React native css after

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Most of the React Native styling material in one page


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React Native Styling Cheat Sheet

Most of the React Native styling material in one page. Imported from the official docs.

  • properties with default value auto marked with asterisk do not actually have auto as their default value, they just behave like if they would in css if they had auto as their value. auto is not valid value for those properties in react-native
Name Type Description
shadowColor customColorPropType Sets the drop shadow color
shadowOffset customReactPropTypes.shape( ) Sets the drop shadow offset
shadowOpacity number Sets the drop shadow opacity (multiplied by the color’s alpha component)
shadowRadius number Sets the drop shadow blur radius
Name Type
decomposedMatrix customDecomposedMatrixPropType
transform customReactPropTypes.arrayOf( ReactPropTypes.oneOfType([ ReactPropTypes.shape(), ReactPropTypes.shape(), ReactPropTypes.shape(), ReactPropTypes.shape(), ReactPropTypes.shape(), ReactPropTypes.shape(), ReactPropTypes.shape(), ReactPropTypes.shape(), ReactPropTypes.shape(), ReactPropTypes.shape(), ReactPropTypes.shape(), ReactPropTypes.shape() ]) )
transformMatrix customTransformMatrixPropType
Name Type Platforms Description
. Flexbox
. ShadowPropTypesIOS
. Transforms
backfaceVisibility oneOf visible , hidden
backgroundColor ColorPropType
borderBottomLeftRadius number
borderBottomRightRadius number
borderColor ColorPropType
borderRadius number
borderTopLeftRadius number
borderTopRightRadius number
borderWidth number
opacity number
overflow oneOf visible , hidden
resizeMode oneOf cover , contain , stretch , repeat , center Determines how to resize the image when the frame doesn’t match the raw image dimensions. Visit the official docs for a guide on each
tintColor ColorPropType Changes the color of all the non-transparent pixels to the tintColor.
overlayColor string android When the image has rounded corners, specifying an overlayColor will cause the remaining space in the corners to be filled with a solid color. This is useful in cases which are not supported by the Android implementation of rounded corners: — Certain resize modes, such as ‘contain’ — Animated GIFs A typical way to use this prop is with images displayed on a solid background and setting the overlayColor to the same color as the background. For details of how this works under the hood, see
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Name Type Platforms Description
. Flexbox
. ShadowPropTypesIOS
. Transforms
backfaceVisibility oneOf visible , hidden
backgroundColor ColorPropType
borderBottomColor ColorPropType
borderBottomLeftRadius number
borderBottomRightRadius number
borderBottomWidth number
borderColor ColorPropType
borderLeftColor ColorPropType
borderLeftWidth number
borderRadius number
borderRightColor ColorPropType
borderRightWidth number
borderStyle oneOf solid , dotted , dashed
borderTopColor ColorPropType
borderTopLeftRadius number
borderTopRightRadius number
borderTopWidth number
borderWidth number
opacity number
overflow oneOf visible , hidden
elevation number android (Android-only) Sets the elevation of a view, using Android’s underlying elevation API. This adds a drop shadow to the item and affects z-order for overlapping views. Only supported on Android 5.0+, has no effect on earlier versions.
Name Type Platforms Description
. View
color ColorPropType
fontFamily string
fontSize number
fontStyle oneOf normal , italic
fontVariant arrayOf(oneOf small-caps , oldstyle-nums , lining-nums , tabular-nums , proportional-nums ) ios
textTransform oneOf none , uppercase , lowercase , capitalize
fontWeight oneOf normal , bold , «100» , «200» , «300» , «400» , «500» , «600» , «700» , «800» , «900» Specifies font weight. The values ‘normal’ and ‘bold’ are supported for most fonts. Not all fonts have a variant for each of the numeric values, in that case the closest one is chosen.
includeFontPadding bool android Set to false to remove extra font padding intended to make space for certain ascenders / descenders. With some fonts, this padding can make text look slightly misaligned when centered vertically. For best results also set textAlignVertical to center. Default is true.
lineHeight number
textAlign oneOf auto , left , right , center , justify Specifies text alignment. The value ‘justify’ is only supported on iOS and fallbacks to left on Android.
textDecorationLine oneOf none , underline , line-through
textShadowColor ColorPropType
textShadowOffset ReactPropTypes.shape( )
textShadowRadius number
textAlignVertical oneOf auto , top , bottom , center android
letterSpacing number ios
textDecorationColor ColorPropType ios
textDecorationStyle oneOf solid , double , dotted , dashed ios
writingDirection oneOf auto , ltr , rtl ios
Name Type Platforms Description
autoFocus bool If true, focuses the input on componentDidMount. The default value is false.
keyboardType oneOf default , email-address , numeric , phone-pad , // iOS-only ascii-capable , numbers-and-punctuation , url , number-pad , name-phone-pad , decimal-pad , twitter , web-search Determines which keyboard to open
maxLength number Limits the maximum number of characters that can be entered
onChangeText callback func Callback that is called when the text input’s text changes. Changed text is passed as an argument to the callback handler.
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Name Type Platforms Description
. Flexbox
. ShadowPropTypesIOS
. Transforms
backfaceVisibility oneOf visible , hidden
backgroundColor ColorPropType
borderBottomColor ColorPropType
borderBottomEndRadius number
borderBottomStartRadius number
borderBottomLeftRadius number
borderBottomRightRadius number
borderBottomWidth number
borderColor ColorPropType
borderEndColor ColorPropType
borderStartColor ColorPropType
borderLeftColor ColorPropType
borderLeftWidth number
borderRadius number
borderRightColor ColorPropType
borderRightWidth number
borderStyle oneOf solid , dotted , dashed
borderTopColor ColorPropType
borderTopEndRadius number
borderTopStartRadius number
borderTopLeftRadius number
borderTopRightRadius number
borderTopWidth number
borderWidth number
opacity number
overflow oneOf visible , hidden
elevation number android (Android-only) Sets the elevation of a view, using Android’s underlying elevation API. This adds a drop shadow to the item and affects z-order for overlapping views. Only supported on Android 5.0+, has no effect on earlier versions.


[Solved]-React Native :after styling like css-React Native

Css pseudo classes do not work in react-native, but if you want your styles to look as close to css as possible I would recommend using something like Styled Components. It works on both web and react-native.

Funk Soul Ninja 1819

You can easily create pseudo classes using Styled Components

import styled from "styled-components"; import theme from "./theme"; export const HoverLinedLink = styled.div` a < position: relative; padding: 10px 0px; margin: 0px 15px; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; >a:hover < text-decoration: none; >a:after < content: ""; position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; margin: 0 auto; width: 0; height: 3px; background: '#d00; // Red transition: 250ms; >a:hover:after < width: 100%; >`; 
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