Static html page hosting

Top 10 Free Static Website Hosting Providers

In the current age of web development, developers are increasingly leaning towards simplicity, speed, and security. They’re seeking platforms that offer an optimal balance between functionality and ease of use. One such approach that has caught their attention is static websites. This article will focus on defining static websites and exploring the top 10 free hosting providers that cater to this demand.

  • 1 What is a static site?
  • 2 Top 10 Free Static Website Hosting Providers
    • 2.1 Back4app
    • 2.2 GitHub Pages
    • 2.3 Netlify
    • 2.4 Vercel
    • 2.5 GitLab Pages
    • 2.6 Firebase
    • 2.7
    • 2.8 Hostman
    • 2.9
    • 2.10 Render

    What is a static site?

    A static website comprises fixed content, where each page is coded in HTML and displays the same information to every visitor. Unlike dynamic websites, static websites do not require a database or backend processing. They’re comprised of fixed code, making them faster, more secure, and easier to scale. They’re ideal for blogs, portfolios, landing pages, and documentation sites.

    Top 10 Free Static Website Hosting Providers

    Let’s dive into the top 10 free hosting providers for static websites:


    Back4app is a cloud platform with robust features for application development. Although more known for its backend services, Back4app also provides static web hosting. With Back4app, developers can leverage GraphQL and REST APIs, real-time updates, and database tools alongside their static website. Back4app emphasizes scalability, flexibility, and ease of use, making it a strong choice for comprehensive web solutions.

    GitHub Pages

    GitHub Pages is a popular choice for hosting static websites directly from a GitHub repository. It supports HTML, CSS, JavaScript files, and Jekyll, a static site generator. With GitHub Pages, developers enjoy seamless integration with the world’s leading software development platform, facilitating version control, collaboration, and continuous deployment.


    Netlify offers an intuitive platform for deploying and managing static websites. Its standout features include continuous deployment from Git, serverless functions, and a global application delivery network. Netlify is praised for its user-friendly interface, powerful build tools, and excellent customer support.


    Vercel is a cloud platform designed for frontend developers. It supports static site generation, serverless functions, and continuous deployment from Git. Vercel is ideal for developers who want an effortless deployment process coupled with automatic scalability.

    GitLab Pages

    Like GitHub Pages, GitLab Pages hosts static websites directly from a GitLab repository. It supports many static site generators and offers advanced continuous integration capabilities. GitLab Pages are perfect for developers seeking an all-in-one solution for code hosting, CI/CD, and website deployment.


    Firebase, a Google product, is a comprehensive app development platform. Apart from its various features like real-time database, analytics, and authentication, Firebase provides static and dynamic web hosting. Its hosting is secure, scales automatically, and offers global CDN, SSL, and custom domain support. is a straightforward tool for publishing web content. It’s loved for its simplicity – deploying a static website is as easy as typing Surge in your terminal. While it supports custom domains, clean URLs, and HTTPS, some advanced features are limited to the paid plan.


    Hostman is a cloud platform that provides automated deployments for static websites, backend applications, and databases. With its simple interface, multi-cloud infrastructure, and integrated CI/CD, Hostman aims to simplify the entire deployment process for developers. is explicitly designed for JavaScript applications. It integrates well with Git providers, enables server-side rendering, and offers automatic scaling. If you’re developing with JavaScript (React, Vue, Svelte, etc.) and want to deploy quickly, could be an excellent choice.


    Render offers a unified platform to build and run all your applications and websites. It supports static sites, server-side rendered (SSR) apps, APIs, background workers, and more. Render automates the process of setting up and deploying environments, making it a preferred choice for developers who desire simplicity and versatility.


    In conclusion, the world of static website hosting offers a diverse range of options. Whether you’re looking for a comprehensive development platform like Back4app or Firebase, a frontend-focused service like Vercel, or a straightforward publishing tool like, there’s a service that fits your specific needs. As you make your decision, consider factors like ease of use, scalability, integration capabilities, and the tech stack you’re working with.

    Remember, the perfect hosting provider doesn’t exist; only one is perfect for your current project and skill level. As you grow as a developer, you may find that your needs change, and that’s okay. The important thing is to keep learning, experimenting, and pushing your boundaries. Happy coding!


    What is a static website?

    A static website displays fixed content using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It doesn’t require a database or server-side processing.

    What are the top 10 free static website hosting providers?

    – Back4app
    – GitHub Pages
    – Netlify
    – Vercel
    – GitLab Pages
    – Firebase
    – Surge
    – Hostman
    – Stormnkit
    – Render


    Free Static Website Hosting

    Tiiny Host is a simple, efficient and performant hosting service for static websites. A static website is a website that appears the same to all visitors and does not require a backend server or database to render it. It’s composed of frontend only static files such as HTML, JavaScript and images (jpeg, png, svg etc).

    Why static hosting?

    ⚡ Speed

    Static websites load faster, much faster. With no need to make database calls or dynamically update the page before rendering, they’re instantly available to users.

    🔎 SEO

    Modern SEO rankings favour fast loading websites, a key feature of static sites. Crawlers easily scan pre-rendered pages.

    🤑 Low cost

    No expensive rendering server or database means significantly cheaper hosting costs, even at scale.

    🔒 Security

    Vulnerabilities often occur in servers that need to be regularly updated to avoid breaches. Static sites do not require a backend servers and so are not susceptible to typical web vulnerabilities.

    🧘 Simple deployments

    Publish your site in seconds. HTML files and related assets are small and extremely quick to deploy. No need to configure complex servers or databases.

    👨‍🔧️ Reliability

    Pre-rendered pages mean a consistent user experience every time. No servers mean less to fail and go offline to interrupt user experiences.

    How to host a static website

    Upload your website in 3 steps

    1. Zip Static Files

    First, zip all your static files into a zip file. Your zip file must include an index.html file.

    2. Upload Zip File

    Head over to and upload your zip file.

    3. Launch

    Enter a subdomain name you want and click launch!

    Easier to host than

    Popular hosting providers



    Google Cloud Website Hosting

    Netlify Website Hosting

    GitHub Website Hosting

    AWS S3

    Examples of static websites

    Optimized landing pages

    Create beautiful and quick loading landing pages for the best user experience and highest conversions.

    Simple blogs

    Focus on your writing by saying goodbye to a heavy, bloated CMS like WordPress. Convert to a faster, more secure and simpler static blog for an all round better experience.

    Beautiful portfolios

    Present your beautiful creations using a simple and static web page that is cheap and simple to host.


    Useful posts for static websites

    Static vs Dynamic Websites

    When it comes to the ultimate categories of websites on the internet, there are two kinds to know about — static and dynamic websites.

    Should you go with a static or dynamic site?

    Whether you need a static or dynamic website is determined by how you want to render your site for your visitors. This can have a huge influence on the speed of display of your web pages.

    Frequently asked questions

    What is a static website?

    A static website is composed of HTML, JavaScript and image files where the content of the web page generally appears the same to all visitors.

    What is a dynamic website?

    A dynamic website is usually hosted on a backend server and renders the content for a visitor as and when a visitor requests for it. It can dynamically return different content for different types of users.

    What are the benefits of a static site?

    A static web page is pre-built and then uploaded to static hosting so that all visitors see the same content. This means that a static website is fast to load, cheap to run, highly reliable and also more secure compared with a dynamic website.

    Can you host a WordPress site as a static website?

    WordPress sites run on PHP and require a PHP-compatible server to run. Static site hosting does not provide a PHP-compatible server so you cannot host a WordPress website as a static website. However, there are many tools on the web such as WP2Static which can convert a WordPress website into a compatible static website. You can then upload and host the converted site here.

    How do static sites work?

    A static webpage is firstly pre-rendered and built offline outputting as set of static files (HTML, JavaScript & images). It can then be uploaded to a Content Delivery Network (CDN) which replicates and distributes the static files across the world. When a user visits your website, the user is routed to the closest location on the CDN to download your website’s static files. The static files are finally rendered in the user’s browser.

    Should I build a static or dynamic website?

    It depends on the features you require your web page to have. A static website is perfect for simple web pages where the content does not change frequently and appears the same for all types of visitors. If your webpage needs to appear differently for different users you would need to dynamically render the web page on a server based on the type of user that visits your website. You can also divide a dynamic website into a static frontend and a dynamic backend which provides the web page with dynamic data.


    One-click solution for your static ? website.

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    • 100 websites
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    Try it now!

    Get started with the simpliest static page hosting ever by uploading your project or drag-n-drop wherever you want.

    So what is a “static” website?

    Static sites are the most basic type of website and are the easiest to create. Unlike dynamic websites, they do not require any web programming or database design.

    A static web page delivered to the user’s web browser exactly as stored, in contrast to dynamic web pages which are generated by a web application.

    Create free static pages using Slides and Startup .

    • One-click solution for your static website. Copyright © 2019-2023.
      All Rights Reserved. Made by Designmodo


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