Questions in html with answers

How To Make Multiple Choice Quiz In Html Code

Hello Coder! Welcome to Codewithrandom Blog. In this Article, We’ll build a Multiple Choice Quiz Using Html Code. In this Multiple Choice Quiz, we have Questions And Answers Using Html, Css, and JavaScript. The multiple-choice questions in this simple quiz app need you to select one of the possible responses.

Multiple Choice Quiz In Html Code

first, you play Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Quiz and then click on View results The results page will then be shown. This Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Quiz will be finished using JavaScript Code, a powerful language that allows for anything.

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As you are looking in the project preview how the thing is organized.

Following is the feature of our project:-

  • We have arranged the Questions and options in the list format using the
  • tag.
  • Then we set the option using span and defining the radio button and giving the appropriate value.
  • And in last, we have defined a button with a click event and a span section to show the results.
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Multiple Choice Quiz Html Code:-

Now I’ll be telling you to define the structure using HTML. Not from scratch, just the code which is under the body tag.

We have the following part in the HTML section:

  • First, we call the ul class which we have defined the class as a quiz.
  • Then using the
  • tag we have set our question in the tag.
  • Then we used a label tag and called the radio button given the value and using span we have given the answer.
  • Similarly, we have done this for all the options and for all the questions.
  • Go through the code below and run it in our IDLE before CSS Styling.

Only Html Code Output:

Multiple Choice Quiz In Html Code

CSS Code For Styling Multiple Choice Quiz:-

By CSS design we will design our whole page here it is just a quiz so we’ll just add a background color, color to the button, and font family for the whole body.

And set the padding of the questions and options so that it doesn’t get messy and looks in a systematic order.

The analysis will be aided by the CSS code below. After adding this file to your link rel-tag, wait for the results.
We will add some of the basic styling to our quiz app using the default selector, and we will add styling to various quiz app elements using the class selector. Our quiz app will have a margin and padding.

html < box-sizing: border-box; >*, *:before, *:after < box-sizing: inherit; >body < font-family: sans-serif; padding: 1rem; background-color: orange; >.quiz, .choices < list-style-type: none; padding: 0; >.choices li < margin-bottom: 5px; >.choices label < display: flex; align-items: center; >.choices label, input[type=»radio»] < cursor: pointer; >input[type=»radio»] < margin-right: 8px; >.view-results < padding: 1rem; cursor: pointer; font-size: inherit; color: white; background: teal; border-radius: 8px; margin-right: 5px; >.my-results

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this is simple css code. we do not add any heavy css code because our main aim is to create Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) functionality. if you need more Better Ui you can add more css code in this css section.

Html + Css Code Output:

Multiple Choice Quiz In Html Code

JavaScript Multiple Choice Quiz Code:-

In the JavaScript section, we will add logic for initializing our page. The logic must know what is correct and incorrect, So we’ll define there the correct option and then we’ll set that when the user clicks on the button the logic will generate and tell the user about his/her score.

The below JavaScript Code 👇will let you know about this logic link in the script src tag of your HTML Code:

var answers = ["A", "C", "B"], tot = answers.length; function getCheckedValue(radioName) < var radios = document.getElementsByName(radioName); for (var y = 0; y < radios.length; y++) if (radios[y].checked) return radios[y].value; >function getScore() < var score = 0; for (var i = 0; i < tot; i++) if (getCheckedValue("question" + i) === answers[i]) score += 1; return score; >function returnScore() < document.getElementById("myresults").innerHTML = "Your score is " + getScore() + "/" + tot; if (getScore() >2) < console.log("Bravo"); >>

Through this blog, we have learned how to design Multiple Choice Quizzes using HTML, CSS & JavaScript.

Final Output Of Multiple Choice Quiz in HTML and JS Code:

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Which code editor do you use for this Multiple Choice Quiz project coding?

I personally recommend using VS Code Studio, it’s very simple and easy to use.

is this project responsive or not?

Yes! this project is a responsive project.


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