saying that a string longer than 1 character can’t be parsed to an integer is wrong, see my answer.

 String string = "This is Yasir Shabbir "; for(char ch : string.toCharArray())

or If you want individually then you can as

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org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils.(un)EscapeJava methods are probaby what you want

Answer from brainzzy not mine :

The simplest way to convert a String to a char is using charAt() :

String stringAns="hello"; char charAns=stringAns.charAt(0);//Gives You 'h' char charAns=stringAns.charAt(1);//Gives You 'e' char charAns=stringAns.charAt(2);//Gives You 'l' char charAns=stringAns.charAt(3);//Gives You 'l' char charAns=stringAns.charAt(4);//Gives You 'o' char charAns=stringAns.charAt(5);//Gives You:: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 5 
import java.util.Scanner; class demo < String accNo,name,fatherName,motherName; int age; static double rate=0.25; static double balance=1000; Scanner scanString=new Scanner(; Scanner scanNum=new Scanner(; void input() < System.out.print("Account Number:"); accNo=scanString.nextLine(); System.out.print("Name:"); name=scanString.nextLine(); System.out.print("Father's Name:"); fatherName=scanString.nextLine(); System.out.print("Mother's Name:"); motherName=scanString.nextLine(); System.out.print("Age:"); age=scanNum.nextInt(); System.out.println(); >void withdraw() < System.out.print("How Much:"); double withdraw=scanNum.nextDouble(); balance=balance-withdraw; if(balance<1000) < System.out.println("Invalid Data Entry\n Balance below Rs 1000 not allowed"); System.exit(0); >> void deposit() < System.out.print("How Much:"); double deposit=scanNum.nextDouble(); balance=balance+deposit; >void display() < System.out.println("Your Balnce:Rs "+balance); >void oneYear() < System.out.println("After one year:"); balance+=balance*rate*0.01; >public static void main(String args[]) < demo d1=new demo(); d1.input(); d1.display(); while(true) else if(reply=='d') < d1.deposit(); >else < System.out.println("Invalid Entry"); >//More Manipulation System.out.println("Want More Manipulations: Y/N:"); String manipulation1= ((d1.scanString.nextLine()).toLowerCase()).trim(); char manipulation=manipulation1.charAt(0); System.out.println(manipulation); if(manipulation=='y') < >else if(manipulation=='n') < break; >else < System.out.println("Invalid Entry"); break; >> d1.oneYear(); d1.display(); > > 


How to Convert String to Char in Java

In Java, String and char are two different data types, and sometimes we need to convert Strings to char or char to String. Converting String to char involves extracting individual characters from the string, which can be done in multiple ways.

Converting String to char in Java

We can easily convert String to char in Java by using the built-in Functions. The String and char in Java are defined as:

  • char: char is a primitive data type in Java that is used to represent a single character.
  • String: A String in Java is an object which is used to store a sequence of characters.

We can convert String to char in Java by using the following two methods.

Let’s discuss both of these in detail.

Method 1 to Convert String to Char in Java: Using charAt() Method

The String Class in Java contains the “charAt()” method. This method is used to return the character at a particular location in a string. To convert a string to a char in Java, we can extract the first character of the string using the charAt() method as shown in the example given below.

Example 1 of Converting String to Char in Java using charAt() method

This example uses the charAt() method to convert the String to char in Java.

The character at first index is P

In the above example, we declared a String str and initialized it with the value “PrepBytes”. Then, we extracted the first character i.e., ‘P’ by using the charAt() method and printed it on the output screen.

Example 2 of Converting String to Char in Java using charAt() method

This example will convert the entire String into characters with the help of for loop and the charAt() method.

The character at index 0 is P The character at index 1 is r The character at index 2 is e The character at index 3 is p The character at index 4 is B The character at index 5 is y The character at index 6 is t The character at index 7 is e The character at index 8 is s

In the above code, we have first declared a string and initialized it with “PrepBytes”. Next, we used a for loop to traverse the entire string and within the for loop to extract the character one by one and printed each character along with its position on the output screen.

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Method 2 to Convert String to Char in Java: Using toCharArray() Method

We can also convert the entire string in Java into a Character Array with the help of toCharArray() method. This method is also defined in the String class in Java.

Let us learn how to use this method in Java Code for converting the entire string into an array of characters with the help of the following example.

Example to Convert String to char in Java

The following code illustrates the usage of the toCharArray() method in Java.

The Character is P The Character is r The Character is e The Character is p The Character is B The Character is y The Character is t The Character is e The Character is s

In this code, we have declared a string “PrepBytes” and then used the toCharArray() method to convert the string into a character array. The toCharArray() method returns a character array that is stored with the name “ch”. Finally, we printed all the elements of the character array with the help of a for-each loop.

In this article, we have learned How we can convert String to char in Java with the help of charAt() and toCharArray() methods. We have also discussed examples for a better understanding of both methods. The charAt() method extracts a character at a specified index whereas the toCharArray() method converts the entire string into the Character Array. Depending on the requirements, we can use any of the two methods to convert String to char in Java.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Some Frequently Asked Questions related to “String to char in Java” are listed below.

Ques 1. What is the return type of charAt() method?
Ans. The return type of the charAt() method is char.

Ques 2. Can I use the charAt() method to convert a String with multiple characters to a char?
Ans. No, you cannot use the charAt() method to convert a String with multiple characters to a char. The charAt() method only returns a single character. To convert we need to run a for loop to extract each character one by one.

Ques 3. What is the return type of toCharArray() method in Java?
Ans. The return type of the toCharArray() method is char[].

Ques 4. Can I use the substring() method to convert a String to a char?
Ans. No, you cannot use the substring() method to convert a String to a char. The substring() method returns a String, not a char.

Ques 5. How can I convert a String to a char using the valueOf() method?
Ans. You can convert a String to a char using the valueOf() method of the Character class. The valueOf() method returns a Character object that represents the specified char value.


Ways to convert String to char in java without built-in libs

Define «library function». There’s no way to access the contents of a String without using its methods, which are all part of the Java library.

In that case, run a loop over your String to manually read all the characters into a char[]. Use String.charAt(int) to get sinlge character from a String.

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5 Answers 5

String str = "abcd"; char[] arr = str.toCharArray(); // What is the wrong with this way 

You can manually construct a char array.

String str = "abcd"; char[] arr = new char[str.length()]; for (int i = 0; i

In that case, you must not even use String.length() as it is library function. Do you expect to perform low-level operations to get char[]?

public Character[] toCharacterArray(String s) < if (s == null) < return null; >Character[] array = new Characer[s.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) < array[i] = new Character(s.charAt(i)); >return array; > 

Thanks @Keyser. If s[i] worked, what would be need of converting it to another array :O. Since s would have been an array itself.

This can be achieved by using

public static void main(String[] args) < try < String s = "hello world"; StringReader reader = new StringReader(s); char[] cc = new char[1]; cc[0] = (char); char[] tmpCC = null; int readChar = 0; int lenConcatenator = cc.length; while((readChar =!=-1) < ++lenConcatenator; tmpCC = new char[cc.length]; System.arraycopy(cc, 0, tmpCC, 0, cc.length); cc = new char[lenConcatenator]; System.arraycopy(tmpCC, 0, cc, 0, tmpCC.length); cc[lenConcatenator - 1] = (char) readChar; >System.out.println(cc); > catch (Exception e) < e.printStackTrace(); >> 
public static char[] toMyArray(String s) < StringReader reader = new StringReader(s); int k = 0; int i = 0; char[] output = new char[s.length()]; try < while ((k = != -1) < output[i] = ((char) k); i++; >> catch (Exception e) < >return output; > 

Yes, Java has a class StringReader for reading the character stream from string. Its read() method returns -1 if no character is read so I have used that to check if it is the end of string or not. I have stored the character one by one in a char array and after whole string characters are read, I have returned that array.

Used toCharArray() which is String library. This library can be replaced by its actual implementation in java.lang.String class. Without this, if we can achieve please suggest.

import java.util.Scanner; public class ReverseStringWOInbuilt < public static void main(String[] args) < Scanner sc = new Scanner(; char[] ch = sc.nextLine().toCharArray(); char temp; for (int i = 0, j = ch.length-1; i < j; i++, j--) < temp = ch[i]; ch[i] = ch[j]; ch[j] = temp; >System.out.println(new String(ch)); > > 


JAVA String to char

I have a String representing the hex value of a char, such as: «0x6d4b». How can I get the character it represents as a char?

4 Answers 4

// Drop "0x" in order to parse String c = "6d4b"; // Parse hexadecimal integer int i = Integer.parseInt( c, 16 ); // Note that this method returns char[] char[] cs = Character.toChars( i ); // Prints 测 System.out.println( cs ); 

Yes, if the resulting value is used as a char , the results are the same. The method call gives you the added bonus of readily available javadoc that tells what you’re actually getting.

String s = "6d4b"; int i = Integer.parseInt( s, 16 ); // to convert hex to integer char ca= (char) i; System.out.println(ca); 
String s ="0x6d4b" ; char[] c = s.toCharArray(); for (char cc : c)

have you tested it before posting because its not working. and by the way its not what is asked. So -1


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