Selenium with java pdf

Selenium with Java – A Beginner’s Guide: Web Browser Automation for Testing using Selenium with Java PDF

This book introduces setting up the environment for writing test scripts after covering Selenium and its capabilities. Numerous functionalities, including the web driver interface, the web element interface, and locators, are illustrated in-depth using the By class.

Additionally, the book presents tasks such as HTML element manipulation, mouse and keyboard operations, dropdown, table, window, alert, frame, action class, and synchronization. Along with Selenium IDE and Selenium Webdriver, the book also covers another critical feature, which is the implementation of Selenium Grid, that allows the test suite to execute in parallel across several settings. Several add-on automation scripts, such as those for taking screenshots, object and data information, are thoroughly displayed and explained in this book. The book discusses tools like TestNG and Maven that aid in the overall development of the test project ecosystem.

After reading the book, you should feel extremely competent in utilizing Selenium to automate a variety of web and browser testing scenarios and tasks.

Chapter List (132 chapters):
  • Chapter 1: Selenium with Java – A Beginner’s Guide: Web Browser Automation for Testing Using Selenium with Java
  • Chapter 2: Cover Page
  • Chapter 3: Title Page
  • Chapter 4: Copyright Page
  • Chapter 5: Dedication Page
  • Chapter 6: About the Author
  • Chapter 7: About the Reviewer
  • Chapter 8: Acknowledgement
  • Chapter 9: Preface
  • Chapter 10: Errata
  • Chapter 11: Table of Contents
  • Chapter 12: 1. Introduction to Selenium
  • Chapter 13: Structure
  • Chapter 14: Objectives
  • Chapter 15: What is Selenium?
  • Chapter 16: Why Selenium is popular
  • Chapter 17: Components of Selenium
  • Chapter 18: People behind Selenium
  • Chapter 19: Conclusion
  • Chapter 20: Questions
  • Chapter 21: 2. Preparing System and Application Under Test
  • Chapter 22: Structure
  • Chapter 23: Objectives
  • Chapter 24: Setting eclipse
  • Chapter 25: Create new Java project
  • Chapter 26: Adding Selenium jars
  • Chapter 27: Set browser drivers
  • Chapter 28: Walkthrough of BPB application
  • Chapter 29: Other applications
  • Chapter 30: Conclusion
  • Chapter 31: Questions
  • Chapter 32: 3. WebDriver, WebElement, and By
  • Chapter 33: Structure
  • Chapter 34: Objectives
  • Chapter 35: WebDriver and its purpose
  • Chapter 36: Set browser drivers
  • Chapter 37: Methods of WebDriver
  • Chapter 38: The WebElement interface
  • Chapter 39: Generic structure of WebElement
  • Chapter 40: Methods of Web Elements
  • Chapter 41: Exception with Web Elements
  • Chapter 42: About By class
  • Chapter 43: Methods in By class
  • Chapter 44: Understanding locators
  • Chapter 45: Exception with the By class
  • Chapter 46: Conclusion
  • Chapter 47: Questions
  • Chapter 48: 4. Concept of Synchronization
  • Chapter 49: Structure
  • Chapter 50: Objectives
  • Chapter 51: Understanding synchronization and its importance
  • Chapter 52: Types of synchronization
  • Chapter 53: Scenario
  • Chapter 54: Implementing implicit wait
  • Chapter 55: Implementing explicit wait
  • Chapter 56: Encountering exceptions
  • Chapter 57: Conclusion
  • Chapter 58: Questions
  • Chapter 59: 5. Working with WebElements—Form, Table, and Dropdown
  • Chapter 60: Structure
  • Chapter 61: Objectives
  • Chapter 62: Working with form elements
  • Chapter 63: Working with Web Tables
  • Chapter 64: Working with dropdown
  • Chapter 65: Conclusion
  • Chapter 66: Questions
  • Chapter 67: 6. Working with WebElement—Alert, Frame, IFrame, and Window
  • Chapter 68: Structure
  • Chapter 69: Objectives
  • Chapter 70: Working with JavaScript alerts
  • Chapter 71: Working with Frame and IFrame
  • Chapter 72: Working with HTML window
  • Chapter 73: Conclusion
  • Chapter 74: Questions
  • Chapter 75: 7. Extra Concepts— Actions, Screenshot, WebDriverManager
  • Chapter 76: Introduction
  • Chapter 77: Structure
  • Chapter 78: Objectives
  • Chapter 79: Actions
  • Chapter 80: Screenshot
  • Chapter 81: WebDriverManager
  • Chapter 82: Conclusion
  • Chapter 83: Questions
  • Chapter 84: 8. What is TestNG
  • Chapter 85: Structure
  • Chapter 86: Objectives
  • Chapter 87: Introduction
  • Chapter 88: Installation
  • Chapter 89: Structure
  • Chapter 90: Assertions in TestNG
  • Chapter 91: Result and reporting in TestNG
  • Chapter 92: Design TestNG test
  • Chapter 93: Passing data in TestNG test
  • Chapter 94: Conclusion
  • Chapter 95: Questions
  • Chapter 96: 9. Concept of Page Object Model
  • Chapter 97: Structure
  • Chapter 98: Objectives
  • Chapter 99: Page object model
  • Chapter 100: Implementing page object model
  • Chapter 101: Implementing page factory
  • Chapter 102: Conclusion
  • Chapter 103: Questions
  • Chapter 104: 10. Data Driving Test
  • Chapter 105: Structure
  • Chapter 106: Objectives
  • Chapter 107: Managing data using CSV
  • Chapter 108: Managing data using Excel
  • Chapter 109: Reading data from Excel file
  • Chapter 110: Using Excel reading function
  • Chapter 111: Conclusion
  • Chapter 112: Questions
  • Chapter 113: 11. Introducing Maven
  • Chapter 114: Structure
  • Chapter 115: Objectives
  • Chapter 116: Need for build management
  • Chapter 117: About Maven
  • Chapter 118: Installing Maven in Eclipse
  • Chapter 119: Creating a Maven project
  • Chapter 120: What is Maven repository?
  • Chapter 121: What is project object model?
  • Chapter 122: Conclusion
  • Chapter 123: Questions
  • Chapter 124: 12. Selenium Grid
  • Chapter 125: Structure
  • Chapter 126: Objectives
  • Chapter 127: What is Selenium Grid
  • Chapter 128: Components of Selenium Grid
  • Chapter 129: Executing tests in local environment using Selenium Grid
  • Chapter 130: Conclusion
  • Chapter 131: Questions
  • Chapter 132: Index
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Selenium with Java – A Beginner’s Guide: Web Browser Automation for Testing using Selenium with Java PDF

This book introduces setting up the environment for writing test scripts after covering Selenium and its capabilities. Numerous functionalities, including the web driver interface, the web element interface, and locators, are illustrated in-depth using the By class.

Additionally, the book presents tasks such as HTML element manipulation, mouse and keyboard operations, dropdown, table, window, alert, frame, action class, and synchronization. Along with Selenium IDE and Selenium Webdriver, the book also covers another critical feature, which is the implementation of Selenium Grid, that allows the test suite to execute in parallel across several settings. Several add-on automation scripts, such as those for taking screenshots, object and data information, are thoroughly displayed and explained in this book. The book discusses tools like TestNG and Maven that aid in the overall development of the test project ecosystem.

After reading the book, you should feel extremely competent in utilizing Selenium to automate a variety of web and browser testing scenarios and tasks.

Chapter List (132 chapters):
  • Chapter 1: Selenium with Java – A Beginner’s Guide: Web Browser Automation for Testing Using Selenium with Java
  • Chapter 2: Cover Page
  • Chapter 3: Title Page
  • Chapter 4: Copyright Page
  • Chapter 5: Dedication Page
  • Chapter 6: About the Author
  • Chapter 7: About the Reviewer
  • Chapter 8: Acknowledgement
  • Chapter 9: Preface
  • Chapter 10: Errata
  • Chapter 11: Table of Contents
  • Chapter 12: 1. Introduction to Selenium
  • Chapter 13: Structure
  • Chapter 14: Objectives
  • Chapter 15: What is Selenium?
  • Chapter 16: Why Selenium is popular
  • Chapter 17: Components of Selenium
  • Chapter 18: People behind Selenium
  • Chapter 19: Conclusion
  • Chapter 20: Questions
  • Chapter 21: 2. Preparing System and Application Under Test
  • Chapter 22: Structure
  • Chapter 23: Objectives
  • Chapter 24: Setting eclipse
  • Chapter 25: Create new Java project
  • Chapter 26: Adding Selenium jars
  • Chapter 27: Set browser drivers
  • Chapter 28: Walkthrough of BPB application
  • Chapter 29: Other applications
  • Chapter 30: Conclusion
  • Chapter 31: Questions
  • Chapter 32: 3. WebDriver, WebElement, and By
  • Chapter 33: Structure
  • Chapter 34: Objectives
  • Chapter 35: WebDriver and its purpose
  • Chapter 36: Set browser drivers
  • Chapter 37: Methods of WebDriver
  • Chapter 38: The WebElement interface
  • Chapter 39: Generic structure of WebElement
  • Chapter 40: Methods of Web Elements
  • Chapter 41: Exception with Web Elements
  • Chapter 42: About By class
  • Chapter 43: Methods in By class
  • Chapter 44: Understanding locators
  • Chapter 45: Exception with the By class
  • Chapter 46: Conclusion
  • Chapter 47: Questions
  • Chapter 48: 4. Concept of Synchronization
  • Chapter 49: Structure
  • Chapter 50: Objectives
  • Chapter 51: Understanding synchronization and its importance
  • Chapter 52: Types of synchronization
  • Chapter 53: Scenario
  • Chapter 54: Implementing implicit wait
  • Chapter 55: Implementing explicit wait
  • Chapter 56: Encountering exceptions
  • Chapter 57: Conclusion
  • Chapter 58: Questions
  • Chapter 59: 5. Working with WebElements—Form, Table, and Dropdown
  • Chapter 60: Structure
  • Chapter 61: Objectives
  • Chapter 62: Working with form elements
  • Chapter 63: Working with Web Tables
  • Chapter 64: Working with dropdown
  • Chapter 65: Conclusion
  • Chapter 66: Questions
  • Chapter 67: 6. Working with WebElement—Alert, Frame, IFrame, and Window
  • Chapter 68: Structure
  • Chapter 69: Objectives
  • Chapter 70: Working with JavaScript alerts
  • Chapter 71: Working with Frame and IFrame
  • Chapter 72: Working with HTML window
  • Chapter 73: Conclusion
  • Chapter 74: Questions
  • Chapter 75: 7. Extra Concepts— Actions, Screenshot, WebDriverManager
  • Chapter 76: Introduction
  • Chapter 77: Structure
  • Chapter 78: Objectives
  • Chapter 79: Actions
  • Chapter 80: Screenshot
  • Chapter 81: WebDriverManager
  • Chapter 82: Conclusion
  • Chapter 83: Questions
  • Chapter 84: 8. What is TestNG
  • Chapter 85: Structure
  • Chapter 86: Objectives
  • Chapter 87: Introduction
  • Chapter 88: Installation
  • Chapter 89: Structure
  • Chapter 90: Assertions in TestNG
  • Chapter 91: Result and reporting in TestNG
  • Chapter 92: Design TestNG test
  • Chapter 93: Passing data in TestNG test
  • Chapter 94: Conclusion
  • Chapter 95: Questions
  • Chapter 96: 9. Concept of Page Object Model
  • Chapter 97: Structure
  • Chapter 98: Objectives
  • Chapter 99: Page object model
  • Chapter 100: Implementing page object model
  • Chapter 101: Implementing page factory
  • Chapter 102: Conclusion
  • Chapter 103: Questions
  • Chapter 104: 10. Data Driving Test
  • Chapter 105: Structure
  • Chapter 106: Objectives
  • Chapter 107: Managing data using CSV
  • Chapter 108: Managing data using Excel
  • Chapter 109: Reading data from Excel file
  • Chapter 110: Using Excel reading function
  • Chapter 111: Conclusion
  • Chapter 112: Questions
  • Chapter 113: 11. Introducing Maven
  • Chapter 114: Structure
  • Chapter 115: Objectives
  • Chapter 116: Need for build management
  • Chapter 117: About Maven
  • Chapter 118: Installing Maven in Eclipse
  • Chapter 119: Creating a Maven project
  • Chapter 120: What is Maven repository?
  • Chapter 121: What is project object model?
  • Chapter 122: Conclusion
  • Chapter 123: Questions
  • Chapter 124: 12. Selenium Grid
  • Chapter 125: Structure
  • Chapter 126: Objectives
  • Chapter 127: What is Selenium Grid
  • Chapter 128: Components of Selenium Grid
  • Chapter 129: Executing tests in local environment using Selenium Grid
  • Chapter 130: Conclusion
  • Chapter 131: Questions
  • Chapter 132: Index
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