Root file directory in html

How can I access root directory in HTML? (Using / is not working)

Solution 2: You can store file in internal storage so there is need to specify path from root. Solution 4: As others have indicated then the reason it’s not working is because by loading the file directly you are now loading it as a local file rather than a file on website, and thus your URL base (Your ) is now referring to the root of your local file system.

How can I access root directory in HTML? (Using / is not working)

So I’m trying to access my root directory in HTML but when I use / it is not working. So for example I’m trying to get my navigation css by doing:

The weird thing is, it works perfectly fine when I am using VS Code with the live server extension, but I just recently noticed when I run the index.html file alone none of the links starting with the / work. I know this is the issue too, because when I take away the / in the above line, it works perfectly fine again (only for the homepage page in the root directory already).

As Quentin points out, if you’re loading the index.html file locally without a server, the root directory will be the root of your file system. If your requirement is for the index.html file to work locally on your professor’s machine without a web server, you should use relative paths.

In order to traverse back up your file system from the current file, you can use paths that start with ../

when I run the index.html file alone none of the links starting with the / work

If you are running index.html alone then the links starting with / will be relative to the root of your file system .

The browser doesn’t (and can’t) know which directory represents the root of your web site project.

Use a web server. Load the data over HTTP.

It (I mean, ./ ) loads files in the same directory of index.html , same as nav.css . With VS Code, I bet ./nav.css should work for the live preview too: using an external HTTP server (such as http-server on Node.js) helps, because it takes the current directory (where index.html is) as the root and you can easily reach /nav.css . Without a live server, the relative path could be reached as I said with ./nav.css (a typical *NIX path) or simply nav.css without slashes on Windows.

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As others have indicated then the reason it’s not working is because by loading the file directly you are now loading it as a local file rather than a file on website, and thus your URL base (Your / ) is now referring to the root of your local file system. Which would likely be C:\ on a windows system or your actual root / on a *nix system.

To actually solve your issue I would suggest one of the following solutions:

  1. Just always run the project over HTTP through a server.
  2. Go through your project and change all of your paths to be relative paths. You might be able to use a find replace in your editor to do this.
  3. Use a tag to specify what the base href of your web page should be.

If you can’t use a server and just have a single HTML file then it might be quickest to use fix 3. You can probably get away with using to make the base the current directory of your index.html file which, I suspect, will be a drop in solution to make things work as they did before.

In future best consider this and how you are going to run the file, and what your URLs are going to be relative to. It’s a wrinkle that can be easily missed nowadays that the tools we use in development are so good at hiding the details of how websites are actually deployed.

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How to acces the data of root folder(/) of an android device?

I’m storing the DB file to the path /data/data/somefolder/ in my application. I want to get the file from this folder in my system or in my device so that I can view the content in it. I’m able to pull the file from emulator, but I’m not able to get the file from device. Is there any app which can do this?

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PS: Programatically I’m able to access the file

You can see that Here to get the «/data/data/somefolder/» directory with getExternalStorageDirectory() method

While inserting and retrieving you path you have to store fullpath to get solve out your problem.

EDITED : AFAIK its not possible to access internal data but you can create your same folder in external directory for future Use and access it when you required.

If you want to Access it from device then you can also create Folder at path «sdcard/YOUR_APPLICATION/XYZ/» location with Full path location in database.

You can store file in internal storage so there is need to specify path from root. simply you can write/ create file like: File f= new File(«myfile.txt»);

and use it as you want. and it will not visible to other apps so its most secure.

If you still want to store on external storage like micro SDCard or phones built in storage then please try following:

File root = new File(«/»); get all the folders from root

and use one of them as you want.

or Use above mentioned methods like getexternalstoragedirectory().

It is easy, when the device is rooted. If not you can still get the file when your app is built in debug mode. Try on your development machine

run-as cd databases cat your.db.file > /sdcard/your.db.file 

and then you can copy it from your sd card.

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GRANT access to ROOT

I was using phpmyadmin to adjust the privileges of the users.

I removed all access for user ‘root’. Now I am unable to see the tables.

I tried signing in under another user but its not allowing me.

What options do I have at this point?

//Stop mysql server zend opt 6 zendDBi opt 7 Stop ZendDBi 
//Start mysql server cd /usr/local/mysql/bin mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables mysql FLUSH PRIVILEGES; 

After I do this I get this long bit of text:

 /usr/local/mysql-5.1.59-i5os-power-64bit/bin/mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.59, for ibm-i5os (power) using readline 5.1 Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Usage: /usr/local/mysql-5.1.59-i5os-power-64bit/bin/mysql [OPTIONS] [database] -?, --help Display this help and exit. . 

After the flush I try to reconnect with mysql server I get this error:

 mysql -u root ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) 

You need to both start mysql with —skip-grant-tables and assign a password to root, in your case you seem to want the empty password:

//Stop mysql server zend opt 6 zendDBi opt 7 Stop ZendDBi 
//Start mysql server cd /usr/local/mysql/bin mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables 
grant all privileges on . to 'root'@'%' with grant option identified by password(''); flush privileges; 

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How to access the root account home folder?

I want to access the root account home folder to delete some files because when I logging to Ubuntu 12.04 it says that no enough memory to write after typing the password. But i can log into guest user account. To get the memory how can i delete the file from guest user account? ( I have the root password because I’m the root).

You can not access root from guest account. Rather you can try to login to a virtual console. For that you need to hit Ctrl + Alt + F1 at your login screen.

At virtual console to login into the CLI enter your username and password. To move to root accounts home folder use the following commands,

Check the present directory using the command

Now delete at your wish using the following command,

rm -ri # To delete folder rm -i # To delete file 

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