Setattribute function in javascript

HTML DOM Element setAttribute()

The setAttribute() method sets a new value to an attribute.

If the attribute does not exist, it is created first.

See Also:




Parameter Description
name Required.
The name of the attribute.
value Required.
The new attribute value.

Return Value


It is possible to add a style attribute with a value to an element, but it is not recommended because it can overwrite other properties in the style attribute.



More Examples

Change an input field to an input button:

Add a href attribute to an element:

Change the value of the target attribute to «_self»:

Browser Support

element.setAttribute() is a DOM Level 1 (1998) feature.

It is fully supported in all browsers:

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera IE
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9-11

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Добавляет новый атрибут или изменяет значение существующего атрибута у выбранного элемента.


element.setAttribute(name, value);


В следующем примере, setAttribute() используется, чтобы установить атрибут disabled кнопки , делая её отключённой.

var b = document.querySelector("button"); b.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); 


При вызове на элементе внутри HTML документа, setAttribute переведёт имя атрибута в нижний регистр.

Если указанный атрибут уже существует, его значение изменится на новое. Если атрибута ранее не существовало, он будет создан.

Несмотря на то, что метод getAttribute() возвращает null у удалённых атрибутов, вы должны использовать removeAttribute() (en-US) вместо elt.setAttribute(attr, null), чтобы удалить атрибут. Последний заставит значение null быть строкой «null» , которая, вероятно, не то, что вы хотите.

Использование setAttribute() для изменения определённых атрибутов особенно значимо в XUL, так как работает непоследовательно, а атрибут определяет значение по умолчанию. Для того, чтобы получить или изменить текущие значения, вы должны использовать свойства. Например, elt.value вместо elt.setAttribure(‘value’, val).

Чтобы установить атрибут, которому значение не нужно, такой как, например, атрибут autoplay элемента , используйте null или пустое значение. Например: elt.setAttribute(‘autoplay’, »)

Методы DOM имеют дело с атрибутами элементов:

Не знают пространства имён, наиболее часто используемые методы Вариант, знающий пространство имён (Уровень DOM 2) Уровень DOM 1 методы для работы с Attr узлами напрямую (используется редко) Уровень DOM 2 знает о методах пространства имён для работы с Attr узлами напрямую (используется редко)
setAttribute (DOM 1) setAttributeNS (en-US) setAttributeNode (en-US) setAttributeNodeNS (en-US)
getAttribute (DOM 1) getAttributeNS (en-US) getAttributeNode (en-US) getAttributeNodeNS (en-US)
hasAttribute (DOM 2) hasAttributeNS (en-US)
removeAttribute (DOM 1) removeAttributeNS (en-US) removeAttributeNode (en-US)


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Setattribute function in javascript

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SetAttribute JavaScript

SetAttribute JavaScript

In this article, you will learn how to set Attributes from HTML elements in JavaScript. This method setAttribute is used to add specific attributes to an element by giving the attribute a certain value. If the specific attribute is already present/ assigned, the value in it will be updated or overwritten else new attribute is added with specified value and name. Also, it is the DOMString that specifies the name of the attribute whose value has to be set. DOM is an API for HTML and XML documents that define the logical structure of documents. In this topic, we are going to learn about the SetAttribute JavaScript.

Web development, programming languages, Software testing & others

The attribute name is converted to lower-case automatically when setAttribute() is used on an HTML element, any value except the string is converted to string automatically.

Element.setAttribute(name, value);

Parameters name specifies the name of the value whose value is to be set and value specifies the value which is to be assigned to the attribute.

Since, the specified value gets converted to a string, specifying ‘null’ value sets’s attribute value to string ‘null’ whose return value will be ‘undefined’.

*setAttribute() javascript method does not return any value.

Examples of SetAttribute JavaScript

Let us see few examples on how to use setAttribute()

Example #1

     function sample () 

SetAttribute Javascript output 1

After clicking on the Click Here button the output will be as shown below.

SetAttribute Javascript output 1.2

This example shows how an input field can be modified to an input button. HTML elements define all javascript properties to standard HTML attributes hence while trying to set the attributes to non-standard attributes, the user needs to use javascript setAttribute() function.

Example #2

   A Link: Go to 

Click the button to set the href attribute with a value of "" of the element id

SetAttribute Javascript output 2

SetAttribute Javascript output 2.2

Here, after clicking on Try it, link is the href attribute set to value and now looks like a link.

Example #3


Hi eduCBA!

SetAttribute Javascript output 3

Example #4

    function fun_color() 

On clicking on the button, the background color would change to yellow as specified in setAttribute()

Let me explain the above example,

  • Id, onclick, and style are the attributes.
  • When the button gets clicked, javascript function fun_color is called.
  • In the function, we are getting the item using ‘document.getElementById(“button”)’
  • Then we are adding to attribute value style and background color as yellow
  • Since the attribute is present, the value will change to yellow.

Let us now see what happens if the attribute is not present, considering the above example.

    function fun_color() 

Since there is no attribute style “ background”, the button shows the default background color.

On clicking on the button, the background color would change to yellow as specified in setAttribute().

Example #5

    function fun_btn() 

We can see that the button has been disabled.

  • Call to setAttribute() , sets to disabled. An empty string or name of the attribute are recommended values
  • If the attribute is present, regardless of its actual value, value is considered to be true else false
  • On setting attribute value to ‘disabled’ to “ “ empty string, disabled is set to tue which automatically results in button to be disabled.

We shouldn’t use javascript setAttribute() for styling, to change or add styles, we can access style object.

We shouldn’t set style attributes like the below

element.setAttribute("style", "background-color: yellow;");

Instead, we need to use = “yellow”;

Let us look at an example,

In scripts.js

var element = document.getElementById('sample'); = "violet"; = "yellow";

output 8


setAttribute() method is used only while dealing with DOM i.e Document Object Model as it uses literal text. We have also noticed that the string name is case insensitive and does not return any value. We also have getAttribute() and removeAttribute() which are used to get the current value of an attribute and to remove an attribute respectively.

This is a guide to SetAttribute JavaScript. Here we discuss the examples on how to use setAttribute() in JavaScript along with the outputs. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –

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