Read Text File

Javascript Javascript Open File On Server

The way I can see people have done it in the current application is using spring controllers + request mappings and a («someUrl/filename.blah»); with the server returning the file from the mapped method. This doesnt seem to let you handle the case where the file doesn’t exist though.

public class SomeClass < @ExtDirectMethod public AFile getFile(Long id) throws Exception < //do stuff >> someClass.getFile(id, function(file) < if(file.found)< SomeHowGiveThisToTheUser(,; . return; >ReportCouldntFind(; >); $.getJSON( url, function( data ) < if (data.success)< >else < >>); Ext.Ajax.request(< url : url, method: 'GET', headers: < 'Content-Type': 'application/json' >, params : params, success: function (response) < var jsonResp = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText); if (response.success)< // do success stuff, like using response.fileData >else < // do fail stuff >failure: function (response) < var jsonResp = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText); // etc. >); protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException < InputStream in = new URL( "http://remote.file.url" ).openStream(); IOUtils.copy(in, response.getOutputStream()); >

Reading server file with javascript

I have a html page using javascript that gives the user the option to read and use his own text files from his PC. But I want to have an example file on the server that the user can open via a click on a button. I have no idea what is the best way to open a server file. I …

 function readFile() < func="readFile="; debug2("0"); var x=document.getElementById("myframe"); debug2("1"); var doc = x.contentDocument ? x.contentDocument : (x.contentWindow.document || x.document); debug2("1a"+doc); var file_inhoud=doc.document.body; debug2("2:"); lines = file_inhoud.split("\n"); debug2("3"); fileloaded(); debug2("4"); >readFile=0//readFile=1//readFile=1a[object HTMLDocument]// var file_inhoud=doc.document.body; function getFileFromServer(url, doneCallback) < var xhr; xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = handleStateChange;"GET", url, true); xhr.send(); function handleStateChange() < if (xhr.readyState === 4) < doneCallback(xhr.status == 200 ? xhr.responseText : null); >> > getFileFromServer("path/to/file", function(text) < if (text === null) < // An error occurred >else < // `text` is the file text >>); $.ajax(< type: "GET", url: "path/to/file", success: function(text) < // `text` is the file text >, error: function() < // An error occurred >>); var xhr; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) < xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); >else if (window.ActiveXObject) < xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); >xhr.onreadystatechange = function();"GET","kgr.bss"); //assuming kgr.bss is plaintext xhr.send();

Read A Server Side File Using JavaScript

I have on my web server a JS script that I want to be able to read files. My filesystem is like this: > Root index.html read.js > files file.txt In this example, the file «file.txt» will contain the simple word «Hello» With JavaScript, I wish to be able to make a …

> Root index.html read.js > files file.txt function read (path) < //Stuff to read the file with specified path var content = //whatever the content is return content; >var file = read("/files/file.txt") alert(file) // Synchronously read a text file from the web server with Ajax // // The filePath is relative to the web page folder. // Example: myStuff = loadFile("Chuuk_data.txt"); // // You can also pass a full URL, like, but there // might be Access-Control-Allow-Origin issues. I found it works okay in Firefox, Edge, // or Opera, and works in IE 11 if the server is configured properly, but in Chrome it only // works if the domains exactly match (and note that "" & "" don't match). // Otherwise Chrome reports an error: // // No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access. // // That happens even when "Access-Control-Allow-Origin *" is configured in .htaccess, // and even though I verified the headers returned (you can use a header-checker site like // to check it). I think it's a Chrome bug. function loadFile(filePath) < var result = null; var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", filePath, false); xmlhttp.send(); if (xmlhttp.status==200) < result = xmlhttp.responseText; >return result; > >'GET', 'test.html'); xhr.send(); $( "#result" ).load( "files/file.txt", function() < alert( "Load was performed." ); >);

Open Local Text File Using JavaScript

Our objective is to guide you about various techniques and methods that you can use to open a local text file using JavaScript. It also demonstrates the use of FileReader (), Promise, and different jQuery functions and events to read a text file from your system. Use JavaScript FileReader () to Open Local Text File HTML Code:


input[type=file] < width:90px; color:transparent; >function showSelectedFile() < selectedfile.value= document.getElementById("inputfile").value; >document.getElementById('inputfile') .addEventListener('change', function() < var fr=new FileReader(); fr.onload=function()< document.getElementById('output') .textContent=fr.result; >fr.readAsText(this.files[0]); >)
$(document).ready(function() < $("#inputfile").change(function()< var file = this.files[0]; var fr=new FileReader(); fr.onload=function(data)< $("#output").html(; >fr.readAsText(file); >); >); Hey, Are you learning about how to open a local text file using JavaScript?

File Content:

function readFile(file) < return new Promise((resolve, reject) => < let freader = new FileReader(); freader.onload = x=>resolve(freader.result); freader.readAsText(file); >)> async function readInputFile(input) < output.innerText = await readFile(input.files[0]); >Hey, Are you learning about how to open a local text file using JavaScript?

Reading a Text File from Server using JavaScript

A text file on a server can be read with Javascript by downloading the file with Fetch / XHR and parsing the server response as text. Note that the file needs be on the same domain. If the file is on a different domain, then proper CORS response headers must be present. The below sample code uses Fetch API to download the file.


JavaScript - Open File From Web Browser (local Server) Directly Into

JavaScript - Open File From Web Browser (local Server) Directly Into Photoshop

 $("#mc").click(function() < $("#innertext").load('mc.txt'); >); $("#sd").click(function() < $("#innertext").load('sd.txt'); >); $("#ma").click(function() < $("#innertext").load('ma.txt'); >); $("#rtm").click(function() < $("#innertext").load('rtm.txt'); >); $("#cm").click(function() < $("#innertext").load('cm.txt'); >); $("#r").click(function() < $("#innertext").html('r.txt'); >); $("#bp").click(function() < $("#innertext").load('bp.txt'); >); $("#pc").click(function() < $("#innertext").load('pc.txt'); >);
 //configure the speed of the slideshow, in miliseconds var slideshowspeed=8000 var whichlink=0 var whichimage=0 function slideit() < if (!document.images) return document.images.slide.src=slideimages[whichimage].src whichlink=whichimage if (whichimageslideit() //--> 


Javascript javascript open file on server

Chrome may have something for you though: Question: I am generating several files upon clicking on a generate button. The following method is called using : Solution: I don't think you can access the file system through most browsers.

What would the JavaScript be to open a server file in a new window server side?

I have a button on a form and I want to register some JavaScript that will open a server file in a new window. I am thinking along the lines of:

I know the above code is not correct, and I was wondering how to do this? Is it posible with a path like that of above?

so why not using the full path? ex: http://.

or a relative path to the file: ex:'folder/folder/file.doc')

I made this work by using an alternative method; I could get this behavior working properly with the properties avliable in an 'asp:Hyperlink', but not with the default properties exposed by a button (and I could not ge the server side code to work either).

So I ended up using another 'asp:hyperlink' but updated the 'ImageURL' property to be an image of a Folder (could be a button or whatever) and used the same properties. This was inside a gridview and here was the code:

asp:HyperLink >"hlnkFileAttachmentImg" ImageUrl="~/Images/OpenFile.gif" runat="server" Target=_blank ForeColor=yellow Text='

Read text file in JavaScript from server, I created a basic example using just Javascript, starting with the example that I linked in the comments above. Just read in the text file using FileReader

Open local server file using plain javascript

I want to load locally stored data using plain javascript (no jquery for example) and then use it to display it in a table in html. My project structure looks like this:

- js
-- main.js
- res
-- data.csv
- index.html

I tried using a XMLHttpRequest , but somehow I get status 0 when trying to load the file and when printing the response text it prints out nothing at all.

The following method is called using window.onload :

var url = "file://../res/data.csv/"; varxmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() < if (this.readyState === 4 && this.status === 200) < console.log(this.responseText); >>;"GET", url, true); xmlhttp.send(); 

I don't think you can access the file system through most browsers.

Even if it worked locally, it wouldn't work as soon as you put your page up on a server. This is because the client will be asking for a file that is local to itself, not the server.

Chrome may have something for you though:

How to read a local text file using JavaScript?, The File API allows interaction with single, multiple as well as BLOB files. The FileReader API can be used to read a file asynchronously in

Force open a text file from javascript (file is on server)

I am generating several files upon clicking on a generate button. After successful generation of the file which is then stored on the server, the user is presented with the same file so he can download it.

I tried changing the extension to a known extension which cannot be opened directly by the browser, which is .doc. This worked as a popup shows stating to download the file.

However, I would like to change the extension to something which makes more sense, such as .cfg. The problem is that with a .cfg, or .txt the browser opens the file automatically (since it is a text file). How can I override this?

The following is the code:

 string[] L_TextFile = P_Data.M_Content.Split('|'); System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(@"c:\files\file.cfg", L_TextFile); response = "1"; return response; 
success: function(P_Response)< var res = Ext.util.JSON.decode(P_Response.responseText); if(res == '1') window.location.href'/files/file.cfg'; else ShowError('An error has occured while generating the text file.'); >, 

Basically, everything works fine with a .doc but I want to change it to .cfg

Set response MIME type to "application/octet-stream" and optionally set a filename.

response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"" + filename + "\""); response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"); 

How to read a text file from server using JavaScript with complete, I want load a remote file from a server."", '_blank');. In

Open file in different drive from the one where the server script runs

I am developing a Perl program, and I have to produce a .csv file containing the data obtained from an executed query. My program works well, and it produces the .csv file correctly and into the path I want, which is D:\\Tabelle\name_of_the_csv_file.csv . My inetpub folder is inside the C:\\ drive, so the program.

The problem is, I generate an HTML page containing a button with the "onclick" property set to D:\\Tabelle\name_of_the_csv_file.csv ), in order to allow the user to download the file if he wants, but when I click on it, it just opens a blank page, without anything inside it. Here's the HTML part of my page where I have the button:

Could someone help me resolving this? Do I have to create a different JavaScript?

using like this ,\Tabelle\name_of_the_csv_file.csv) 

it shall refer to the path on client machine, since the path is in javascript. if you want the file to be available as downloadable item, just map the D\tabelle folder as child directory(virtual dir) in your application and use relative path for the file.

Reading Server Side file with Javascript, To achieve this, you would have to retrieve the file from the server using a method called AJAX. I'd look into JavaScript libraries such as


How To Read a File From Server Using Javascript

Inside this article we will see how to read a file from server using javascript. Article contains a classified information about reading a text file from server in a very easy way.

In javascript we use XMLHttpRequest for ajax requests. Assuming we have a text file at server, we will read all contents from it. Additionally if you don’t have any idea about reading files via XMLHttpRequest then also you will get some idea from it.

The keystone of AJAX is the XMLHttpRequest object.

  1. Create an XMLHttpRequest object
  2. Define a callback function
  3. Open the XMLHttpRequest object
  4. Send a Request to a server

Create an Application

Create a folder with name js-ajax in your localhost directory. Create a file index.html into it. Also we need to text file.

Let’s say we have data.txt in the same folder which contains a sample text into it.

Open index.html and write this complete code into it.


Application Testing

Open browser and type this –

It loads a simple UI with a button. When you click, it access the data from text file and put into heading tag.

Here, is the screen image of firing ajax request when we click on button.

We hope this article helped you to learn How To Read a File From Server Using Javascript Tutorial in a very detailed way.


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