Select Option Dropdown

How to display select option of tag as selected in php

There is a few ways to do this. The easiest way to do this is in fact really simple, you just need to add a keyword “selected” to the option that you want selected.

Method 1 : Simple html select tag to display option as selected in html.

You just need to add an attribute “selected” to the option that you want to be selected. In the below code (Method 1) option samsung with value 2 has been selected.

Method 2 : Display option as selected in php using GET method.

If you are getting any error while executing above code (Method 2) pass query string (URL parameters) in your address bar as ?up_opt=3

Method 3 : Display selecet option as selected in php using foreach method with if statement.

Method 4 : Display selecet option as selected in php using foreach method with ternary operator.

Create an array and iterate it in a foreach loop and make a condition where value of an array is equal to the option value of select for which option you want to be selected. Here the value CAMEROON is used to selected the particular option. You can change or pass dynamic value as per your requirments.


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Using PHP and HTML to Create a Select Dropdown with an Array as Option Values

To separate the view and controller, you can transfer the front-end requirement to the back-end using Ajax. You can modify the original code in the view.html and use the jQuery-written checkRepeatName.js. Additionally, the backend.php file is written in an Object Oriented Style of PHP code, following the recommendation by @Barmar. To retrieve values like $_POST[‘font1’][‘css_name’], you can utilize hidden input fields.

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Html Form / php : select with option value = array

The ultimate goal you have in mind will determine the best option. Here are three alternatives to consider.

1) Json is pretty flexible:

Later, you can change an array to Json again by using json_decode.

For server and client-side scripting purposes, it is advisable to opt for HTML5’s data attributes.

One approach is to make use of concealed input fields, which would enable the retrieval of values such as $_POST[‘font1’][‘css_name’].

It’s clear that you’ll need to abandon your values, but the concept is understood.

My recommendation would be to separate the values with commas for optimal approach.

The outcome can be combined into an array by using implode in the PHP code.

$array_of_results = implode( $_POST['myname'] ); 

In my opinion, it is possible to serialize the array.

 "font-family: 'Yeseva One', serif", "font-name" => "Yeseva One", "css-name" =>"Yeseva+One"); ?> 

Html Form / php : select with option value = array, You can then later on convert Json back to an array with json_decode. 2) If you need the data for server client side scripting, it would probably be a better idea to use HTML5’s data attributes:. 3) You can use hidden input fields, which will allow you Usage example

PHP — Check <option> value is equal to <input> value

Answer to my own question

if(($formdata['director_name'] == "blank") && ($formdata['director_namenew'] == ""))< print "

Please enter in director information - Use the back button on your browser to rectify this problem.

"; return false; > else if($formdata['director_namenew']) < $doesntExist = true; $db = getDBConnection(); $directors = $db->query("SELECT director_name FROM director"); //Check each one foreach ($directors as $director)< //If the username is already in the DB stop looking if($formdata['director_namenew'] == $director['director_name'])< $doesntExist = false; print "

Director entered in new director already exists, please enter in new director or select from drop down menu - Use the back button on your browser to rectify this problem.

"; break; > > //DB connection closed when PDO object isn't referenced //ie setting $db to null closes the connection $db = null; return $doesntExist; >

In what way can I verify that both the input field and the drop-down have been completed?

I was thinking something like:

else if(($formdata['director_name']) && ($formdata['director_namenew']))

Verify whether both $_POST variables have been submitted by reviewing the submission.

Ajax can be utilized to transfer the front-end requirement to the back-end, thereby separating the view from the controller.

The code in view.html has been modified based on your original code.

A script called checkRepeatName.js has been created using jQuery.

$("input[name='director_namenew']").change(function()< $.get("backend.php?dnamenew=" + this.value,function(data,status)< $(".notation").text(data); >); >); 

In my PHP coding, I utilize the Object Oriented Style and follow the advice of @Barmar. Specifically, this pertains to the backend.php file.

query($sqlStat))< if ($sqlQuery->num_rows == 0) < echo 'This is validated database name'; >else < echo 'Invalidated database name!'; >> $dbconn->close; ?> 

It could be a useful addition in creating a dynamic dropdown menu utilizing the MVC design approach.

 $("select[name='director_name']").change(function()< $.get("optionOutput.php", function(data,status)< $("select[name='director_name']").append(data); // append the call-back message from back-end file >); >); 

The PHP file named «optionOutput.php» is being referred to.

query($sqlStat))< while($sqlRes = $sqlQue->fetch_assoc()) < $output = sprintf('', $sqlResult['director_id'], $sqlRes['director_name']); echo $output; >> $dbconn->close; ?> 

PHP create an array with values that equal true, I have passed a series of parameters from a jQuery file to a PHP script for processing. Some of the parameters include names, email, department, etc. The majority of the parameters will either be

Show selected option value from Array & MySQL DB using PHP

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an array of categories, display the values inside HTML select box and have selected options pre-defined with PHP and also I will show you how to get the selected options from a database using the ID of the record.

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     body < font-size: 2em; >.container < display: grid; grid-template-rows: repeat(2, 1fr); grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr); grid-gap: 6rem; padding: 5rem; border: 1px solid #ccc; justify-content: space-evenly; >select 
Selected From Array
Selected From DB Record
"; foreach($options as $option)< if($selected == $option) < echo ""; > else < echo ""; > > echo ""; ?>
if(isset($_GET['category'])) < $categoryName = $_GET['category']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM categories WHERE if($result = mysqli_query($link, $sql)) < if(mysqli_num_rows($result) >0) < while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))< $dbselected = $row['category']; >// Function frees the memory associated with the result mysqli_free_result($result); > else < echo "Something went wrong. "; >> else < echo "ERROR: Could not execute $sql." . mysql_error($link); >> $options = array('Comedy', 'Adventure', 'Drama', 'Crime', 'Adult', 'Horror'); echo ""; ?>

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Php option value array

Для того, чтобы получить значение из select в php вам потребуется:

Начнем с Html каркаса для получение из селект php:

Туда добавляем способ отправки — в нашем примере post

Если стоит задача, чтобы пользователь обязательно выбрал какой-то из пунктов select, то добавляем required

+ Обязательный атрибут атрибут name с произвольным значением «select_php»:

В option добавляем value со значениями(Один,Два,Три)

Отправляем значение select на сервер

Для того чтобы отправить»значение select на сервер» вам понадобится тип submit, это может быть input, либо button

Php код для отправки значения select на сервер

Php довольно простой. нам нужно проверить(условие if) массив post на наличие в нем имени php_select и получить его значение

Далее в этой же строке выводим. любой текст. echo

Соберем код получения значения из select php:

Код select для получения данных через php:

Код получения значения из select php соберем здесь:

if($_POST[php_select]) echo ‘Вы выбрали в select строку с номером : ‘ . $_POST[php_select].’‘;

Пример получения значения из select php

Выше я собрал весь код получения значения из select в php и далее выведем данный код прямо здесь::

Вам остается протестировать как работает пример кода select для получения значения через php:

Нажимаем по кнопке Выбрать php select и выбираем одно из значение селекта.

Потом нажимаем кнопку «Отправить php select«

Если что-то непонятно, вы всегда можете скачать готовый пример со страницы со всеми скриптами.

Получаем несколько значений(multiple) из select php

Возьмем теорию из выше описанных пунктов и + немного изменим код.

В теге form изменим атрибут «name»(+ изменим значение) добавим ему квадратные скобки, что будет означать получение массива или нескольких значений из select php

Чтобы при загрузке страницы сразу выбралось несколько значение . в пару строк добавлю «selected»

При использовании «multiple» select php будет отправлять массив, выводим с помощью print_r. Для вывода в строку используем «true»

Php получение нескольких значений select

if($_POST[php_select_arr]) $res_2 = ‘При «multiple» вы получите массив : ‘ . print_r($_POST[php_select_arr] , true).’‘;


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