Red box in html

HTML Colored Box

In this article, we will see how to create a colored box in HTML. We can not create an HTML box without the help of CSS.

Step by Step Guide to Make HTML BOX

Follow these steps to create your box easily:

  1. We need to create a tag in HTML to create a color box. If you want to put text inside that box, put it inside a tag.
  2. Then select your div in CSS and use the “background-color” property and set the color you want as bg-color as value, ex: red, pink, black, etc.
  3. Then use the “width” property to specify the width of your box and give a value in percentage %. Because only then your box will be device friendly for all devices.
  4. Finally use the “height” property to specify the height of your box, which you can also give a value in pixels. Then
  5. We can also set the padding of the box using the “padding” property, If you have text inside the box you can add padding to avoid touching the edge of your text box.

html colored box

If you want to change the color of the box, you need to change the value of the “background-color” property.

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How to Create a Coloured («Colored») Box in HTML/CSS

How to put text into a box that has a background colour

How to Create a Coloured («Colored») Box in HTML/CSS

I was asked by a visitor how he could create a box, give it a background colour («color» if you use a different variant of English), and insert text in it, the way some printed magazines and books sometimes place additional information in a separate box or panel on a page.


This article assumes that you know a bit of HTML and CSS. Otherwise you will be at a loss as to where to put the code I supply below or how to adapt it for your purpose.

Creating a Coloured Box

The box itself can be any block tag in HTML. Many, if not most, webmasters use a for this purpose.

Let’s say that you have the following HTML snippet that you want to make into a box.

This is a demo box to illustrate the code given in’s tutorial on creating coloured boxes.

The CSS to give the DIV block a background colour is, predictably:

The background-color rule above specifies the HTML colour value of #cfc . You can of course use any other colour you like. Most web editors and plain text editors (other than the rudimentary Notepad that comes with Windows) have a colour picker, allowing you to visually select a colour to get the appropriate numerical value. Alternatively, if you prefer to do things the hard way, you can also consult the list of colours and their values on Wikipedia.

Unfortunately, although the above code is correct, if you use it as it stands, you will find that the background colour will hug the text you place very closely, causing the entire thing to seem barely like a box. To make things more box-like, you will probably want to add some space to the area around your text, and perhaps even give it a border.

The padding rule adds 10 pixels to the space between your text and the margins of the box, and the border rule creates a 1-pixel thick solid green border. You can of course change the values given here (ie, the number of pixels and the colour) to suit your page’s design.

If you’re posting to a blog that allows you to insert HTML, but does not make it easy for you to change the style sheet, you can even put those rules into your DIV tag.


The above code produces the following box.

This is a demo box to illustrate the code given in’s tutorial on creating coloured boxes.

Browser Compatibility

The CSS given above should work in all current browsers. It will probably even work in most older browsers too, including Internet Explorer 6 (which is most likely extinct today).

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How to add left, right, bottom & top border in HTML CSS

You can add borders to a parts of a webpage in two ways:

  1. Using CSS border property.
  2. Using CSS border-style, border-width, and border-color properties.

The border is a line that occurs between the padding and margin in HTML and CSS.

Using CSS border property.

The easiest way to create a border is by using the CSS border property. The structure of the border property is:

border: border-style border-width border-color;

.red-box < border: solid 2px red; > 

I have a red border around me

I have a red border around me

Using CSS border-style, border-width, and border-color properties.

An alternative method of adding borders to elements on a webpage is by using CSS border-style , border-width , and border-color properties.

.blue-box < border-style: dashed; border-width:5em; border-color:#0000ff; > 

I have a red border around me

I have a blue border around me

For this second method, you have to set the border-style property otherwise, borders will not appear on your webpage.

Add Bottom Border in HTML and CSS

The bottom border is usually used for underlining links or showing the active page on a navigation bar. There are two ways of setting the bottom border in CSS:

1. Using border-bottom

You can use the border-bottom to add the bottom border on text(heading, lists, paragraphs) or containers(div, section, nav, footer).

2. Using Border Width, Style and Color

You can also set the bottom border using the border-width , border-style and border-color properties.

Create Left Border in HTML and CSS

You can create the left border in CSS:

1. Add left border using border-bottom

You can use the border-left to create the left border on text(heading, lists, paragraphs) or containers(div, section, nav, footer).

2. Add left border using Border Width, Style and Color

You can also set the left border using the border-width , border-style and border-color properties.

Create Right Border

You can create the right border in CSS:

1. Create right border using border-bottom

You can use the border-right CSS property to create the right border on text on different parts of a HTML web page.

2. Add right border using Border Width, Style and Color

You can also set the right border using the border-color , border-style and border-width CSS properties.

Add Top Border HTML & CSS

There are two ways of setting the top border in CSS:

1. Using border-top

You can use the border-top to add the top border on text(heading, lists, paragraphs) or containers(div, section, nav, footer).

2. Using Border Width, Style and Color

You can also set the top border using the border-width , border-style and border-color properties.


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