Re match python flags

Python Regex Flags

Python regex allows optional flags to specify when using regular expression patterns with match() , search() , and split() , among others.

All RE module methods accept an optional flags argument that enables various unique features and syntax variations.

For example, you want to search a word inside a string using regex. You can enhance this regex’s capability by adding the RE.I flag as an argument to the search method to enable case-insensitive searching.

You will learn how to use all regex flags available in Python with short and clear examples.

First, refer to the below table for available regex flags.

Flag long syntax Meaning
re.A re.ASCII Perform ASCII-only matching instead of full Unicode matching
re.I re.IGNORECASE Perform case-insensitive matching
re.M re.MULTILINE This flag is used with metacharacter ^ (caret) and $ (dollar).
When this flag is specified, the metacharacter ^ matches the pattern at beginning of the string and each newline’s beginning ( \n ).
And the metacharacter $ matches pattern at the end of the string and the end of each new line ( \n )
re.S re.DOTALL Make the DOT ( . ) special character match any character at all, including a newline. Without this flag, DOT( . ) will match anything except a newline
re.X re.VERBOSE Allow comment in the regex. This flag is useful to make regex more readable by allowing comments in the regex.
re.L re.LOCALE Perform case-insensitive matching dependent on the current locale. Use only with bytes patterns

Python regex flags

To specify more than one flag, use the | operator to connect them. For example, case insensitive searches in a multiline string

re.findall(pattern, string, flags=re.I|re.M|re.X)

Now let’s see how to use each option flag in Python regex.

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Table of contents


First of all, let’s see the re.I flag’s role, which stands for ignoring a case. specified this flag in the regex method as an argument to perform case insensitive matching. You can specify this flag using two ways

import re target_str = "KELLy is a Python developer at a PYnative. kelly loves ML and AI" # Without using re.I result = re.findall(r"kelly", target_str) print(result) # Output ['kelly'] # with re.I result = re.findall(r"kelly", target_str, re.I) print(result) # Output ['KELLy', 'kelly'] # with re.IGNORECASE result = re.findall(r"kelly", target_str, re.IGNORECASE) print(result) # Output ['KELLy', 'kelly']

Notice the word “kelly” the occurs two times inside this string., First, capitalized at the beginning of the sentences and second in all lowercase.

In the first re.findall() method, we got only one occurrence because, by default, the matching is case sensitive.

And in the second re.findall() method, we got 2 occurrences because we changed the case sensitive behavior of regex using re.I so that it can find all the occurrences of a word regardless of any of its letters being uppercase or lowercase.


Now, let’s see the re.S flag’s role. You can specify this flag using two ways

As you know, By default, the dot( . ) metacharacter inside the regular expression pattern represents any character, be it a letter, digit, symbol, or a punctuation mark, except the new line character, which is \n .

The re.S flag makes this exception disappear by enabling the DOT( . ) metacharacter to match any possible character, including the new line character hence its name DOTALL.

This can prove to be pretty useful in some scenarios, especially when the target string is a multi-line.

Now let’s use the method with and without the RE.S flag.

import re # string with newline character target_str = "ML\nand AI" # Match any character result =".+", target_str) print("Without using re.S flag:", # Output 'ML' # With re.S flag result =".+", target_str, re.S) print("With re.S flag:", # Output 'ML\nand AI' # With re.DOTALL flag result =".+", target_str, re.DOTALL) print("With re.DOTALL flag:", # Output 'ML\nand AI'

In the first call of a method, DOT didn’t recognize the \n and stopped matching. After adding the re.S option flag in the next call, The dot character matched the entire string.

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That re.X flag stands for verbose. This flag allows more flexibility and better formatting when writing more complex regex patterns between the parentheses of the match() , search() , or other regex methods.

You can specify this flag using two ways

The verbose flag allows us to the following inside the regex pattern

  • Better spacing, indentation, and a clean format for more extended and intricate patterns.
  • Allows us to add comments right inside the pattern for later reference using the hash sign (#).

When to use

For some reason, you feel that the pattern looks complicated. Although it can get way more complicated than this, you can make it prettier and more readable by adding indentation and comments using re.X or re.VERBOSE .

import re target_str = "Jessa is a Python developer, and her salary is 8000" # re.X to add indentation and comment in regex result ="""(^\w) # match 5-letter word at the start .+(\d$) # match 4-digit number at the end """, target_str, re.X) # Fiver-letter word print( # Output 'Jessa' # 4-digit number print( # Output 8000


You can specify this flag using two ways

The re.M flag is used as an argument inside the regex method to perform a match inside a multiline block of text.

Note: This flag is used with metacharacter ^ and $ .

  1. The caret ( ^ )matches a pattern only at the beginning of the string
  2. The dollar ( $ ) matches the regular expression pattern at the end of the string

When this flag is specified, the pattern character ^ matches at the beginning of the string and each newline’s start ( \n ). And the metacharacter character $ match at the end of the string and the end of each newline ( \n ).

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Now let’s see the examples.

import re target_str = "Joy lucky number is 75\nTom lucky number is 25" # find 3-letter word at the start of each newline # Without re.M or re.MULTILINE flag result = re.findall(r"^\w", target_str) print(result) # Output ['Joy'] # find 2-digit at the end of each newline # Without re.M or re.MULTILINE flag result = re.findall(r"\d$", target_str) print(result) # Output ['25'] # With re.M or re.MULTILINE # find 3-letter word at the start of each newline result = re.findall(r"^\w", target_str, re.MULTILINE) print(result) # Output ['Joy', 'Tom'] # With re.M # find 2-digit number at the end of each newline result = re.findall(r"\d$", target_str, re.M) print(result) # Output ['75', '25']

ASCII flag

You can specify this flag using two ways

Make regex \w , \W , \b , \B , \d , \D , \s and \S perform ASCII-only matching instead of full Unicode matching. This is only meaningful for Unicode patterns and is ignored for byte patterns.

import re # string with ASCII and Unicode characters target_str = "虎太郎 and Jessa are friends" # Without re.A or re.ASCII # To match all 3-letter word result = re.findall(r"\b\w\b", target_str) print(result) # Output ['虎太郎', 'and', 'are'] # With re.A or re.ASCII # regex to match only 3-letter ASCII word result = re.findall(r"\b\w\b", target_str, re.A) print(result) # Output ['and', 'are']


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