Рамка вокруг текста

  1. How to Set Font Border in CSS?
  2. Set Font Border using the text-shadow Property
  3. Example:
  4. Set Font Border using the -webkit-text-stroke Property
  5. Example:
  6. Related posts:
  7. How to Add a Black Border Around Text in CSS: A Comprehensive Guide
  8. CSS Borders
  9. Differences between Border and Outline Properties
  10. Setting the Border-Style Property
  11. Using the Border-Color and Border-Width Properties
  12. Setting the Border Individually for Each Side of an Element
  13. Creating Text Borders with CSS
  14. Using the Text-Shadow Property
  15. Creating Multiple Text Shadows for a Border Effect
  16. Using the Text-Stroke Property
  17. Adjusting the Blur Radius and Shadow Positions
  18. Adding Outlines to Text with CSS
  19. Explanation of the Outline Property
  20. Differences between Outline and Border Properties
  21. Using the Outline-Color and Outline-Width Properties
  22. Using the Outline-Offset Property
  23. Styling Table Borders with CSS
  24. Explanation of CSS Border-Collapse Property
  25. Ensuring the Contrast between the Text Color and Border Color
  26. Limiting the Border to the Padding or Content Box with the Background-Clip Property
  27. Additional Tips and Tricks
  28. Using the Z-Index Property
  29. Styling Selected Text with a Border Using the ::Selection Pseudo-Element
  30. Animating Borders with the Transition Property
  31. Display Property and Its Effect on Border Display
  32. Calculating Border Widths with the CSS Calc() Function
  33. Additional helpful CSS code samples for creating a black border around text
  34. Conclusion
  35. Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs
  36. What is the difference between border and outline properties in CSS?
  37. How can I create a border effect around text using CSS?
  38. Can I use multiple text shadows to create a border effect around text?
  39. How can I style table borders with CSS?
  40. Как добавить вокруг текста рамку определенного цвета?

How to Set Font Border in CSS?

CSS borders are very common in use and you might definitely have heard about them even if you are new to CSS. But as you might already know, we can set these borders only around the element, not around the font.

So, how can you set the border only around the fonts?

Both methods are quite easy to use. Let’s discuss each one in detail.

Set Font Border using the text-shadow Property

The text-shadow property is actually used to set a text shadow around the text. But, if we do some manipulations, we can make it look more like the font borders.

The basic idea is to add a shadow effect on the fonts in each direction.

For example, if we want to add a 1px border around the fonts, we have to set a 1px shadow to the left, 1px shadow to the right, 1px shadow to the top, and the same 1px shadow to the bottom of the fonts.

If you do this, the text shadow will look more like a border and not the shadow.

In case you don’t know, the text-shadow property takes in four values the h-offset, v-offset, blur-radius, and the color of the shadow. We will keep the blur radius 0px so that it could look more like a font border.

Here is a working example that sets a black color 1px border around the fonts:


Set Font Border using the -webkit-text-stroke Property

In the previous method, we added a shadow to the text and made it look exactly like a real font border. But that’s not the only way of doing it.

We can also do the same thing with the text-stroke property which is specially introduced to set the font borders. However, the text-stroke property isn’t a part of the CSS spec.

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Therefore, we have to add the webkit prefix ahead of the text-stroke property to make it work in browsers like Chrome and Sarari. Now firefox does also support the text-stroke property with webkit .

In case you don’t know, webkit is a web browser rendering engine used by popular web browsers like Chrome and Safari.

The text-stroke property is a shorthand of the text-stroke-width and the text-stroke-color properties. So, if we want to add a 1px black color font border, we can use -webkit-text-stroke: 1px black; .

Here is a working example which sets a 1px wide black color font border:



How to Add a Black Border Around Text in CSS: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to add a black border around text in CSS with this comprehensive guide. Discover the key points, important tips, and helpful tricks for creating text borders and outlines.

  • CSS Borders
  • Creating Text Borders with CSS
  • Adding Outlines to Text with CSS
  • Styling Table Borders with CSS
  • Additional Tips and Tricks
  • Additional helpful CSS code samples for creating a black border around text
  • Conclusion
  • How do you put a black outline around text in CSS?
  • How do you put a border around a font in CSS?
  • How do you add a border-color to text in CSS?
  • How do I add a border to a font?

CSS borders can be used to add a black border around text. This can be achieved using various properties like border-color, border-width, and text-shadow. In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know about adding a black border around text in CSS.

CSS Borders

CSS border is a property that allows you to specify the style, width, and color of an element’s border. The border property in CSS can be used to add a black border around text. It can be set using the border-style, border-color, and border-width properties.

Differences between Border and Outline Properties

The outline property is different from the border property. While the border property affects the dimensions of an element, the outline property does not. The outline property can be used to set an outline around an element, including text.

Setting the Border-Style Property

The border-style property is used to set the line style for all four sides of an element’s border. The available styles include solid, dotted, dashed, double, groove, ridge, inset, and outset.

Using the Border-Color and Border-Width Properties

The border-color property is used to set the color of the four borders of an element. You can specify a single color for all borders or a different color for each border. The border-width property sets the width of an element’s four borders. You can specify a single width for all borders or a different width for each border.

Setting the Border Individually for Each Side of an Element

The border properties in css can be set individually for each side of an element. You can use the border-top, border-right, border-bottom, and border-left properties to set the properties of each side of the border.

Creating Text Borders with CSS

Using the Text-Shadow Property

The text-shadow property in CSS can be used to add an outline or border effect around text. To create a black border around text using the text-shadow property, you can set the horizontal and vertical offsets to 0 and the blur radius to a value that suits your design.

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Creating Multiple Text Shadows for a Border Effect

Multiple text shadows can be used to create a border effect around text. You can set the blur radius and shadow positions accordingly to avoid blurry text. For example, to create a black border around text with a 1px width, you can use the following CSS code:

text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 black, 1px -1px 0 black, -1px 1px 0 black, 1px 1px 0 black; 

Using the Text-Stroke Property

The text-stroke property is not included in the W3c standards, but it can be utilized with the -webkit keyword. This property can be used to create a black border around text. You can set the width of the stroke and the color of the stroke using the text-stroke-width and text-stroke-color properties.

Adjusting the Blur Radius and Shadow Positions

When using the text-shadow property to create a border effect around text, it’s important to adjust the blur radius and shadow positions accordingly to avoid blurry text.

Adding Outlines to Text with CSS

Explanation of the Outline Property

The outline property in css can be used to set an outline around an element, including text. It can be set using the outline-color, outline-width, and outline-offset properties.

Differences between Outline and Border Properties

The outline property is different from the border property. While the border property affects the dimensions of an element, the outline property does not.

Using the Outline-Color and Outline-Width Properties

The outline-color property is used to set the color of the outline around an element, including text. You can specify a single color or a different color for each side of the outline. The outline-width property sets the width of the outline around an element, including text.

Using the Outline-Offset Property

The outline-offset property is used to set the distance between the outline and the edge of the element, including text. This property can be used to create a black border around text by setting a negative value for the outline-offset.

Styling Table Borders with CSS

Explanation of CSS Border-Collapse Property

The CSS Border-Collapse Property can be used to ensure that borders on table elements do not overlap. When this property is set to collapse, adjacent borders are merged into a single border.

Ensuring the Contrast between the Text Color and Border Color

When adding a black border around text using CSS, it’s important to ensure that the contrast between the text color and border color is high enough for readability.

Limiting the Border to the Padding or Content Box with the Background-Clip Property

The CSS background-clip property can be used to limit the border to the padding box or content box of an element. This property can be useful when adding a black border around text in CSS.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Using the Z-Index Property

The CSS z-index property can be used to control the stacking order of elements with borders. This property can be useful when adding a black border around text in CSS.

Styling Selected Text with a Border Using the ::Selection Pseudo-Element

The CSS :: Selection Pseudo-Element can be used to style the selected text with a border. This property can be useful when adding a black border around text in CSS.

Animating Borders with the Transition Property

The CSS transition property can be used to add animation effects to borders on hover or click. This property can be useful when adding a black border around text in CSS.

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Display Property and Its Effect on Border Display

The CSS display property can be used to change the display type of an element, which can affect the way borders are displayed. This property can be useful when adding a black border around text in CSS.

Calculating Border Widths with the CSS Calc() Function

The CSS calc() function can be used to calculate border widths based on percentage values. This function can be useful when adding a black border around text in CSS.

Additional helpful CSS code samples for creating a black border around text

In Css , for example, how to add a black border around text css code sample


In this comprehensive guide, we covered everything you need to know about adding a black border around text in CSS. We explained CSS border properties , creating text borders with CSS, adding outlines to text with CSS, styling table borders with css , and additional tips and tricks. Adding a black border around text in CSS can enhance the visual appeal of your website or application. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this guide, you can create stunning designs that make your text pop.

Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs

What is the difference between border and outline properties in CSS?

Border properties are used to specify the style, width, and color of an element’s border, while the outline property is used to set an outline around an element including text.

How can I create a border effect around text using CSS?

Can I use multiple text shadows to create a border effect around text?

Yes, multiple text shadows can be used to create a border effect around text, but it’s important to adjust the blur radius and shadow positions accordingly to avoid blurry text.

How can I style table borders with CSS?

You can use the CSS border-collapse property to ensure borders on table elements do not overlap, and the background-clip property to limit the border to the padding box or content box of an element.


Как добавить вокруг текста рамку определенного цвета?

Для создания рамки вокруг текста используйте стилевое свойство border , добавляя его к соответствующему селектору. Например, если для текста применяется тег

, то для него надо установить следующий стиль.

Применение свойства border к текстовому абзацу продемонстрировано в примере 1.

Пример 1. Рамка вокруг абзаца

HTML5 CSS 2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx


Нет страшнее зверя в сибирских лесах, чем разъяренный заяц-мутант. Вы видели, какие у него зубы? О, даже медведь боится этих зубов! А, как известно, медведи больше ничего не боятся.

Результат данного примера показан на рис. 1.

Вид рамки вокруг абзаца

Рис. 1. Вид рамки вокруг абзаца

Следует учитывать, что в тексте может быть несколько абзацев и вокруг каждого тогда возникнет рамка. В подобных случаях лучше воспользоваться тегом , для которого и требуется установить стиль. А текст добавить уже внутрь этого контейнера (пример 2).

Пример 2. Рамка вокруг слоя

HTML5 CSS 2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx

Перед тем как убить героя, антагонист обязательно рассказывает ему про все свои злодеяния, чтобы создать необходимую паузу. Разумеется, любой протагонист весьма умело использует данное время против самого злодея.

Из этого правила есть только одно исключение. Герой может не суетиться, тянуть время, и вообще ничего не делать, потому что на помощь придут его друзья.


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