Send array to class php

PHP how to send array variables to Class function

Sorry that it took so long to answer, I totally forgot your question. Well, lets take a look at your problem, hope to solve it.

I try to explain it as good as I can, so that you understand whats going on. First of all, lets look at your error message

Fatal error: Call to a member function insert() on array in E:\Xampp\htdocs\php\bazy_danych\obiektowe\my\register.php on line 78

Okay. Call to a function on array. lets have a look at how you actually call the function:

$rejestruj = new Dbinsert(); $filtruj = $rejestruj->regFilter(); var_dump($filtruj); $dodaj = $filtruj->insert(); 

And exactly here is your error. You have to understand that you call methods on objects and pass your data to this methods, not to call the methods on your data. What do I mean with that?

$rejestruj is your Dbinsert object. You create it in your first line of code here. Then, you call the regFilter function on it. Still anything is fine. As you see, var_dump gives you the expected results. So the error has to be on your last lane of code. And indeed, you try to call the method insert() on your array. And that won’t work, since your array don’t know any method called insert() .

The right call to the method would be (Not the final one. ):

Now the method call should work. But in fact, it won’t insert anything. Why? Because your insert() method try to bind the variables $login and $haslo — two variables the method don’t know. So we need to pass the data in your method. To do that, you have to do the following changes:

Method call:

$rejestruj->insert($filtruj); // $filtruj contains your array

And your Dbinsert should look like:

class Dbinsert extends Dbconnect< protected $query; protected $dbo; public function insert($data)< $this->connect(); $this->query = "INSERT INTO uzytkownik (id, nazwa, haslo) VALUES ('', :login, OLD_PASSWORD(:haslo))"; if(!$result = $this->connect()->prepare($this->query)) < echo 'Zapytanie nie powiodło się'; >else < $result->bindParam(':login', $data["login"]); $result->bindParam(':haslo', $data["haslo"]); $result->execute(); > $dbo = null; > > 

I hope your code works with this changes. So, while in my opinion the code should work now, I want to mention that there are many things you could improve. For example, you’re not programming real «object-oriented» . its more some pseudo OOP you’re writing here. Some things are quite bad practice (could be done much easier). I don’t want to dive to deep into details, since I don’t know if you’re interested in it. If you wish I can give you some more advises, but only if you wish.

Otherwise I really hope my answer help you. If the whole thing still doesn’t work, please let me know so I can look at it again.

Since it seems I haven’t been clear enough, here the code how it should look like now:

$rejestruj = new Dbinsert(); $filtruj = $rejestruj->regFilter(); $dodaj = $rejestruj->insert($filtruj); 

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Convert an Array To StdClass With PHP

For more details, click on this link. To Convert an Array to stdClass with PHP is an easy step. In this tutorial, we will use different ways using which we can easily achieve the desired outcome. Before jumping right into the solution, let’s understand a few things about stdClass is in PHP.

What is stdClass in PHP?

stdClass is just a generic empty class in PHP OR we can say it’s PHP’s class prototype like Object.prototype in JavaScript, Object in Java OR object in Python. Here, point to be noted that despite generic class, stdClass is NOT the base class for objects in PHP and we can prove this using instanceof keyword.

 class nature<> $objNature= new nature(); if ($objNature instanceof stdClass) echo 'Yes'; > else  echo 'No'; > 

Solution 1: Using typecast/ Type Juggling

Typecasting an array to a stdClass object is the easiest way to achieve. It will convert value of one data type into another data type.

 $empInfo = array( 'name'=>'John', 'address'=>'Houston', ); $empInfoObj = (object) $empInfo; print_r($empInfoObj); 
// OUTPUT stdClass Object ( [name] => John [address] => Houston )

Here, we defined an array $empInfo in which we defined 3 keys and associated values and in the next line, we typecast our array into an object using the name of the desired type, written in parentheses before the variable which is to be cast.

We can now access the property of the object with object-oriented style syntax as $empInfoObj->name which will output John.

This is the simplest solution to our problem. But what if the array is multidimensional? Does the above solution work? And the answer is NO.

Let’s update our $empInfo array.

 $empInfo = array( 'name'=>'John', 'address'=>'Houston', 'employment' => array( 'id' => '1', 'address' => 'Los Angeles' ) ); $empInfoObj = (object) $empInfo; print_r($empInfoObj); 
// OUTPUT stdClass Object ( [name] => John [address] => Houston [employment] => Array ( [id] => 1 [address] => Los Angeles ) )

As we can see, an array defined inside the employment key does not get converted to a stdClass. So, type juggling casts the values at the opt level keys and not the keys which are defined in a nested pattern.

So, here we can write our customize function to solve the problem.

Solution 2: Using custom function

 function toObject($arr)  if (is_array($arr))  // Return object return (object) array_map('toObject', $arr); > return false; > $empInfo = array( 'name'=>'John', 'address'=>'Houston', 'employment' => array ( 'id' => '1', 'address' => 'Los Angeles' ) ); print_r(toObject($empInfo)); 
// OUTPUT stdClass Object ( [name] => John [address] => Houston [employment] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [address] => Los Angeles ) )

Here, in the above example, we have recursively called toObject() function to check the innermost array present (if any) and then typecast it into an object.

Solution 3: Using json_encode() and json_decode()

json_encode() and json_decode() are the functions especially for performing operations on JSON string.

So, first, we’ll convert an object into a JSON string and then will convert it into an object using json_decode() .

 $empInfo = array( 'name'=>'John', 'address'=>'Houston', 'employment' => array( 'id' => '1', 'address' => 'Los Angeles' ) ); print_r(json_decode(json_encode($empInfo))); 
// OUTPUT stdClass Object ( [name] => John [address] => Houston [employment] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [address] => Los Angeles ) )

Instead of writing a custom function, we can use these in-built functions to get the desired output and also we don’t need to worry about the innermost array element as these two functions will take care of them.


These 3 ways of Converting an Array To StdClass With PHP gives better options depending upon the requirement. Mostly in today’s web frameworks we commonly deal with class hierarchy. So converting an array into stdClass at runtime will be a better option.


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