Random true or false python

How to generate random boolean values in Python

If you’re looking for a way to generate a random boolean value in Python, then this is the tutorial for you.

To generate a random boolean value, you need to make use of the random module provided by Python.

The following examples show how you can use the methods in the random module to generate a random boolean value.

1. Use random.getrandbits() method

The random.getrandbits(x) method generates a random int that has x number of bits.

You can use this method and pass 1 as its argument so it generates a random number between 0 and 1 .

To get a random boolean value, convert the result with the bool() function like this:

The random_val will contain either True or False depending on the result of getrandbits() .

2. Use random.randint() method

The randint(x,y) method is used to generate a random number between x and y .

To get a random boolean value, convert the result of randint() with the bool() function as follows:

The random_val variable will alternate between True and False depending the result returned by the randint() method.

3. Use random.choice() method

The random.choice() method returns a randomly selected element from a list.

You can use this method and pass a list of boolean values as shown below:

The variable random_val will get either True or False each time you run the code above.

4. Use random.choices() method

If you want to generate a list of random boolean values, you can use the random.choices() method and pass the named k parameter.

The k parameter will repeat the choice as many as k times. Here’s the code:

  An example output could be:

You can adjust the k parameter to fit your requirements.


The Python random module has four ways to generate random boolean values. Although they may have small differences in speed, there won’t be a big difference since modern computers can handle them all well.

These random methods may differ slightly in performance, but there won’t be a big difference since modern computers can handle them all well.

The getrandbits , randint , and choice methods can all be used to generate a single random boolean value, while the choices() method can be used to generate a list of random boolean values.

I hope this article is helpful. Happy coding! 🐍

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Get a Random Boolean in Python


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