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Detecting if JavaScript is enabled

Solution 2: I tend to use the following way. 1) show an error message per default 2) disable it via javascript and show the main app’s container If javascript is only needed for e.g. navigation, you should try to deliver a non-js version for non-js users in order to increase your audience. Turn off JavaScript, refresh the site, and you will see: Solution 2: This article on CodeProject has an implementation that checks it for you, but as far as I could see it requires an initial roundtrip back to the browser to check whether javascript is enabled.

Detecting if JavaScript is enabled

C# has no way of determining this. C# runs on the server and sends output to the client. It has no idea if the client is capable/willing to run JavaScript.

Also, a script can never truly know this either, since it’s not executed anyway.

The only way you can «react» to disabled JavaScript would be to use a tag to advise your users that JavaScript is required for your site.

You can see an example of this on StackOverflow. Turn off JavaScript, refresh the site, and you will see:

This article on CodeProject has an implementation that checks it for you, but as far as I could see it requires an initial roundtrip back to the browser to check whether javascript is enabled. I haven’t tried it myself so I can’t tell you whether it works or not, but I see no reason it shouldn’t.

I hope this helps you in some way.

The best approach you can use is to employ a ‘progressive enhancement’ strategy to architecture your application. The best way to use javascript to enhance the usability is to start without it.

If you want a piece of code to detect an redirect to a no-javascript enabled page then u can use a simple approach with a simple page containing the following elements to detect and redirect the user to where u need:

1.- A META header with a redirect to a page which handles whenever the user not has javascript enabled. 2.- An script in the content which changes the ‘location’ to another page which handler whenever the user has javascript enabled.

A simple page will look like


Please wait .

Html — How can a site instantly detect that javascript, The first thing the script does is remove the no-js class from the html tag. That way, if JS is disabled, the class will stay put, and if it’s enabled, it goes away on page load. This way, you can just put .no-js on the beginning of any CSS selector for elements you want styled different if JavaScript is disabled.

How to check browser’s JavaScript is enabled or not

There’s actually a tag that you can use to display the content contained inside when javascript is not available.


The div just won’t show if they have javascript, and it’s pretty easy to tell if javascript IS working, no matter whether you need it to ping your server back to let it know, or use it to perform some more advanced functions.

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Put the message in a that’s wrapped in a tag. If JavaScript is disabled, the will be rendered as part of the DOM; if script is enabled, the div won’t be in the DOM.

For example, you can put the following immediately after the opening tag, and style it through CSS to have red background to make it more prominent.

«Raise an alert message if its turned off» is paradox, since if it is turned off, you cannot «do» anything programatically.

You can do it the other way ’round, however: make that message appear by default, and have JavaScript hide it if it is turned on (e.g. by setting a DIVs visibility to hidden),

or you rely on the standard compliance of the browser and use the tag. Stuff inside the gets shown if no javascript is enabled. BTW, make sure to set the type=»text/javascript» attribute of the script tag.

See also

Testing if javascript is enabled, On test page, check if you received the server delivered cookie to see if cookie support is enabled, and test if javascript cookie was received for JS support enabled. Enjoy your new found knowledge. Share

What is the best way to check whether javascript is enabled in client browser?

The other way around is much simpler. Your page defaults to showing «Please enable Javascript», and the first thing you do in your Javascript is to remove that message and do whatever you need to do.

No, but you can simply get javascript to add the forms on the ‘load’ event, this should do the same thing.. (edit: meaning you have the error message embedded in the page, then replace it with the form via javascript)

If someone is interested I handled the problem this way:


Thanks you everybody posting comments and answers.

Html — Check if javascript is enabled in browser, Regardless of that you could try something like: have people arrive at a non-js page by default. on the page have a script that is run on load: . if the user has javascript enabled, they’ll immediately be taken to the javascript …

Testing if javascript is enabled

I tend to use the following way.

1) show an error message per default

2) disable it via javascript and show the main app’s container

If javascript is only needed for e.g. navigation, you should try to deliver a non-js version for non-js users in order to increase your audience.

By default, serve the no-Javascript version. Use Javascript to immediately redirect the user to the Javascript version (which will only work if Javascript is enabled).

Check if js is enabled Code Example, If there is no future day for which this is possible, put 0 instead javascript. Given a long number, return all the possible sum of two digits of it. For example, 12345: all possible sum of two digits from that number are: Given a sorted array of N integers and an integer K.

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Detecting if JavaScript is enabled

Solution 2: I tend to use the following way. 1) show an error message per default 2) disable it via javascript and show the main app’s container If javascript is only needed for e.g. navigation, you should try to deliver a non-js version for non-js users in order to increase your audience. Turn off JavaScript, refresh the site, and you will see: Solution 2: This article on CodeProject has an implementation that checks it for you, but as far as I could see it requires an initial roundtrip back to the browser to check whether javascript is enabled.

Detecting if JavaScript is enabled

C# has no way of determining this. C# runs on the server and sends output to the client. It has no idea if the client is capable/willing to run JavaScript.

Also, a script can never truly know this either, since it’s not executed anyway.

The only way you can «react» to disabled JavaScript would be to use a tag to advise your users that JavaScript is required for your site.

You can see an example of this on StackOverflow. Turn off JavaScript, refresh the site, and you will see:

This article on CodeProject has an implementation that checks it for you, but as far as I could see it requires an initial roundtrip back to the browser to check whether javascript is enabled. I haven’t tried it myself so I can’t tell you whether it works or not, but I see no reason it shouldn’t.

I hope this helps you in some way.

The best approach you can use is to employ a ‘progressive enhancement’ strategy to architecture your application. The best way to use javascript to enhance the usability is to start without it.

If you want a piece of code to detect an redirect to a no-javascript enabled page then u can use a simple approach with a simple page containing the following elements to detect and redirect the user to where u need:

1.- A META header with a redirect to a page which handles whenever the user not has javascript enabled. 2.- An script in the content which changes the ‘location’ to another page which handler whenever the user has javascript enabled.

A simple page will look like


Please wait .

Html — How can a site instantly detect that javascript, The first thing the script does is remove the no-js class from the html tag. That way, if JS is disabled, the class will stay put, and if it’s enabled, it goes away on page load. This way, you can just put .no-js on the beginning of any CSS selector for elements you want styled different if JavaScript is disabled.

How to check browser’s JavaScript is enabled or not

There’s actually a tag that you can use to display the content contained inside when javascript is not available.


The div just won’t show if they have javascript, and it’s pretty easy to tell if javascript IS working, no matter whether you need it to ping your server back to let it know, or use it to perform some more advanced functions.

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Put the message in a that’s wrapped in a tag. If JavaScript is disabled, the will be rendered as part of the DOM; if script is enabled, the div won’t be in the DOM.

For example, you can put the following immediately after the opening tag, and style it through CSS to have red background to make it more prominent.

«Raise an alert message if its turned off» is paradox, since if it is turned off, you cannot «do» anything programatically.

You can do it the other way ’round, however: make that message appear by default, and have JavaScript hide it if it is turned on (e.g. by setting a DIVs visibility to hidden),

or you rely on the standard compliance of the browser and use the tag. Stuff inside the gets shown if no javascript is enabled. BTW, make sure to set the type=»text/javascript» attribute of the script tag.

See also

Testing if javascript is enabled, On test page, check if you received the server delivered cookie to see if cookie support is enabled, and test if javascript cookie was received for JS support enabled. Enjoy your new found knowledge. Share

What is the best way to check whether javascript is enabled in client browser?

The other way around is much simpler. Your page defaults to showing «Please enable Javascript», and the first thing you do in your Javascript is to remove that message and do whatever you need to do.

No, but you can simply get javascript to add the forms on the ‘load’ event, this should do the same thing.. (edit: meaning you have the error message embedded in the page, then replace it with the form via javascript)

If someone is interested I handled the problem this way:


Thanks you everybody posting comments and answers.

Html — Check if javascript is enabled in browser, Regardless of that you could try something like: have people arrive at a non-js page by default. on the page have a script that is run on load: . if the user has javascript enabled, they’ll immediately be taken to the javascript …

Testing if javascript is enabled

I tend to use the following way.

1) show an error message per default

2) disable it via javascript and show the main app’s container

If javascript is only needed for e.g. navigation, you should try to deliver a non-js version for non-js users in order to increase your audience.

By default, serve the no-Javascript version. Use Javascript to immediately redirect the user to the Javascript version (which will only work if Javascript is enabled).

Check if js is enabled Code Example, If there is no future day for which this is possible, put 0 instead javascript. Given a long number, return all the possible sum of two digits of it. For example, 12345: all possible sum of two digits from that number are: Given a sorted array of N integers and an integer K.


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