Split by bracket java

  1. Java java split string of array brackets
  2. Convery string into array with brackets
  3. Split a string ignoring groups surrounded by bracket
  4. Java split regex: split string using any text between curly brackets and keep the delimiter
  5. Java String Split Example
  6. How to split a string in Java?
  7. How to the limit number of string parts returned by the split method?
  8. How to split a string using special characters?
  9. a) Split a String by pipe “|”
  10. b) By caret “^”
  11. c) By dollar “$”
  12. d) By dot “.”
  13. e) By a question mark “?”
  14. f) By asterisk “*”
  15. g) By plus “+”
  16. h) By opening parenthesis “(“
  17. i) By closing parenthesis “)”
  18. j) By opening square bracket “[“
  19. k) By opening curly bracket “ Note: Instead of escaping the special meaning characters using the double backslash, you can also use quote method of Pattern class which does that automatically for you. How to split by a new line or line break? If the string object contains multi-line text and you want to split a string by a new line or line break use the following code. The above code takes care of both Unix and windows newline characters. Windows uses “\r\n” while Unix uses only “\n” as a line separator. Basically our pattern will split a string by zero or more “\r” followed by “\n” thus covering both Unix and Windows formats. If you don’t want empty lines to be returned, change the pattern a bit as given below. How to split a string using Apache Commons library? Apache Commons is a very useful library that provides a lots of useful functionalities that are not included in standard Java. The StringUtils class provides a split method that can be used to split a String. This method behaves like the split method of String class except that the separator argument is not a regular expression. Hence there is no need to escape special metacharacters while using this method. How to return trailing empty strings with the split method? Say for example you are trying to parse a CSV (comma separated values) file containing employee records. Here are the fields in the given sequence. Out of these fields, Phone1 and Phone2 are optional fields. That means you may or you may not get Phone1/Phone2 values for any particular record. Now consider this example where Phone1 and Phone2 values are not present for a particular record. The output is not what we expected. It should have printed the empty trailing string values for Phone1 and Phone2 fields even if they are empty. They are not printed because the split method without the limit argument internally calls the split method with the limit argument with limit value as 0. That, by default, does not return trailing empty string values. To return trailing empty string values, use the split method with limit argument having value as -1 as given below. This example is a part of the Java String tutorial. Please let me know your views in the comments section below. About the author I have a master's degree in computer science and over 18 years of experience designing and developing Java applications. I have worked with many fortune 500 companies as an eCommerce Architect. Follow me on LinkedIn and Facebook. Источник Java java split string of array brackets Do this by iterating over the input, character-by-character, until you find an opening . And when you do, continue iterating character-by-character until you find its matching . Convery string into array with brackets String[] splittedString = theString.substring(1, theString.length()-1).split(", ") Notice space after comma in the split method. Use substring to exclude the string from the brackets: mystring = mystring.substring(1,mystring.length()-1); String[] myarray = mystring.split(", "); String arry[] = yourstr.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split(","); Java - Split using a bracket, The split method operates using regular expressions. The character [ has special meaning in those; it is used to denote character classes between [ and ]. If you want to use a literal opening square bracket, use \ [ to escape it as a special character. There's two slashes because a backslash is also used as an escape character in … Usage exampleline.split("\[");Feedback Split a string ignoring groups surrounded by bracket Note that you can replace [^\[\],<>]+ with \w+ and you'd get the same result. [^\[\],<>]+ = (?: [^\[\],<>]+ | (?= \ < ) (?: (?= .*? \< (?! .*?

    ) ( # (1 start) .* \>(?! .* 2 ) .* ) # (1 end) ) (?= .*? \> (?! .*? 2 ) ( .* ) # (2) ) . )+? .*? (?=

    ) [^

    Instead of inventing/parsing your own data-format, have you considered using JSON instead? It looks very similar to what you have above. Example.

    If you decide to use JSON, then parsing a JSON input into structured data, can be easily done using one of many Java-Json libraries. Example.

    If you have no control over the input, and absolutely have to parse the input in the format given above, here's one approach you can take, which is extremely cumbersome.

    1. Find all blocks. Do this by iterating over the input, character-by-character, until you find an opening < . And when you do, continue iterating character-by-character until you find its matching >. Note that while doing this, you have to keep track of, and ignore, any nested blocks.
    2. Once you've found a block, replace it with 15 random alphanumeric characters. Eg: of9823ghownkd71
    3. For every randomly generated value above, use a HashMap to keep track of the block it has replaced.
    4. Use a string.split(","), in order to convert the modified input into a string array
    5. Iterate through every entry in the string-array, and see if any of the keys in your HashMap (from step 3) are contained within this entry. If so, replace that key with the matching block

    The above algorithm is much more complex and error-prone. Use JSON inputs instead, if at all possible.

    Brackets - Java: split text, I need to split a text (String), the text is just like this: [title],[description blablablablablabla] Is there a way to do this? java brackets. Share. Follow edited Mar 24, 2014 at 20:26. //If you just need the results to be stored in an array of Strings anyway. String[] stringArray = stringList.toArray(new …

    Java split by bracket and keep the delmiter

    You simply forgot to put capturing parentheses around the entire regex. You are not capturing anything at all. Just change the regex to

    Pattern splitDelRegex = Pattern.compile("(\([^)]*?\))"); ^ ^
    I tested this in Eclipse and got your desired output.
    That would return an array of strings which you would know are lacking the closing parentheses and so could add them back in afterwards. Thats seems much easier and less error prone to me.
    You could try changing this line :
    String perm = regexMatcher.group(1);
    String perm = regexMatcher.group();
    So you read the last found group.
    Javascript - Split string on [] brackets, the string is the name of some input fields. Examples: a[b][c] x[y][z][] I'm trying to produce multidimensional arrays from it. a.b.c = value. x.y.z = [value] (value is an array because of []) anyway i have some ideas on how to do that but first I need to split the string into an array that contains all keys and subkeys.
    Java split regex: split string using any text between curly brackets and keep the delimiter
    Try maybe splitting this way
    It will split on every space that have < after it, or space that have >before it.
    for (String s : "hello this is and this is my string" .split("\s(?=\<)|(?<=\>)\s")) System.out.println(s);
    hello this is and this is my string
    Java - Converting string array to list: double brackets, Java will implicitly be calling list.toString(), which appends a set of square brackets when printing the list. Since the first element in your list starts with a square bracket, and the last element ends with one, what you end up with is a double bracket at the beginning and the end
  20. How to split by a new line or line break?
  21. How to split a string using Apache Commons library?
  22. How to return trailing empty strings with the split method?
  23. About the author
  24. Java java split string of array brackets
  25. Convery string into array with brackets
  26. Split a string ignoring groups surrounded by bracket
  27. Java split regex: split string using any text between curly brackets and keep the delimiter

Java java split string of array brackets

Do this by iterating over the input, character-by-character, until you find an opening . And when you do, continue iterating character-by-character until you find its matching .

Convery string into array with brackets

String[] splittedString = theString.substring(1, theString.length()-1).split(", ") 

Notice space after comma in the split method.

Use substring to exclude the string from the brackets:

mystring = mystring.substring(1,mystring.length()-1); 
String[] myarray = mystring.split(", "); 
String arry[] = yourstr.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split(","); 

Java — Split using a bracket, The split method operates using regular expressions. The character [ has special meaning in those; it is used to denote character classes between [ and ]. If you want to use a literal opening square bracket, use \\ [ to escape it as a special character. There’s two slashes because a backslash is also used as an escape character in … Usage exampleline.split(«\\[«);Feedback

Split a string ignoring groups surrounded by bracket

Note that you can replace [^\[\],<>]+ with \w+ and you’d get the same result.

 [^\[\],<>]+ = (?: [^\[\],<>]+ | (?= \ < ) (?: (?= .*? \< (?! .*? \1 ) ( # (1 start) .* \>(?! .* \2 ) .* ) # (1 end) ) (?= .*? \> (?! .*? \2 ) ( .* ) # (2) ) . )+? .*? (?= \1 ) [^ 

Instead of inventing/parsing your own data-format, have you considered using JSON instead? It looks very similar to what you have above. Example.

If you decide to use JSON, then parsing a JSON input into structured data, can be easily done using one of many Java-Json libraries. Example.

If you have no control over the input, and absolutely have to parse the input in the format given above, here's one approach you can take, which is extremely cumbersome.

  1. Find all blocks. Do this by iterating over the input, character-by-character, until you find an opening < . And when you do, continue iterating character-by-character until you find its matching >. Note that while doing this, you have to keep track of, and ignore, any nested blocks.
  2. Once you've found a block, replace it with 15 random alphanumeric characters. Eg: of9823ghownkd71
  3. For every randomly generated value above, use a HashMap to keep track of the block it has replaced.
  4. Use a string.split(","), in order to convert the modified input into a string array
  5. Iterate through every entry in the string-array, and see if any of the keys in your HashMap (from step 3) are contained within this entry. If so, replace that key with the matching block

The above algorithm is much more complex and error-prone. Use JSON inputs instead, if at all possible.

Brackets - Java: split text, I need to split a text (String), the text is just like this: [title],[description blablablablablabla] Is there a way to do this? java brackets. Share. Follow edited Mar 24, 2014 at 20:26. //If you just need the results to be stored in an array of Strings anyway. String[] stringArray = stringList.toArray(new …

Java split by bracket and keep the delmiter

You simply forgot to put capturing parentheses around the entire regex. You are not capturing anything at all. Just change the regex to

Pattern splitDelRegex = Pattern.compile("(\\([^)]*?\\))"); ^ ^ 

I tested this in Eclipse and got your desired output.

That would return an array of strings which you would know are lacking the closing parentheses and so could add them back in afterwards. Thats seems much easier and less error prone to me.

You could try changing this line :

String perm = regexMatcher.group(1); 
String perm = regexMatcher.group(); 

So you read the last found group.

Javascript - Split string on [] brackets, the string is the name of some input fields. Examples: a[b][c] x[y][z][] I'm trying to produce multidimensional arrays from it. a.b.c = value. x.y.z = [value] (value is an array because of []) anyway i have some ideas on how to do that but first I need to split the string into an array that contains all keys and subkeys.

Java split regex: split string using any text between curly brackets and keep the delimiter

Try maybe splitting this way

It will split on every space that have < after it, or space that have >before it.

for (String s : "hello this is and this is my string" .split("\\s(?=\\<)|(?<=\\>)\\s")) System.out.println(s); 
hello this is and this is my string 

Java - Converting string array to list: double brackets, Java will implicitly be calling list.toString(), which appends a set of square brackets when printing the list. Since the first element in your list starts with a square bracket, and the last element ends with one, what you end up with is a double bracket at the beginning and the end


Java String Split Example

Java string split example shows how to split string using the split method including by special characters like “.” (Dot), “|” (Pipe) etc. Also, how to limit the number of results returned by the split operation.

How to split a string in Java?

Use the split method of the String class to split a string in Java.

This method splits a string and returns an array of strings parts.

How to the limit number of string parts returned by the split method?

Use the overloaded split method which accepts a limit parameter to limit the number of matches returned by the split method.

The limit parameter denotes the number of times the pattern is applied on a string and thus the length of the resulting array.

Please note that the passing limit as 0 is the same as calling the split method without the limit parameter.

How to split a string using special characters?

It is no different from splitting a string using normal delimiters. However, since the split method accepts regular expression, if you want to split a string using a character that has a special meaning in the regular expression (called metacharacter), then those characters need to be escaped using the backslash.

Below given are the special metacharacters which need to be escaped.

a) Split a String by pipe “|”

b) By caret “^”

c) By dollar “$”

d) By dot “.”

e) By a question mark “?”

f) By asterisk “*”

g) By plus “+”

h) By opening parenthesis “(“

i) By closing parenthesis “)”

j) By opening square bracket “[“

k) By opening curly bracket “

Note: Instead of escaping the special meaning characters using the double backslash, you can also use quote method of Pattern class which does that automatically for you.

How to split by a new line or line break?

If the string object contains multi-line text and you want to split a string by a new line or line break use the following code.

The above code takes care of both Unix and windows newline characters. Windows uses “\r\n” while Unix uses only “\n” as a line separator. Basically our pattern will split a string by zero or more “\r” followed by “\n” thus covering both Unix and Windows formats.

If you don’t want empty lines to be returned, change the pattern a bit as given below.

How to split a string using Apache Commons library?

Apache Commons is a very useful library that provides a lots of useful functionalities that are not included in standard Java. The StringUtils class provides a split method that can be used to split a String.

This method behaves like the split method of String class except that the separator argument is not a regular expression. Hence there is no need to escape special metacharacters while using this method.

How to return trailing empty strings with the split method?

Say for example you are trying to parse a CSV (comma separated values) file containing employee records. Here are the fields in the given sequence.

Out of these fields, Phone1 and Phone2 are optional fields. That means you may or you may not get Phone1/Phone2 values for any particular record.

Now consider this example where Phone1 and Phone2 values are not present for a particular record.

The output is not what we expected. It should have printed the empty trailing string values for Phone1 and Phone2 fields even if they are empty. They are not printed because the split method without the limit argument internally calls the split method with the limit argument with limit value as 0. That, by default, does not return trailing empty string values.

To return trailing empty string values, use the split method with limit argument having value as -1 as given below.

This example is a part of the Java String tutorial.

Please let me know your views in the comments section below.

About the author

I have a master's degree in computer science and over 18 years of experience designing and developing Java applications. I have worked with many fortune 500 companies as an eCommerce Architect. Follow me on LinkedIn and Facebook.


Java java split string of array brackets

Do this by iterating over the input, character-by-character, until you find an opening . And when you do, continue iterating character-by-character until you find its matching .

Convery string into array with brackets

String[] splittedString = theString.substring(1, theString.length()-1).split(", ") 

Notice space after comma in the split method.

Use substring to exclude the string from the brackets:

mystring = mystring.substring(1,mystring.length()-1); 
String[] myarray = mystring.split(", "); 
String arry[] = yourstr.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split(","); 

Java - Split using a bracket, The split method operates using regular expressions. The character [ has special meaning in those; it is used to denote character classes between [ and ]. If you want to use a literal opening square bracket, use \\ [ to escape it as a special character. There's two slashes because a backslash is also used as an escape character in … Usage exampleline.split("\\[");Feedback

Split a string ignoring groups surrounded by bracket

Note that you can replace [^\[\],<>]+ with \w+ and you'd get the same result.

 [^\[\],<>]+ = (?: [^\[\],<>]+ | (?= \ < ) (?: (?= .*? \< (?! .*? \1 ) ( # (1 start) .* \>(?! .* \2 ) .* ) # (1 end) ) (?= .*? \> (?! .*? \2 ) ( .* ) # (2) ) . )+? .*? (?= \1 ) [^ 

Instead of inventing/parsing your own data-format, have you considered using JSON instead? It looks very similar to what you have above. Example.

If you decide to use JSON, then parsing a JSON input into structured data, can be easily done using one of many Java-Json libraries. Example.

If you have no control over the input, and absolutely have to parse the input in the format given above, here's one approach you can take, which is extremely cumbersome.

  1. Find all blocks. Do this by iterating over the input, character-by-character, until you find an opening < . And when you do, continue iterating character-by-character until you find its matching >. Note that while doing this, you have to keep track of, and ignore, any nested blocks.
  2. Once you've found a block, replace it with 15 random alphanumeric characters. Eg: of9823ghownkd71
  3. For every randomly generated value above, use a HashMap to keep track of the block it has replaced.
  4. Use a string.split(","), in order to convert the modified input into a string array
  5. Iterate through every entry in the string-array, and see if any of the keys in your HashMap (from step 3) are contained within this entry. If so, replace that key with the matching block

The above algorithm is much more complex and error-prone. Use JSON inputs instead, if at all possible.

Brackets - Java: split text, I need to split a text (String), the text is just like this: [title],[description blablablablablabla] Is there a way to do this? java brackets. Share. Follow edited Mar 24, 2014 at 20:26. //If you just need the results to be stored in an array of Strings anyway. String[] stringArray = stringList.toArray(new …

Java split by bracket and keep the delmiter

You simply forgot to put capturing parentheses around the entire regex. You are not capturing anything at all. Just change the regex to

Pattern splitDelRegex = Pattern.compile("(\\([^)]*?\\))"); ^ ^ 

I tested this in Eclipse and got your desired output.

That would return an array of strings which you would know are lacking the closing parentheses and so could add them back in afterwards. Thats seems much easier and less error prone to me.

You could try changing this line :

String perm = regexMatcher.group(1); 
String perm = regexMatcher.group(); 

So you read the last found group.

Javascript - Split string on [] brackets, the string is the name of some input fields. Examples: a[b][c] x[y][z][] I'm trying to produce multidimensional arrays from it. a.b.c = value. x.y.z = [value] (value is an array because of []) anyway i have some ideas on how to do that but first I need to split the string into an array that contains all keys and subkeys.

Java split regex: split string using any text between curly brackets and keep the delimiter

Try maybe splitting this way

It will split on every space that have < after it, or space that have >before it.

for (String s : "hello this is and this is my string" .split("\\s(?=\\<)|(?<=\\>)\\s")) System.out.println(s); 
hello this is and this is my string 

Java - Converting string array to list: double brackets, Java will implicitly be calling list.toString(), which appends a set of square brackets when printing the list. Since the first element in your list starts with a square bracket, and the last element ends with one, what you end up with is a double bracket at the beginning and the end


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