Sending rest request java

REST-assured HTTP POST and PUT Examples

Learn to make HTTP POST and PUT requests in automated tests with REST-assured. We will learn different ways to customize the request body, headers and authentication. Also, we will learn to verify the API responses.

Before going deeper, let’s start with a simple HTTP POST example to introduce the basic APIs involved in the tests. The following is a POST API and request body.

A typical API call with sending the request body, headers and verifying the response data is as follows:

@Test public void createUserWithCustomObject_thenSuccess() throws JSONException < given() .body(new User("lokesh", "")) .header(new Header("x-custom-header", "value")) .contentType("application/json") .when() .post("/users") .then() .statusCode(201) .body("id", notNullValue()) .body("name", equalTo("lokesh")) .body("email", equalTo("")); >

2. Attaching POST Request Body

REST-assured supports sending the request body in many ways. Some of the most used ways are building JSONObject, parsing a custom object or directly sending the request body from a file. We can imitate a form submission as well.

The JSONObject is from JSON-java library, and REST-assured internally supports it. JSON-java supports parsing JSON documents into Java objects and generating new JSON documents from the Java classes. It can also convert between JSON and XML, HTTP headers, Cookies, and CDL.

To build the JSONObject, we use its put() method similar to Map in Java that takes a key and value. The value can be anything primitives, objects, collections or even Maps. By passing Map and collection, we can build any nested JSON structure.

JSONObject requestParams = new JSONObject(); requestParams.put("name", "lokesh"); requestParams.put("email", ""); given() .body(requestParams.toString()) .contentType("application/json") .when() .post("/users") .then() .statusCode(equalTo(201));

We can pass a custom POJO to the body() method.

User user = new User("lokesh", ""); given() .body(user) .contentType("application/json") .when() .post("/users") .then() .statusCode(equalTo(201));

The User is a simple POJO without any annotation.

To customize the serialization and deserialization, REST-assured support object mappers from GSON, JAXB, Jackson, Faster Jackson and Eclipse Yasson (JSON-B). For example, we can use the Gson annotations in the POJO and then build a GsonObjectMapperFactory with GsonBuilder as follows:

@BeforeAll public static void setup() < baseURI = "https://ROOT_URL/"; RestAssured.config = RestAssuredConfig.config() .objectMapperConfig(objectMapperConfig().gsonObjectMapperFactory( new GsonObjectMapperFactory() < @Override public Gson create(Type type, String s) < return new GsonBuilder() .setFieldNamingPolicy(LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES) .create(); >> )); >

2.3. Submitting File or InputStream

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The body() takes parameters of type and InputStream . We can pass on a JSON document directly to the API request. It helps prevent the complexity of parsing the correct JSON document from a POJO. It is sometimes the preferred way among testers who technically are not very efficient.

given() .body(new File("createUser.json")) .contentType("application/json") .when() .post("/users") .then() .statusCode(equalTo(201));

3. Adding Request Headers and Query Params

Use accept() and contentType() methods to pass the media-type information.

given() .body(. ) .accept("application/json") .contentType("application/json") . 

To send query parameters, use the queryParam() method.

given() .body(. ) .queryParam("access-token", "abcd") . 

Passing the authentication information depends on the auth scheme supported by the API. REST-assured supports almost all kinds of authentications OAuth, OAuth2, headers and even form submissions. Use oauth2() for passing the OAuth2 authentication token.

given() .auth().preemptive().oauth2(accessToken) . 

For adding auth using the headers, AuthFilter is preferred over regular filters or direct headers because AuthFilter is removed when doing given().auth().none() for testing unsecured APIs.

given(). filter((requestSpec, responseSpec, ctx) -> < requestSpec.header("AUTH", "TOKEN"); return, responseSpec); >). when(). post("/api"). then(). statusCode(200);

5. Validating Response Status and Body

REST-assured uses functionally rich Hamcrest matchers for verifying the response data. We can verify anything in the response including status codes, headers, cookies, body and even response time.

//Verify status post("/api").then().assertThat().statusCode(200). post("/api").then().assertThat().statusLine(containsString("OK")). .. //Verify headers post("/api").then().assertThat().header("headerName", "headerValue"). .. post("/api").then().assertThat().headers("headerName1", containsString("value")). . //Verify body given() .body(requestParams.toString()) . .when() .post("/users") .then() . .body("id", notNullValue()) .body("name", equalTo("lokesh")) .body("gender", equalTo("male")) .body("status", equalTo("active")) .body("email", equalTo("")) . ; //Verify response time post("/api").then().time(lessThan(2000L)); post("/api").then().time(lessThan(2L), TimeUnit.SECONDS);

6. Logging and Extracting Response Data

Logging helps in printing useful information about requests and responses so we can debug the test if it does not behave as expected. Rest-assured supports all(), params(), body(), headers(), cookies(), method() and path() methods for logging the specific information, if needed.

  • Use given().log() for building the RequestLoggingFilter used for logging the request data.
  • Use then().log() for logging the response data.
given().log().all() //Log all request specification details given().log().body() //Log only the request body post("/api").then().log().all() //Log all response specification details post("/api").then().log().body() //Log only the request body

In case we want to log the details only if validation fails then we can use ifValidationFails() method.

given().log().ifValidationFails(). . then().log().ifValidationFails().

REST-assured supports getting the whole response body and even a part of the response document, as well. For getting a specific response part we can use JSON-Path syntax.

InputStream stream = post("/api").asInputStream(); byte[] byteArray = post("/api").asByteArray(); String json = post("/api").asString(); String . .post("/users") .then() . .extract().body().path("");

In this tutorial, we learned to test the HTTP POST and PUT APIs using different techniques of sending the custom request body, headers, parameters and authentication tokens. we also learned to process the response data including logging, verifying, extracting and measuring time for performance testing.

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